A Big Thank You!!! From Kenzie!!! + My face.

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203k reads?! Thank you so much!!! You guys are incredible and I love you to death. Sorta. To show my appreciation and thanks, I made you guys a video! Oh the horror! Sorry about my face xD 

If you liked my weird video, please let me know! I might do more! You can ask me questions, you can tell me how funny I am :P, or you could just say something weird! I'd really like all of that :) I promise if I make another video, it will be a lot better and more fun and some props and maybe some people....but I dunno! It depends on if you guys want more of my face! xD

Thank you so much. I couldn't have done this without you <3 You're why I write. The fact that I actually have people who read my stuff, is just insane. 

Lots more coming your way! I promise! Stay tuned lol!


-Kenzie xx

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