C.A.L.M Takeover

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Whatup my bitchachos?! -Calum

Cal stop calling the lovely people bitchachos. You're rude. -Ashton

He called you out Calum. Apologize. -Michael

*sighs* Fine. Sorry babes :3 I love you! -Calum

This band I swear. -Luke

Oi. Ok so if you haven't already figured out by the chapter name....we are taking over!!!! Kenzie's sick right now and she's delusional so she let us write...wow she's worse off than we thought. -Ashton

I actually just gave her a milkshake :3 she's all cuddly and cute when she's sick. -Luke

Nobody cares Luke. -Michael

But she cuddled me :( -Luke

Awww. -Calum

Ok we're off topic. We are taking over!!! So you guys need to comment what you want us to write about! They have to be short coz otherwise we'll all get carried away and it will be about 30 chapters on boobs. -Ashton

So true. Hah boobs. -Michael

Ok....comment if you want us to write weird stuff!!! -Calum

Awwh Kenzie just texted me a heart eyes emoji :3 -Luke

I want one....-Michael

My god shut up!!! -Ashton

Update: She sent me an eggplant and a monkey. -Michael

I got a kissy emoji!!! -Calum

I got a warthog. -Ashton

I win :---------) -Luke

Stop with the fucking noses!!!!!! -Michael

No. :-------------------------------------------------) -Luke

I can't believe she put us in charge. -Michael

I gave her a fucking milkshake and cuddles!!! I think I deserve it!!!! -Luke


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