Ship (Daniela)

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Name: Daniela

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Hobbies: Drawing/designing, listening to music, sleeping, eating and watching movies.

Anything Else: Likes any type of music, mostly 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and bands from then too. I also like going to the beach, travel and being adventurous.

Hi Daniela! I love your name! It's beautiful! Also love your decades of music ;)

I ship you with: Luke  

Lucas is the perfect gentleman. He's never pressured you to anything, even ordering food at a restaurant! He just wants to make you happy and he'll listen to what you have to say and he'll respect your boundaries. Although you haven't exactly stopped him yet ;) shh. He's obessed with your taste in music and tends to steal music from you :P Sitting at home and watching movies was one of his favorite things to do with you. Making popcorn and cuddling you in his arms was a big plus. He also knows how much you love the beach and travel, so he'll take you on tour and take you to the different beaches across the globe! Each one was special and unique and you got to enjoy them with Luke by your side :)

Best Friend: Ashton    Mr. Irwin spends his free time thinking of ways to make you laugh. He'll eventually find you and whisper a horrible joke in your ear, and before you know it, you're on the floor clutching your spasming stomach.

The One Who Has A Crush On You: All of them!   Yes you read that right, they all have a bit of a crush on you. They just love everything you have in common with them! And the fact that all of them can make you laugh, or whenever they need to vent, they know they can come to you. Sigh. It's a dream come true.

The Brotherly One: Michael    Although as expressed in the last category, he does have a crush on you, but he's also the one that acts more like a brother to you. He'll make sure you're not out too late or make you turn off the TV. You loved him, but he could be a pain in the ass.

(Hope you liked it Daniela! Thank you mxshtoncxke for sending me your friends' info! xx)

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