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Ashton"Ashton! Shush!" You hissed at your boyfriend. He continued to sing Shakira's 'Hips Don't Lie' as loudly as he could in the line for popcorn. "OH BABY WHEN YOU TALK LIKE THAT, YOU MAKE A WOMAN GO MAD!" He screamed. You covered your face and laughed, out of breath. Ashton always had a habit of singing inappropriate songs in weird places. Last week he was singing "Talk Dirty To Me" at the book store. "A-Ash! Shush!" You whisper shouted again. He saw that your face was red from laughter and he smirked. "I'M ON TONIGHT! YOU KNOW MY HIPS DON'T LIE AND I'M STARTING TO FEEL IT'S RIGHT! ALL THE ATTRACTION, THE TENSION! DON'T YOU SEE BABY THIS IS PERFECTION?" He sang out of tune. You snorted and left the line to compose yourself. Even when you weren't next to him, he screamed the Shakira lyrics, not caring what people thought of him. He tried to hit a high note and you laughed so hard you thought you'd pee. A few minutes later, Ashton strutted over with a bucket of popcorn and a Coke for the two of you to share. "SHAKIRA SHAKIRA!" He screeched. You caught the flying bucket of popcorn and laughed at your dorky boyfriend. "Ashton? Why Shakira?" You questioned trying to balance the popcorn and candy. "I dunno. Just felt right. Like all the attraction and the tension. You feel me?" You snorted and nodded. "Oh I feel ya alright. Which theater?" You asked. He glanced at the tickets and used his fingers to give you a number. "7?" He looked at his hands and put up another finger. "8?" He nodded. "Bad at maths." You muttered. "MY HIPS DON'T LIE!!!" Ashton screamed at a poor lady who just wanted to go to the bathroom. She probably just did. You reached the theater...which was the wrong one once again. Moving on to theater 9, you found two seats in the middle. "Perfect!" You declared nibbling on a Nerd's Whip. Ashton sat next to you and stole a bite from the other end. You shooed him away and kept the whole thing to yourself. "Rude." He said opening up a bag of M&M's. You grinned and took a handful of his candy. He swatted your hand away and held the bag away from you. "No chocolate! Me no Nerds, you no chocolate!" He hissed. You giggled and gave him another bite of your candy and he gave you a handful of M&M's. Quite a simple relationship really. Just as the beginning credits began, you heard Ashton suck in a breath. "Are you ok?" You asked concerned. He winked at you. "OH BABY WHEN YOU TALK LIKE THAT! YOU MAKE A WOMAN GO MAD! SO BE WISE, AND KEEP ON, READING THE SIGNS OF MY-" You shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth and giggled. "Shush!"

Luke: You rested your legs in Luke's lap and checked your Twitter notifications. "Wow babe. Your legs are so soft!" Luke said running his hands up and down your calves. You giggled at his face. He was in awe. "What do you use?" He asked. You set down your phone and looked at him. "The blood of angsty teenagers." You said dead serious. He gave you a horrified look before realizing you were kidding. "So that's what happened to Michael. Got it." You rolled your eyes and slapped the hand that was trailing up your thigh. "Hey! No further mister." You said. Luke gave you puppy dog eyes and you giggled. "Lucas Hemmings!! You dirty dirty boy!" He winked and kept his hands on your calf and knee. The door of the tour bus swung open and Ashton climbed into the bus and smiled at the two of you. "I see Luke is enjoying your company Y/N?" He asked. You stuck your tongue out at him. "Of course he is! I'm awesome!" You shouted making Ashton laugh. "That you are Y/N. That you are." He walked back towards his bunk and closed the curtain. "Now that we're alone-" Luke hinted. You glared at him and hit his hand once again. "Do I need to get the spray bottle again?" You threatened. His eyes widened and he shook his head. "I don't like water." "That's what I thought!" Calum then emerged from the kitchen area wearing nothing but boxers. "Hey Y/N." He said completely unfazed by the fact that you were seeing him almost naked. "Hey Cal. Nice weenie." You said. He stopped and looked at you. "Um...what did you say?" You pointed to his boxers that had a picture of a hot dog on it. "I said nice weenie." He looked at his boxers and blushed. "Well that was almost sexual." He said walking past you. "Y/N? Can I at least kiss you?" Luke whined. You giggled and leaned into him. He grabbed your face and smashed his lips  to yours. After you pulled away you were laughing uncontrollably. "Damn Luke! My face hurts now!" He giggled and whispered, "It's killing me." You whacked him and rested your head on his shoulder. "I love our relationship." Luke said. You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "You do? I abuse you!" He chuckled and put his arms around you. "True. But I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. You're just so...perfect and wonderful and so goddamn beautiful! You need to stop! And when we have sex? Wow. I mean when you do that thing with your-" You stopped him and slapped your hand over his mouth. "SHUSH! Someone's coming!" You said just as the door opened again revealing Liz. "Hi Y/N! Hi Luke? Why are you covering his mouth?" She asked eyeing your hand. "'s a vocal technique! Yeah you cover the singer's mouth with your hand and tell them to hold their breath. It strengthens the lungs. Very effective." You bullshitted. Liz nodded. "Oh I see. Thanks for helping him! I just came to say goodnight." You smiled and said goodnight. When the door closed, you forgot your hand was over Luke's mouth. You felt a strange, warm sensation on your palm. You tore your hand from his face and groaned. "Luke! Enough with the inappropriate licking!" He smirked and grabbed your arm and licked a line from your wrist, up your forearm slowly and seductively. You blushed and watched his eyes as they were focused on you as he kissed your wrist. "Luke we'll get caught." You said. He stopped and put his hand over your mouth. "SHUSH! Don't underestimate my skills!"

Calum: You rolled your eyes at the obnoxious boys in the school library. Of course you came to get some work done and the soccer team decides to step foot in the library the exact time you were there. You focused on your Biology homework and started writing. The boys were getting rowdier and rowdier, and you were getting more and more pissed. You ended up moving to the other side of the library. But noooo! They seemed to follow you everywhere. You noticed one of the boys was Calum Hood. The boy you've had a crush on since 2nd grade. He never paid you any attention and it stayed that way. You sighed and erased the sentence you just wrote. "Over here guys!" Calum yelled. You looked up right as a book hit you in the face. Calum covered his mouth and ran over to you. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" You ignored the pain in your jaw and stood up. "Do I look ok?! God I've been dealing with you assholes all day! You keep annoying me and I wish you'd just....just......SHUSH!!!" You screamed the last word causing everyone to look at you. Calum looked taken aback. "Geez. I'm sorry. Cranky much?" He snapped. That was it! "You know what Calum Hood? Go fuck yourself." You grabbed all of your belongings and pushed past him. Tears started forming in your eyes when you remembered the pain in your jaw. You got to your locker, threw everything in it and slammed it shut. You leaned against it and slid down to the floor, rubbing your sore face. You heard running footsteps down the hall, a screech, and a crash. You turned your head and saw Calum on the floor with a trash bin on top of him. You had to bite your lip to keep from laughing. He lifted the bin off of himself and stood up, fixing his appearence. He locked eyes with you and walked towards you. You turned away so he wouldn't see how much you actually hurt. Calum sat on the floor next to you and tapped your shoulder. "Go away Calum." You said shakily. "No." You turned to him and he wasn't going to budge. "What do you want?" You spat at him. He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm really sorry. About being loud, being rude, and for getting you hit in the face with an Encyclopedia." You raised an eyebrow at his apology. "An encyclopedia?" You asked. He nodded. "Anyways. I'm really sorr-Oh my god. Turn your head to the right a bit." He looked genuinely concerned. You were confused but you did as he asked. A big brown-ish purple bruise was forming on your jawline. He covered his mouth and locked eyes with you. "I'm taking you to the nurse." He was about to stand up when the owner of the locker next to him, swung their locker open and whacked Calum in the back of the head. He cussed and rubbed his head. "Ok now we're even." He stated and helped you up and took you to the nurse.

Michael: You were in line with Michael at a hotdog stand in New York. You'd never been before and everything was so big and exciting! Michael had brought you along on tour and was enjoying every minute of it with you. He loved the way you'd be in awe of every new place. You were almost to the front of the line when a rude customer stood behind you. He sighed a few times before complaining. "Oh come on! The line for the bathroom is shorter than this!" You turned around and confronted the man. "Well if you don't like the line, why did you come here?" He scoffed and continued to bitch about everything! "That lady needs to tone it down on the lipstick! This isn't Vegas stripper!" "Hurry up! My legs hurt" "My aunt makes hot dogs faster than this jerk!" You gritted your teeth and Michael rubbed your shoulder. "It's ok babe. We'll leave in a few." You nodded and kept your attention on the menu, deciding what you'd get. "Hey hair dyed freak? Could you hurry it up?" The guy aimed at Michael. That was the last straw. You turned around and ignored Michael's arm. "Would you just shush?! The whole fucking world doesn't revolve around you! You can wait another minute and a half for a hot dog for gods sake." You snapped. He shut up. Michael was shaking next to you laughing. "You certainly put him in his place." "Damn right I did." You ordered your food and paid the nice vendor and started walking away. "You better control your lady blondie." The guy hissed at Michael. Mikey put his hands on your shoulders and guided you away from him. "Oh shush it!" He yelled at the man. Mikey had to keep you from punching the guy. "Let it go. It's over. He's a dick. Don't listen to him." You took a deep breath and hugged him. "Aren't you a little bit upset about him calling you 'hair dyed freak' and 'blondie'?" You asked. Michael's grip on you tightened. "Y/N? Shush! No use in bringing it up!" Touchy.

(Close to 15k! :D You guys! I love you! I hope you liked Shush! It was fun :) Please request any preference! I'm open to everything ;) Love you xx) P.S Is anyone else obsessed with Michael's girl voice and Ashton's solo in Good Girls (Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught)?

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