They're In A Bike Gang (A.K.A My mom's preference...)

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  • Dedicated to My Mother xD

So my mom loved the reactions to her previous chapter, and decided to write a small preference herself. I almost died on this one xD I had her write down her ideas of what the boys would do, and I added a few things myself. Hope you guys love it xx

Ashton: Ashton is the kind of motorcycle rider that does all sorts of neat tricks, which isn't a good idea for a bike that only has the front set of breaks working. So when he makes a sudden stop, the front wheel stops, but the back wheel keeps going and flips over the front. Ashton will go flying and the bike will basically fall on top of him. Don't worry, he's ok. It happens all the time.

Luke: Luke thinks his motorcycle makes him look cool. He'll try to flirt with girls by smiling and waving, but everytime a girl looks at him, his bike won't start. It happens everytime. Then the girls just think he's a big dork on a bike. He gets pissed off because it starts everytime, except for when a girl looks at him. Michael would give him so much crap for that.

Calum: Calum rides one of those scooters like they have in Italy or whatever that makes those funny noises. He wears a helmet, "Red Baron Snoopy" googles, some leather gloves, and like a baby blue scarf around his neck. He tries to jump onto sidewalks with his scooter, but he can't and it's pretty damn funny. Because he thinks Luke is cool, he follows him around on his scooter. Lucky for Calum, the girls like him better because at least his bike works.

Michael: Oh Michael would ride on the back of a crotch rocket. He'd put hair product in his hair, jump on the back and ride around to make his hair look better. But he'd be one of those jackasses that thinks he's the best rider out of all the boys and brags about his skills to everyone. At least his hair looks better.

(My mother is insane!!! I love it! Haha! xD She's even given me topics to write so you'll be seeing some of those soon. I am 17 years old and my mother came up with some pretty hilarious prompts. What have I done O.o 

I should have at least one or two more parts up today! 72k reads????? 1.1k votes???? Whaaaat???? THANK YOU!!!! I love you and your beautiful faces. You're the best. Love you xx

Bonus Update List:

Mikey's Kitty Chapter

He's His Own Instrument

Super Mario Bros

He's Off Limits


2 Michael Imagines

He Finds Out His Kid Is Gay

My Chapter (Feat. Luke Hemmings)


I promise I will get all of these done!!! I also have more requests coming in :) Yay! Ok I'm going to stop talking now. I love you! xx

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