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This  one  was  requested  by  Ire_neeeIt's  gonna  be  sad  so  I  hope  you  have  a  plethora  of  tissues.


Ashton: I wrapped my hands around her lifeless one. She looked so fragile and peaceful at the same time. I looked at the clock on the wall and wiped a tear from my eye. I've been here for 8 hours today. She's been in a coma for 2 weeks. the doctor said to be patient and not to keep my hopes up. But I know in my heart that she will wake up. She has to. "Hi Ashton. Will you be staying tonight or will you listen to me and get a hotel room?" The nurse asked me sweetly. I smiled as much as I could at her. "I'll stay tonight. But I promise I'll get a room tomorrow." She nodded and patted my arm. "I'll bring you some food. You're looking thin." I nodded and she left. I hadn't eaten much since Y/N's been in the hospital. Or slept. I tugged on my hair and looked at her face. I gently stroked her cheek and whispered to her, in hopes she'd hear me and wake up. "Y/N. Baby. Please wake up. Ashton's here and I need you to wake up. I love you. Please." No response. I wiped my eyes and kissed her cheek. "That's alright baby. I'll be right here when you wake up. I won't go anywhere." My voice cracked and I broke down. The tears kept coming and this time I couldn't stop them.

Luke: My breath hitched as I held the phone to my ear. Y/N's mother called me and told me the news. She had gotten in a horrible car accident and was now in a coma. The numbness spread throughout my body as I processed what just happened. The phone fell from my hand and I collapsed to my knees and grasped the counter in the bus to steady myself. "Luke what happened? Is it Y/N?" Calum asked kneeling down to my height. I nodded my head and screwed my eyes shut. "What happened mate?" He asked softly. I sighed and sniffed and opened my eyes, which were wet and swallowed. "Y/N was in a bad car accident and she's...... and she's in a coma." The words sounded unreal as I heard them come out of my mouth. Calums' eyes widened and he went off in search of the other boys. Ashton came first then Michael. Mikey sat down in front of me and opened his arms for a hug. I laughed softly and accepted. It still wasn't Y/N. Suddenly the bus stopped and Calum came in with two bags. "Luke is going home to Y/N. The driver got us to the closest airport... which is in the middle of nowhere but still." He threw the bags to me and I stood up. "Are you serious? You're Ok with me going back to her?" I asked. They all nodded and gave me sad smiles. "You need to be there Luke. You love her. We know that! So go!" Ashton added. I bit my lip and nodded taking the handles in my hands and walked to the door of the bus. "Thanks guys. I'll meet you guys somewhere.... eventually." I walked into the insanely small airport and found where they sold tickets. "E-Excuse me? I need a ticket to *insert country here*" The lady looked at my barely packed bags and my disheveled hair. "Something tells me you're in a hurry?" She asked. I nodded and sighed deeply. "Yeah. Do you have anything anytime soon?" I asked desperately. She winked and clacked away on her keyboard and handed me a boarding pass. "I managed to get you on the flight that leaves in 5 minutes. It's gate C. You better hurry!" I ran around the counter, kissed her, and ran the other direction to the gate.

Calum: I walked into the hospital room and held my breath. She looked like Sleeping Beauty lying there on the bed. But slightly not as happy. I walked to her side and sat on the chair next to the bed. My best friend was in a coma. Why did this happen? Why her? I stroked her forearm and felt her cool skin under my fingertips. Normally she would've giggled at the sensation, but there was dead silence. "Y/N? If you can hear me, don't go towards the light. Come back to me. I miss you and I need you to come back Y/N." I said, my voice changing pitches. Her steady breathing was the only sign that she was alive. I don't know if I should take that as a good sign, or as a sign that the only thing keeping her alive was the machine. I closed my eyes and thought about the last time I saw her. She was wearing gray sweatpants and a turquoise sweater. Her hair was thrown across one shoulder and she wore no makeup at all. She had looked beautiful. That was 2 months ago. I've been on tour since then. If I'd have stayed, would she be here? Or would she be safe at my house with her head on my shoulder as we watched Peter Pan? I don't know. I bit my lip to keep from crying even though she couldn't see me. I continued to draw on her arm with my finger for the next two minutes when I felt her arm twitch.

Michael: "This is stupid. It's never going to work. Y/N wants nothing to do with me." I said angrily to Luke. He sighed and clapped his hand on my shoulder. "Her mom specifically asked for you. Her boyfriend is there, but she thinks you being there will wake her up." He explained for the 86th time. God. Shut up Luke. "Why does she think I'm full if magic? What if I can't wake her up? They'll blame me!" I added. Luke scratched his head. "Maybe she thinks your magical because of the hair? I mean you could be a unicorn." I glared at him. "Shut up Luke." He nodded and made a zipper motion over his mouth. "Ok. I'm going in. Are you sure I should do this?" I asked him causing him to 'unzip' his mouth. "Michael, I know you're still in love with her. I can see it. Do this for her and for you. You need to go in there and try." I took a deep breath and opened the door to see Y/M's mom, boyfriend, and father. None of them too thrilled to see me except her mother. She greeted me with a hug and told me she was glad I came. I shook hands with her dad and got an eye roll from the boyfriend. I cleared my throat to stop the awkward silence. "So erm. What am I doing here Ms. Y/L/N?" I asked. She sighed and pulled me to the corner of the room. "Michael, I've always been fond of you. Y/N loved you with all of her heart. She still does. She told me." She said looking me straight in the eye. I believed her. I relaxed. "I still love your daughter. Very much. I'll do anything I can for her Ok?" She thanked me and hugged me again. I walked back over to the bed and asked her boyfriend if he'd move so I could sit next to her. He scoffed and got up. "They're wasting their time. You can't do anything." He spat at me. I just ignored him and sat next to Y/N. "Uh...could I have some privacy please?" I asked her family. They left the room so it was just me and Y/N. "Y/N. I know you can hear me so please listen. I'm still in love with you. I never stopped loving you. And now you're with that douche out there. Y/N I regret everything I've said that's hurt you. I'm so sorry. Now please wake up for me. Please." The heart monitor began beeping faster and faster and her eyes fluttered open.

(Well this was kind of depressing....I'm sorry. Thank you Ire_neee for the request! I hope it's what you wanted Love you xx)

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