Mikey Kitty :3

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Hehe because on my Kitty preference, I gave Michael a really short preference....Hiss Hiss Scratch Scratch I'm A Fucking Cat....yeah. Anyways! Here's the real preference for Mikey being a kitty! xx

You played with your little grey kitten in the living room, who having the best time of his life! He was rolling around, trying to pounce on your hands when you kept moving them. His eyes were widened and focused on your hands watching every movement, trying to figure out when to attack. You stopped moving and stared at the little kitten. He had his little butt up in the air and his green eyes narrowed. As soon as he jumped, you moved your hands and he ran right into your leg. You snorted and picked him up. "I'm sorry Mikey! It was pretty funny though." You said kissing his ear. He placed his paw on your nose and kept it there while you giggled. "You are too adorable! I'm so glad I picked you Mikey. You're perfect." He purred and leaned into your neck. You laughed and squeezed him lightly. When you brought him back to your face, he put his paw on your nose again. You giggled and poked his nose. He shook his head and booped your nose again. You did the same to him and he let out an angry meow. "Well what do you want me to do?!" You argued. He put his face in yours and licked your nose. You wrinkled your nose and laughed. "You want a kiss?" He licked your nose again. Well if that doesn't mean yes, I don't know what does. You looked at Mikey and kissed his little pink nose. He sneezed and jumped out of your arms and started twitching. You gasped and freaked out because you didn't know what to do with him. You tried to pick him up but he hissed at you. After a good minute of the twitching, his body started to change and in the tiny kitten's place, was a green haired teenage boy. You stared as he ruffled his hair and situated his clothes. "Wha-? Ho-? But you're hot! No!" You sputtered. He looked up at you and you recognized his green eyes. "Mikey?" His lips spread into a smile and he scooted closer to you, crossing his legs and facing you. "Hi Y/N!" He said in a happy Aussie accent. You blinked and poked his nose. He chuckled and took your hand. "Yes I was your kitten. Well technically I still am." You raised an eyebrow and got goosebumps when he ran his fingers on the inside of your arm. "What do you mean you're still my kitten? What the hell just happened?" He scratched his head and chuckled. "This is going to sound really weird. But uh, anytime I sneeze, I change. If I sneeze when I'm human, I turn into a cat. When I sneeze while I'm a cat, I change back to myself." You were beginning to reach for your purse which had pepper spray in it. This guy was a lunatic. His eyes flicked to your hand and he stopped you. "I know what you're thinking. I'm a lunatic. But please believe me. That's why I wanted you to kiss my nose. So I'd sneeze and show you the real me." For some strange reason, you were starting to believe him. He had the same eyes and the same energy radiating off of him. "You know, you're pretty damn cute as a kitty. But as a human? Holy...um. H-Hi I guess. Nice to meet you?" You phrased more like a question. He smiled a toothy grin which melted your insides and he shook your hand. "Nice to meet you Y/N."

(Aw Kitty Michael! I want to kiss his nose :3 I hope you liked it guys!!! Love you xx)

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