He's A Doctor

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Don't worry. I'm a doctor xD fivesaucethough again ladies and gentlemen. I love you! xx

Ashton: "Scalpel." The nurse handed him the operating tool. "Cloth." She wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead. Dr. Irwin was the lucky doctor that got to operate on your appendix. You hadn't met him before, but you were assured that he was an excellent doctor. Now you were lying on the table unconscious. Ooh darkness and some dude slicing you open. "Ok let's suture this and get her out of here." He said to his attending surgeons. His hands were extremely quick and he knew exactly what he was doing. Before you knew it, you were waking up in a hospital room with flowers all around you. You looked down at your stitches and wrinkled your nose. It was pretty ugly but kind of cool at the same time. Battle scar bitches. That's when you realized that your parents weren't there. They were here earlier. You raised an eyebrow and paged the nurse. You were expecting the nurse who helped you earlier, but in walked a tall, muscular, sandy haired, beautiful man. You tried to compose yourself as much as you could in a hospital gown. He smiled at you with his hands behind your back. "Hello Ms. Y/L/N. I'm Dr. Irwin. I'm sorry we haven't met before the surgery, but I thought I'd come in and say hello. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask." You didn't know what to say, so all that came out of your mouth was, "Arflutenfurg." He started chuckling and sat in the chair next to your bed. "I hope that was a compliment." He said smiling. You felt your cheeks get hot. "I...uh. I'm practicing a foreign language." Smooth Y/N. "Which language?" He asked curiously. Frick on a stick. "It's really old. I doubt you've heard of it." He nodded, knowing you were full of it. "So any questions Y/N?" You shook your head and twiddled your thumbs. "No concerns about the stitches or aftercare?" You shook your head once again. He smirked and set down his clipboard. "You know if I had a quarter for every beautiful girl that I've operated on, I'd have a quarter." You snorted and giggled. "Are you flirting with me Dr. Irwin?" He grinned. "Please call me Ashton. And is it working?" You raised your eyebrows. "It might be." You answered truthfully. "Then yes. I am flirting with you. I hope I haven't offended you." You smiled and bit your lip. "No not at all." "Good. Well I need to go finish rounds, but I'll be back in about two hours to check on you. By the way, hope you like the tulips." He winked and stood up and walked out the door. You glanced at the vase of multicolored tulips and grinned, hoping two hours would go by quickly.

Luke: "FUCK!" You screamed as you held your wrist in your other hand. You tried to break your fall, but ended up breaking a bone instead. "Y/N?! What happened?!" Your boyfriend came rushing into the room. You started crying as you showed him your fractured wrist. His eyes widened and he grabbed his keys and kissed your cheek. "C'mon babe. Let's get you to the ER." He drove like a mad man all the way to the hospital and rushed you in. "What are we seeing you for Ms. Y/L/N?" You scoffed and held up your obviously broken wrist. "I think I'm having a baby!" You yelled sarcastically. "Are you sassing me?" She asked not amused. Your boyfriend finally stepped in and explained everything to the clueless woman. "Ok you're checked in. A doctor will be right out." You nodded and your boyfriend wrapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. "I'm sorry love." The big doors opened and a blonde, 6 foot 4, blue eyed doctor emerged. "I'm guessing you're Y/N?" He asked with a grin. You nodded and you started walking with your beau, when the insanely attractive doctor stopped you. "I'm sorry but we don't allow anyone in the room with the patient. It could be very upsetting. If you'd stay out here sir, we'd appreciate it." Your bf was about to argue when you kissed his cheek. "It's Ok. I'll be alright." He nodded and glared at the doctor and went to sit down. "Hello Y/N. I'm Dr. Hemmings. I'll be taking care of your fracture. Now how'd you do this?" He asked opening the door for you. "Thanks. I uh was dancing in my kitchen with socks on. I bet you can guess what happened after that." He chuckled and led you to another room in the back. "Believe it or not, but that's probably the best way to break a wrist. We get people who shove their hands inbetween rocks and weird stuff like that." You snorted and pain shot up your arm. "Ah." You gritted your teeth and closed your eyes. "Ok Y/N we're almost there. Then we'll get you better I promise." He looked worried and he found the room. "Ok go sit on the table and I'll take a look at your wrist." You did as you were told and sat. Dr. Hemmings closed the door and snapped on some latex gloves and rolled a stool over. He took your arm as gently as he could and began pressing down, feeling where exactly you fractured it. You had to bite your lip to keep from crying out. He took a deep breath and pressed down one more time and you couldn't hold it in. You yelled out in pain and tears started forming in your eyes. "Ok I'm done. I'm sorry. I know where the break is and you're not going to be thrilled about this, but I need to re-break it. I'm going to give you some medication that will help you forget about the pain alright? I'll be right back. You did well." He patted your leg and ran out the door to grab what he needed. When he came back, he had a needle, and another doctor beside him. You held out your non injured arm and braced yourself for the needle. Dr. Hemmings did it quickly and painlessly. After a few minutes, you were starting to feel kind of loopy and Dr. Hemmings nodded and put a new pair of gloves on. "Alright Y/N. This is going to hurt, but after a while you won't remember it. Are you ready?" You giggled and poked his cheek. "You're prettier than Cinderella!" You squealed. He tried to keep a straight face but he smirked a bit. "Here we go. Dr. Clifford, take the upper half, and I'll get the lower half." The strange green haired doctor nodded and took your upper arm and Dr. Hemmings took your hand. "1, 2, 3." They both pulled and you screamed. When you came to, you couldn't remember any of the re-breaking. You looked at the blue cast inhabiting your arm. "How are you feeling Y/N?" You looked up to see Dr. Hemmings. "Besides the broken wrist? I'm doing swell!" You teased. He laughed and sat beside you. "Well now you can heal, and you'll have a great story about how you hit on your doctor." Your eyes widened. "Oh my god. What did I say?" You asked horrified. He chuckled. "You said a few things actually. You said I was prettier than Cinderella, you said I had a cute butt, and you kind of groped me."

Calum: "Push Y/N push!" Dr. Hood told you over and over. You didn't know if you could keep pushing, but he made you keep going. He was holding your legs apart and holding one of your hands ( ;) ). You screamed and pushed again, the pain unbelievable. "C'mon Y/N! Almost done! You can do it love!" He reassured you. You breathed heavily and pushed one last time before you heard crying. You did it. She was here. You laid back on the bed and smiled as the nurses took the baby to get cleaned up. Dr. Hood pulled down his mask and walked over to your head instead of towards the baby. "Y/N you did wonderful. She's beautiful. Congratulations mom." He said smiling. He took your hand and squeezed it. "Is there a Mr. I need to call?" He asked. Your heart fell and you shook your head. "No. It's just me." You said. His face dropped and he apologized. "May I ask what happened?" He inquired. You sighed. "Well let's just say babies aren't really his thing." You said like acid. You saw Dr. Hood's fists clench. "What a dick." He muttered. You raised your eyebrows at his comment. Then he realized what he said. "Oh my god I'm sorry. That was horrible of me to say. I'm sorry." He said ashamed. You laughed. "Don't worry. I completely agree." He smiled and a nurse came over with the bundle in her arms. "I think your baby wants to see her mommy now." She said sweetly, handing you your baby girl. Tears began rolling down your cheeks and you looked at the precious little girl in your arms. "Hi baby girl. I'm your mommy. I love you very much." You smiled and her fingers wrapped around your thumb. She blinked and reacted to your voice. "She's so beautiful." You turned your head and saw Dr. Hood's eyes lock with your baby's. She cooed and coughed a few times. "Dr. Hood? Would you like to hold her?" You asked. You'd gotten to know him over the past few years and he's been the best person ever to help you with everything medical and whatnot. "Please call me Calum. Dr. Hood is for people who don't know me. And are you sure? I don't want to impose." You rolled your eyes and pulled him closer. "You're not imposing. You're my only friend at the moment." You gently handed your baby to Calum and he took her in his arms and looked into her eyes. "Hi pretty girl. Welcome to the world. I wish I could tell you to go back, but unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Your momma is going to take such good care of you. I'm not worried about you at all." You smiled at the way he looked at her and talked to her. He was everything you wanted in a father for your baby. And not too bad in the husband area either ;) "Have you thought of a name yet Y/N?" He asked gently bouncing your baby. "I was thinking Amara. Is that cute?" He grinned and your baby girl held on to his finger so tightly. "It's perfect." He said. "Little Amara Hood." He whispered. You held your breath and his eyes widened. "I-I meant Y/L/N. Amara Y/L/N." You smiled and put your hand on his arm. "Amara Hood sounds nice." "It does?" You nodded. "I like it better than Amara Y/L/N. Hood sounds....like it's meant to be if that makes sense." You said. He bit his lip and looked back at little Amara. "Amara? Would you mind if I ask your mom to marry me? Say no if you don't want me to." Silence. "I'll take that as a yes then!" He smiled. "Y/N? Will you marry me? I know it's not an ideal situation, but I've known you for a while now, and I really....well to be honest, love you. And I promise to be the best father for little Amara. What do you say?" He asked. You laughed and tears continued rolling down your face. "Of course I will Calum! Amara will be lucky to have you. Little Amara Hood."

Michael: "No Michael! I meant a doctor! Not the doctor!" You yelled. "Ooh." Michael was standing in the doorway wearing a suit and a bowtie, holding a sonic screwdriver and a mini Tardis. "You really should've specified that."

(You know I had to. It was impossible to let that one go xD but if you really want Michael being a doctor, comment "Not the doctor Michael."

I hope you liked it fivesaucethough! It was a cute request! Love you!!!! xx


Pokémon Trainer is next. O.o get jazzy with it.

Love you guys! Thank you so much for all the sweet comments about my video <3 It's the sweetest thing ever. Especially when two of you trend #kenziesarmy and #kenziearmy4life ;) you know who you are. Thank you. I love you! xx

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