My Awkward Moment

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Hi guys! Since AWKWARD got 8 votes, I promised I'd tell you guys one of my awkward moments! So here goes!

When I was in the 5th grade, I was best friends with this guy named Alex (sorry Alex if you read this.). We'd hang out everyday, he'd sit next to me in class, we'd eat together at lunch. You get the gist of it. Well, one day in math class, the 2 idiot boys behind me started passing notes. I had no idea at the time but....oy. Alex was in the bathroom at the time the bastard. Eventually the teacher caught them and read the note out loud. It said "Kenzie and Alex are in love and they're dating! Pass it on!" I was mortified. The whole class looked at me. To make things even more awkward, my teacher came over to me and said, "Honey? You can do much better." I nodded and hid my face. 2 minutes later, Alex walks in and everyone looked at him. He sat next to me and asked me what happened. I told him and he laughed. He said "Well that must've been weird."

Yeah I haven't lived that down quite yet. And to be honest, I had the biggest crush on him. But my heart was broken. On my 10th birthday to be exact. He picked another girl at my party and started "dating" her. It kinda sucked. But oh well! It's in the past! Thank you so much for reading if you read this :) I love you guys xx

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