Cashton Take Over pt. 2 + Contest

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Yes we are still here. Calum did the dare :D he told XxHeartBreakIrwinxX nice bosom xD thanks for your cooperation babe! -Ashton

I feel accomplished. I love you XxHeartBreakIrwinxX!!! <3 -Calum

Ok so this isn't a preference or whatever you call it, it's a contest that Cal and I talked over and we're excited to do this! -Ashton

So Kenzie wrote us a letter and told us what she wanted us to tell you about the contest! So here's all the details from Kenzie herself.

"Hey  guysNeverland  is  greatWhile  I  was  slapping  Luke  with  a  fishI  thought  of  a  contest  I've  never  done  beforeSo  the  contest  is  for:

handwritten  letter  from  mea  handwritten  imaginea  note  from the  boysand  a  mix  CD  of  some  of  my  favorite  songsTo  winyou  must  guess  my  favorite  5SOS  songtell  me  what  your  favorite  preference  of  mine  is  and  whyand  send  me  your  favorite  lyrics  through  a  DMI  will  decide  which  three  of  you  will  winThen  I'll  contact  you  and  figure  out  where  to  send  it(I  promise  I'm  not  a  creeper  xD  I  think  it'd  be  fun  to  actually  write  them  :) )  I  hope  to  get  a  few  entriesI  love  you!!!  MY  BIRTHDAY  IS  IN  2  WEEKS  FROM  TODAY!!!!  So  if  you  want  to  send  me  like  a  dollar  bill  xD  just  DM  me  xD  Love  you  babes


Beautiful isn't it? I'd like to win that contest. -Calum

Dude she writes you every day. Let someone else have a turn! -Ashton

:P Fine. So if you DM her the details, she'll pick 3 of you and send you some fun stuff xD -Calum

It's like those radio giveaways! Be caller 9 and you win! -Ashton

Shush. Let them DM Kenzie would ya? Geez. -Calum

Sorry. Ok the contest is now officially....... OPEN!!!!!  GO!!!  -Ashton

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