Ship (Kirsty)

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Name: Kirsty

Hair Color: Kinda browny, ginger

Eye Color: Messed up shade of blue and green

Favorite Hobbies: Listening to music and writing

Hello Kirsty! Your eyes must be gorgeous! :) I like your hobbies ;)

I ship you with: Ashton

Ashton would be the kind of guy that would read your writing no matter what it was. He loved seeing your creativity and thoughts on the pages in front of him. Your handwriting always made him smile. So different from his. A lot neater! Since you both loved music, you clicked instantly! You would often switch iPods and listen to each others playlists to get an idea of what they liked and who you were. It was something that brought you closer. Appearance wise, Ashton thought you were absolutely stunning! The combination of the light eyes and the gingersnap colored hair (Is that kind of the color? Lol! I don't want to mess anything up!) really suited you and he couldn't stop staring. Your hair was so soft and sometimes you'd have to yell at him to keep his hands to himself in front of your parents! But overall, Ashton still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have you. You're the missing puzzle piece he finally found.

Best Friend: Michael    For Michael, you were his number one. Without company besides the other boys, he got pretty lonely. When you came along, that loneliness went away and he loved spending any second he could with you.

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Luke    He hated the fact that he was in love with one of his best friends' girl. He wished he didn't feel that way about you. But the fact is, he couldn't stand to be away from you. He still loved to see your smile and hear your laugh, even if it wasn't him causing it.

The Brotherly One: Calum      Like most older brothers, he teased you and played pranks on you. You didn't mind because he was always in a good mood! So you got the fun part of the brother without the moodiness towards you! Score!

(Hope this is what you wanted Kirsty! Thank you :) Love you! xx)

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