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Hey guys! I'M BACCCKKKK!!!!!! Gosh I missed you guys. And my writing :P I can't believe it's been 8 days since I've updated.

Within those 8 days a lot has happened! On Wattpad and off! So once again, here's a list that I sooo love making :3

1. I have 50k reads more than when I left, bringing it up to 150k!!!!!!

2. I have seen all of your comments and messages. I love you guys so much. It really makes me want to cry because you're all sweeter than cake.

3. I was a few feet away from Daniel Radcliffe and got a bunch of pictures of him!!!!! Major fangirl moment. Plus I saw him on Broadway :D

4. I read 2 books throughout my trip :P Beautiful Creatures and Beautiful Darkness. I already bought Beautiful Chaos xD

5. I was in NYC the day of the Gay Pride Parade and I loved it! All the colors and different outfits people were wearing made me smile :)

6. I went to the beach the other day. We played a zombie killing game and I'm pretty sure I scared people because of my maniacal laughter...oh well!

7. I got to watch the livestream from my dad's phone on the way to the beach xD I wasn't disappointed


9. This plane is really cramped :/

10. My stomach rumbled 4 times during the flight and I got weird looks. I wanted to yell "Hey if you want it to stop, give me some damn food!!!!"

11. In NYC I got some FRIENDS merch...BAM!

12. My grandmother cracked me up this trip! She walked in the kitchen, saw all of us, and said "Oh to hell with you!" She also told me "When you get a husband, don't do anything for him. You will regret it if you do!" Ladies and gentlemen (are there any guys reading? If so comment 'Calums' Ass'), she is 83 years old.

13. I had 3 dreams that I remember. 2 of them involved Michael and the other one involved Luke. Just sayin

14. I had 3 people comment on my 5SOS shirt! One girl in NYC, my grandmother, and about a 40 year old woman at the airport :3

15. My hair doubles in humidity.

16. So does my butt.

17. xD

18. Is this list too long?

19. I killed a man....

20. I think it may be too long.

21. I will begin writing again as soon as I wake up haha! I'm like a zombie xD

22. I might make you guys a video saying thank you and stuff.....;) cuz I love you


24. I ate so much food it's not even funny.

25. Too long. This list is just too long. But you guys haven't heard from me in days so I'll just keep going.

26. I can't wait to put Amnesia on my iPod! Grr!

27. Did you guys miss me? I missed you.

28. One guy in my row on the plane, was making origami pinwheels and giving them to the flight attendants :3 They were so cute and perfect! I want one lol!

29. They stopped me at security to feel up my hair. MY HAIR! It was really funny

30. Booouuuuncy bus!

31. Oh I forgot! At the beach, I was getting up from a booth in a restaurant and my foot got caught on the table and I fell on my face.

32. I was mortified.

33. I just got back to Colorado and I can breathe! Lol! It was humid in NJ and NYC xD

34. I'm hungry. I think I'm gonna stop at Taco Bell....hmm.

35. I couldn't go swimming cuz of....girl issues -_- but I put my feet in :D Woohoo lol

36. My uncle's girlfriend brought up Ed Sheeran...On. Her. Own. Speaking of, I got a lot of signs. I bought the album, woke up the next day and he's on the front page of the paper. Go into NYC we hear 'Sing' 4 times. All in the same day! Weird right? No? Ok.


38. Jetlug.

39. I was tortured with really bad puns and jokes, courtesy of my dad, uncle, brother, and grandfather. My grandma was like me and rolled her eyes. Although I laughed at every one.


41. I'm gonna write stuff for you! Hopefully I can get something up tomorrow!

Ok guys that's my list! I missed you so much and I'm happy to be back!

What happened in your lives without me? ;) Did the earth threaten to end? Was blood running in the streets? Lemme know all the grotesque details! I love you!!!

"Ugh. So much pizza. So little time. *falls over*" -Ashton

"I had so much fun! I met Perky the Penguin (literally an actual mascot at one of the beaches) guysss! I also had a lot of pizza. But unlike Ashton, I could eat more. My hair deflated a few times though." -Luke

"Kenzie's grandparents were funny. I liked them. I didn't like when Michael pushed me in the pool. *virtual glare* But I had fun anyways! Missed you guys!" -Calum

"Ok am I the only one that noticed that we were in 2 places at once? How did we scale a building and go to the beach at the same time? These are the real questions. Oh and Calum, I pushed you in because...well because there was nothing else to do. I love you guys. I'm not a cat anymore." -Michael

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