Going On Tour (Luke)

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"I can't believe you're here with me. It doesn't feel real." Luke said stroking your cheek. You smiled and stretched as much as you could in the cramped bunk. He chuckled and kissed your neck lightly. "As much as I want to Luke, we need to get up. You have sound check in an hour and a half." You said checking your phone. Luke groaned and buried his head back into his pillow. You giggled and poked him several times. You were lying near the tour bus wall because Luke didn't want you falling out or getting eaten. He made you feel safe no matter where you were. "Y/N! Luke! Get up or I'll come in there!" You heard Michael's voice from the outside of the curtain. You yawned and sat up. Luke tried to do the same but he overshot it and fell out of the bunk. You whipped the curtain open and asked if he was Ok. He was covering his face, shaking with silent laughter. You snorted and began laughing at him. You saw Calums' curtain slide open and heard him giggle. "Fall out of the bunk again mate?" Luke, still covering his face and dying of laughter, nodded. "Luke get your ass dressed. We're going to breakfast before going to the venue." Ashton said stepping over your uncoordinated boyfriend. Luke gave him a thumbs up revealing his bright red face.

After stumbling out of Luke's bunk, you got dressed in the back room (locked of course ;) ). You felt the bus come to a halt and you looked out the window. McDonald's (Maccas). Typical 5SOS. It was still a bit early but it was busy. You took Luke's hand and followed behind Michael who plowed his way through to the doors. You looked up at the menu choices and heard your stomach rumble. "Geez Y/N. I thought only Luke made that noise." Calum grumbled. You shoved him and looked up at Luke. He was smiling down at you. "What?" He shook his head and turned away. Confusion! When you got up to the register, you put in your order and pushed Luke up so he could order his. "Yeah I'll have the pancakes (again with the pancakes wtf) uh...two sausage, a McGriddle, Orange Juice and a McMuffin." You stared at him and snorted. "Luke you didn't order enough food." He smirked and turned back to the nice lady. "Oh and 3 hashbrowns!" He added. The lady named Janice punched a few buttons and handed him a glass of orange juice. "Will that be everything?" "Uh no these three boys still need to order. Thanks." He smiled and let Calum order. "Damn Luke! That's all for you?" Ashton asked. "I'm hungry!" Luke whined like a child. You giggled and hugged his arm. "Luke you're adorable." He grimaced. "No I'm manly and charming. Not adorable. Penguins and short girls are adorable." You snorted and shook your head. "Whatever captain adorkable." He grinned and hugged you. "I agree with that one!" You rolled your eyes and bit his arm lightly. "Ow! Vicious! Why?"

"Ok 1, 2, 3!" Ashton counted off. Luke's fingers danced across the fretboard of his guitar and he sang into the microphone. "Life's, a tangled web, of cell phone calls and hashtag I don't knows. And you, you're so caught up, in all the blinking lights and dial tones. I admit I'm a bit of a victim in the worldwide system too! But I found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you. Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps, here in the moment on the dark side of the screen." You smiled and watched your boyfriend and his best friends sing and play their hearts out. You were a huge fan before you met Luke. You actually met Michael first and he introduced you to the rest of the boys. Luke got on with you right from the start. You got closer and closer and eventually he asked you out on a date. The rest is history! The fans were definitely rude to you towards the beginning of your relationship, but once they saw how much you were like them, they loved you. Everywhere you went you got presents, hugs, requests for pictures, and some pretty strange things as well. You loved every fan you ever met. Knowing that they loved you still freaked you out because it seemed impossible that thousands of girls liked you. "AND BIG OLD EXPLOSIONS!" You heard Ashton scream into the mic. You giggled and clapped like crazy. Ash winked at you and fixed his drum kit. You locked eyes with Luke and smiled. "And now! A duet with Lucas Hemmings and Y/N Y/L/N!" Michael's voice boomed. Your eyes widened and you started shaking your head. "C'mon Y/N! It'll be fun!" Luke said walking towards you. You shook your head while smiling. He got closer and you took off, running across the stage to hide behind Calum. He chuckled and stood in front of you 'protecting' you. "Calum move!" Luke said running your way. Calum puffed up his chest and put his fists on his hips. "You shall not pass!!!" He screamed. You laughed and saw Luke look over Calums' shoulder. "Hi Y/N! I'm still gonna get you! Even with Cal as your shield." You felt two arms pick you up and carry you backstage. "Don't worry Y/N! I'll save you!" Ashton used his superhero voice and set you down. "Oh so Smash has saved me huh? Well what gratitude may I bestow upon you?" You giggled. "Perhaps a kiss placed on the cheek fair maiden?" You nodded and kissed his cheek. "Thank you my rescuer." He grinned and hugged you. "There you are! Smash! My mortal enemy! Return my love and I shall spare thee!" Luke joined the game. Player 3 press start. "Never! She's my token of prettiness! And I shall keep her by my side until I fall!" Ashton pushed you behind him. You were still laughing at their behavior. "Then you shall fall! A duel! To the death! Or till one of us gets tired!" Luke took a "fighting" position and raised his fists. "If thou wishes. Mike-Ro-Wave will keep score!" Ashton gestured to Michael. "It will be my honor!" Michael bowed. This was weird.

"Duel!" Calum yelled. Mikey had you next to him as Ashton and Luke began to poke each other. It wasn't the manliest of duels, but it had to do. "Y/N is my maiden! How dare thee lay thy phalanges on her beautiful skin?" You and Michael snorted at Luke's word choice. "Alas! You've chosen intelligent words that have madeth me confused!" Ashton retorted. Calum was in the corner shaking with laughter. It wasn't the first time they've done something this strange, but you've never heard them speak in Old English.... if that's what you want to call it. "Thou shalt kneel before thee! My words will conquer this foolish feud!" Luke said and pushed Ashton back a few feet. "Your actions are weak young warrior. Your strength alone will not vanquish a warrior as challenging as I!" Ashton poked Luke in the eye making Luke cover his face and shout out. "A nasty trick to play my worthy opponent! Prepare to feel the epitome of pain! Me! Wait... that didn't make sense. Prepare to feel the sickening sting of pain!" You shook your head and laughed. "Do they do this on tour a lot?" You asked Michael. "Normally no. I've seen everything but this. It's quite entertaining actually." You nodded. "When do you think it'll be over?" He shrugged and waved at Calum for him to come over. Calum moved from his laughter zone and joined you. "What's up?" He put his arm around you. You smiled. "Do you know if this will be over soon?" His face was blank. "No...." "Your mother is a sweltering pig!" Ashton yelled at Luke. "Low blow man." Michael whispered. "Your extraneous comments hurt me. You shall die!" Luke jumped on Ashton's back and poked his face several times. Ashton grunted and tried to shake him off. Luke held on as tight as he could. "Feel my wrath peasant!" He screamed in Ashton's ear. Ashton turned around and walked backwards, hitting Luke against the wall. "You seem to be between a rock and a hard wall!" Ashton said almost cleverly. "Oucheth." Luke squeaked. "Does thou surrender?" Ashton asked still running Luke into the wall. "Never!"

This 'duel' continued for the next 45 minutes, getting more and more entertaining. "My leg has falleth asleep thou saucy fly-bitten puttock!" Luke yelled. You burst out laughing at the Shakespearean Insult Luke had found a few days ago in his 'studies'. Finally he found a use for it! "I do not have the slightest bit of mind to understand what you have just spoken." Ashton said confused. Luke laughed and let go of Ashton's arm. "How about a truce great warrior?" Ashton nodded and fell to the floor. "I haveth a wedgie." He said muffled by the carpet. You giggled and looked at Luke. He smiled widely and walked to you. "Milady, I apologize for my behavior. May you find the compassion in your heart to forgive the man who has wronged you?" You bit back a laugh and nodded. "My lord, thou has been forgiven. You mustn't replay the events acted out today." He kneeled before you and kissed your hand. "I swear it princess. Permission to kiss you milady?" You smirked and pulled him to his feet. You brought your lips close to his. "No." You answered and pushed him away. He looked at you with a confused look. "No need to asketh permission my lord. Just do it." He gave you a crooked smile and kissed your lips softly.

"That was...interesting." Michael commented. You nodded and laughed. "It was fun!" You hugged your boyfriend from behind, who was finishing getting ready for the show. "Who knew Ashton and I could have a somewhat intelligent conversation?" You snorted. "Intelligent? That's what you're going to call it?" He thought for a moment and nodded. "Yep. That's what I'm going to go with." You giggled and went to check on Ash. "How is my mighty warrior?" You asked. He turned and grinned at you. "Your warrior is confused princess. But on the bright side, I got rid of my wedgie." You giggled and poked his arm. "Thanks. For having fun and making me laugh." He smiled and hugged you. "Anytime Y/N. We love having you on tour with us! Luke doesn't whine all the time about you not being here!" You laughed and hugged him again. "Break a leg tonight! I'm excited to see you guys play!" He thanked you and walked to the curtain that opened to the stage. Luke, Mikey, and Calum were ready with their instruments hung on their bodies and their ears protected. You hugged all of them wishing them luck. You got to Luke and kissed him. "Good luck babe." He smiled. "You're definitely coming on tour more often." He pecked your lips and ran onstage into the sound of the crowd.

(Woohoo! Finished part 1! What did you guys think? I could write poetry dammit. xD haha! Keep reading and voting and stuff......Whose should I write next???? Please comment! Love you xx)

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