He's His Own Instrument

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This  one  was  requested  by  IlyssaWagayenVery  creative  and  funny  ideaThank  you!!!  <3

Ashton: You picked up your drum sticks for the first time and stared at the drum kit in front of you. This kit was a few years old. Well it would make sense since it's the school's. Many kids have whacked this drum and somehow it was still standing. You took a deep breath, looked around to make sure you were alone, and sat on the stool. You fiddled with the sticks and pursed your lips wondering where to start. Finally you just began to start hitting the toms and the symbols to get a good beat. You kept at it for a good 2 hours before you threw down your sticks and groaned in frustration. You couldn't get the rhythm for the life of you. You tried different techniques and different beats, but nothing was flowing. You sighed and pushed your hair back and placed your head on your hand, narrowing your eyes at the drum kit. "I will defeat you." You said evily. You figured now was a good a time as any to go fill up your water bottle. You were at the water fountain across the hall when you heard a loud crash. You dropped the bottle and ran back to the band room to see what the hell just died. There was a boy standing where the drum kit was. Now it was in pieces by his feet, and he had part of the snare around his neck, and he spat out a few screws. You blinked and walked over to him. "Did you seriously just break the drum kit you ass? That was the fucking school's! I'm gonna get killed because I was the last person to use it!" You yelled at the curly headed boy. He looked quite confused. "Excuse me, but I don't think you understand what just happened. And my name is not 'you ass'. It's Ashton." He said in the same tone you used with him. You scoffed and threw up your hands. "Then why don't you explain it to me? Because it looks pretty clear to me!" You shot back. "I was the drum kit. Not in it, I was literally the drum kit." He said calmly which kind of freaked you out. "Did you sniff to much glue?" You asked. He chuckled and started coughing. He put a hand to his chest and sounded like he was going to cough up a lung. Instead, a bolt and a screw fell into his hand. Your eyes widened and you looked back up at his face. He groaned and made a funny face. "I really hope that's the last of it." You looked from him to the metalic items in his hand. "That just came out of you....wha-how? You were really the drum kit?" He nodded and shook his hair out and pieces of plastic and more parts of the drum kit came flying out. You dodged and ducked out of the way of the random parts coming at full speed towards you. "How long have you been the drums?" You asked helping him get more pieces out of his hair. "Uh about 6 or 7 years now. It's been hell! And not even a good drummer! No offence." You shrugged and let it go and giggled. He smiled at looked at you. "What's so funny?" You laughed. "You're a slut!" You said hysterical. He raised his eyebrows obviously not following you. "Everyone banged you!" You said turning bright red from laughter. Ashton snorted and shook his head. "Are you always this weird?" "Yeah pretty much. You get what you see little drummer boy."

Luke: You were really upset because your favorite guitar has been having quite a few problems. You've had it for years and it's always been the best one you've ever played. You barely had any problems. Kind of like it knew it's purpose xD But at your last show, the guitar just broke down and stopped working. Now it was in the repair shop and you were hoping it would be ok. You hated the thought of having to switch guitars, but if it had to be done, you'd do it. It was finally the day of your consultation with the repairman to tell you what the damage was. "Well it seems your guitar has seen it's last show. The part of the body underneath the nut, has cracked and will not let you change the strings or anything. (??? SHUSH!) My advice is to use your other guitar until you can find another one like this." Worst news ever. You drove home and brought your nonworking guitar back to your room and placed it on the stand. "We had a good run buddy. Thanks for working as long as you did." You frowned and looked at your other electric stratocaster. Oh well. You picked it up and tuned it and started strumming. It didn't sound quite right. But it was still the closest thing you had. Over the next few weeks, you started to get used to this guitar and figured out the best ways to play it and tune it. You sat on your bed and played your favorite songs for a while before your stomach started growling. "The kitchen is calling me home." You said and left your guitar on the bed and left to make yourself a sammich. You began humming 'Remembering Sunday' by All Time Low as you made your amazing sandwich. After you were finished, you carried the plate back to your room and nearly dropped it as soon as you walked in. Both of your guitars were gone, and on the bed a blonde boy was sitting. He grinned at you and eyed your sandwich. "Please tell me half of that is for me. I haven't eaten in years." You made a high pitched noise and handed him half of the sandwich. He shoved it in his mouth and made a satisfied grunt. "Thrs irs vry gerd." He said through the bread. "Now that you've got food....would you mind telling me who you are and why my guitars are missing???" You said impatiently. He held up a finger, chewed, then swallowed. "Well you're looking at one of them. Hi I'm Luke. And your other guitar-" He pointed to your window. You walked slowly over towards the opened window and glanced down and gasped. Your guitar was shattered on the concrete. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" You screamed. Luke stood up and put his hands on your shoulders. "Calm down Y/N. I'm doing what's best for you! That new guitar sucked and you know it. And I was pretty jealous." You blinked and moved his hands. "You were jealous of a guitar?" You asked. He chuckled. "Of course I was jealous! I'm the other guitar! Hello!" He said annoyingly. "You're my favorite Fender?" He nodded and sat back down on your bed. "You've been the proud owner of a Lucas Hemmings for 5 years. How does it feel?"

Calum: "I don't believe you." You said crossing your arms. Calum raised his eyebrows and laughed. "You don't? You don't think I can prove it?" He challenged. "Ok. Prove it." You said. He sighed and looked around. There were...people O.o He leaned in close to you. "Can we go somewhere else?" He whispered. You glanced around you and saw what he was talking about. You nodded and  let him lead you to a more secluded area. "So how does this work then? Do you have to chant some hoodoo or something?" You asked. Calum chuckled and stopped at an empty space. "Not exactly. It's not that cool." You raised an eyebrow and waited for his party trick. He found a nice place to stand and he took a deep breath. "Twinkle dee. Twinkle doo. Do what you gotta do. Bass." He said sounding like a little kid. (I don't even know.) His body started shimmering and his frame got smaller. Within a few seconds, in his place was a lovely black bass guitar. "Holy shit. You're a bass." You said shocked. The strings on the instrument started vibrating and played part of a song. "I admit you have some skills Calum. Now come back so I can hug you and make fun of you for your little summoning ritual." He played a specific chord and the guitar began shimmering again. Calum was back and he brushed off his black skinny jeans. "Told you I can turn into a bass." He said with a half smirk. You snorted and hugged him. "Can you change into anything else?" You asked curiously. "Well I've figured out bagels and kitty. That's bout it." You laughed and shook your head. "You're a dork. How come you didn't tell me this before?" He looked at his shoes and shovved his hands in his pocket. "I thought you'd think I was crazy and throw some kind of fruit or vegetable at me." You giggled and poked his chest. "I do think you're crazy. But I'd never throw fruit at you for that. I do that anyways!" He nodded and smiled. "Thanks Y/N. You're the best." He kissed  your cheek. "No you're the bass-t." You joked. His face was completely serious and he shook his head. "No. Just no."

Michael: "I know what you are." You said as you felt his hot breath on the back of your neck. "Say it. Out loud. Say it." You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. "Y-You're a Gibson." He smiled and clapped his hands. "Wasn't that fun? It was just like Twi-" "Yeah Mikey. I'm gonna go home now."

(What is with these weird inanimate objects?! Hahaha!!!! I hope you liked it IlyssaWagayen! I tried my best lol! This one isn't my best one and I'm sorry :( this one was harder than the food ones xD! I personally like Mikey's the best xD I'm using this pattern a lot lol. Sorry bout that but....I'm not :D

Thanks to the people who've shipped me!!! Keep em coming xD I love you guys xx)


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