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They sat in a field on the side of the road. The summer heat was almost excruciating for some reason, but nothing stopped Spooky from seating himself next to Blurry with little space in between. They didn't touch.

"You wanted to talk?" Spooky asked, eyes squinted at the brunet from the sun.

"Y-yeah. Yeah, we need to talk."

Gulping, the paler nodded, asking, "About what?"

There was pure silence, Spooky Jim watching carefully as Blurry shifted his gaze from straight ahead to the view at his feet.

"How long have we known each other?"

"Like, two years."

The other huffed. "No, Spooky. How long have we really known each other?" Blurryface emphasized.

"Nine months?"

"And we've been dating for eight," Blurry finished. His tone was cold. "I don't understand how—how we've... fuck!" Blurryface groaned in frustration.

"What don't you understand, Blur?" Spooky's voice was soft. He couldn't let his patience loose this time.

Something was terribly wrong this time.

"I'm only 17 years old. I shouldn't be in love. I shouldn't be having sex or going to parties and I sure as fucking hell shouldn't have managed to do that in eight months! I don't understand why the hell this is happening to me out of all people, I never asked for this! I don't know what the fuck i'm doing, I've fallen too hard—"

"Do you realize how broken you were before this?" Spooky asked in a mutter, eyes narrowed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Blurryface stood up, now hovering the redhead. "You have no right to talk about what I was like before this, you barely know anything about me!"

This hit the paler like a bullet. He scoffed. "Name one person that knows you better, then," said Spooky in a low tone.

"N-nobody does, Spooky, but you don't know the fucking half of it." the brunet spat.

"Oh but I think I do. What about the countless nights you stayed up until 4 AM ranting to me about yourself and your thoughts, huh? I remember all of it. I've read your writing, I've seen what's on your skin and I've heard you say shit yourself. Is that not all? Are there 500 other things you haven't told me to add on to the millions you have?"

"Why did you read my stuff?"

"Because I was scared!" Spooky yelled, "I have to know what's going on in your mind in order to help you and I can't do that without finding out how you think! And I can't just y'know, not help, that would ruin me!"

"Why the hell would you want to help me at all?"

Spooky sighed almost pathetically, looking up at the brunet with dark eyes. "You know, Blurry, I think sometimes you forget that I love you. That's why. That's the answer to everything, right there. I do this shit because I love you and I would go to the end of the fucking world for you, why can't you understand that?!"

"But how do you know you're really in love? We're so fucking young, what happens when this all becomes temporary and we grow up betrayed, or if we fall out of love—"

[✓] dangerous sarcasm → spookyfaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن