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One thing Blurry did like about Christmas was the lights. He found it humorous as to how people would waste their time putting tacky and overdone lights all around their house, bothering every neighbor up to five houses down. It was either that, or they were minimal and just nice to look at because they gave the nighttime a little bit of light. Spooky's house was the latter, soft amber bulbs placed neatly around the roof with nothing else.

A wreath was hung on the big brown front doors, and Blurry could see the faint lights from a tree inside.

His hands tapped rapidly against the fabric of his jeans, eyes staring at the large house from the passenger seat in the car. "Spooky, I fucking hate talking to people."

"I know, Blur. I do too," Spooky said consolingly, placing a hand over the fidgeting one. Blurry exhaled.

"What if they hate me, Spooks? I don't ever go to fancy dinners or anything and I'm scared they'll—"

The taller shook his head. "They're not going to do anything to you, Blurry. You'll be okay."

"Yeah, okay."

"Look at me, Blur," Spooky said softly, taking the stained hands in his.

Blurry hummed, meeting the taller's eyes and swallowing. There was a bout of silence, the yellow glow of the lights highlighting their faces dully.

"Don't stress. They're nice during the holidays, you won't do anything wrong. And if you do, my siblings will keep my parents distracted." He spoke sincerely, bringing Blurry's blackened fists up to his lips. Blurryface sighed.

"You're an absolute sap, you dipshit."

"You have no say, you love it," Spooky replied easily. They distanced, the redhead getting out of the car and leaving the brunet inside for a few seconds. The smaller sighed to himself. He turned around when he saw his boyfriend's stature outside the passenger door, and he locked the doors with a click.

Spooky took notice, immediately looking down and rolling his eyes. He pulled at the door handle once, shaking his head and flipping the boy inside off. "You're funny!" he said.

Blurry cackled, throwing his head back. "You dumbass."

"I'm leaving you here to freeze. Have fun!" Spooky began to walk off, waving. The brunet blinked.

Blurry scoffed, unlocking the door and running after the other. Spooky turned, smiling and pulling him in closer. "You're such a little shit," Blurry grumbled.

Spooky replied, "I'm taller than you. Your argument is invalid."


They made it to the side door, the paler opening it for Blurry. They entered a hallway off the kitchen, Spooky yelling he was home. His mom met them in the kitchen, the brunet taking a step back, lips in a straight line.

"You must be Blurryface, then?" the woman asked sweetly, and the brunet forced a grin despite hearing the fake tone that the lady used.

"Yes ma'am." They shook hands, and Blurry gave her a soft grin. The redhead stayed back, tapping his fingers on his thigh.

"It's lovely to properly meet you, Blurryface. I hear you're quite the spectacle."

Spooky grew red, glaring at his mother.

Blurry chuckled, "I'm sure you have."

"We have to get upstairs. Tell us when dinner is ready!"

The woman eyed her son, nodding hesitantly. "Okay. Your siblings are also here, keep in mind."

[✓] dangerous sarcasm → spookyfaceWhere stories live. Discover now