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Only one day into winter finals, Blurryface wanted to consider himself dead. He'd tried his hardest to study, even with the motivation (and rewards system) from Spooky, but he was pretty sure that he fucked himself over on his English exam. He couldn't write essays on the analysis of British literature for shit. As far as his Algebra one he'd just finished, he could really give no fucks about it. He probably failed that one too. He was tired.

The good thing was that he only had two more days of finals and he would get to leave as soon as the bell rang today. However, it was extremely cold outside, and the brunet didn't bring a jacket to school, simply because he couldn't find one after waking up extremely late. He only had a decently thin black sweater on, over a tee. Long story short, Blurry was tired, fucked and freezing. He hadn't seen Spooky yet today either or the day previously for that matter, but it was okay because they had plans to go to McDonald's with the others after school. Then they'd find something else to do, preferably alone.

It didn't take long for the last students to finish up their tests, and once the last person was done, the class was reprimanded to stay silent. It was a shame, people usually played Uno or Cards Against Humanity once the final was finished. Blurryface just sat, alone in his own mind.

Over the last few weeks, Nicotine was increasingly distancing himself from the group, and it worried almost everyone. Devotee and Violent had taken refuge in confiding to Spooky about everything because they could trust him most. It was scary, the boy wouldn't sit next to them, he wouldn't hang out with them, and he wouldn't talk to them or answer their texts. Everyone in the group assured Nicotine that it was okay, nobody hated him for it, and it was just a "simple mistake".

Although, Blurryface was sure as hell that knocking up a girl wouldn't be classified as a simple mistake. If Blurry was in Nicotine's position, people should honestly expect him to be dead. He couldn't imagine being in his shoes—the brunet had only met Nicotine's parents once. They were kind, but also Mormon, reserved and distant like their son. He didn't want to know what was said the day Nicotine told them.

Even worse, Devotee was even starting to get upset. Blurry didn't blame him. Nicotine knocks up a girl drunkenly, then decides to throw the baby away in his boyfriend's hands, then distances himself. There was no logic to it. Blurry gets it, Nicotine is all scared and stuff, but my God, you can't just do that to a person, right?

Aside from that fiasco, Spooky's family had invited Blurryface over for dinner on Christmas Eve next week. He found it kinda funny, because the redhead's mother had a look of murder in her eyes when she saw Blurry just working on his Physics beside her son one day after school. Spooky had already told the red-eyed boy about how she basically despised him. Blurryface just figured they had a family rule about bringing someone's partners to dinner, because Midnight's unwelcomed "boyfriend" was also invited. He wasn't really in a relationship with her. He's just a closeted gay that's only helping out his friend for her sake. Despite the parents constantly disliking their daughter's significant other, they apparently always used to be on her tail about having one. Blurryface questioned the family's sanity.

Christmas wasn't Blurry's favorite time, he didn't mind it, but he was never a religious person in the first place. Religion had left him as soon as he began to question it. He wasn't one of those who despised Christmas because it was overdone or anything, he really just didn't have an opinion. Just don't shove it in his face. His family never really did anything big despite his father being a practicing Christian. They had a somewhat nicer dinner, and a few presents were exchanged. One thing that did happen was the 5 minute prayer before dinner that Blurry's father insisted on. Christmas was the only day of the year he was really forced to sit and eat with his family, though it was always in complete silence.

[✓] dangerous sarcasm → spookyfaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن