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Spooky was silent as he walked down the crowded hallway. There were clumps of people everywhere, the redhead squeezing through groups until he made his way to his locker. He never used his locker, but he had left an essay in there last week and he needed to finish it.

He looked down at his phone, which had his combination on it. Twisting the lock, he reached the last number before he received a tap on the shoulder. He ignored it, scoffing slightly and opening the lock. Another tap. He opened the locker only for it to be slammed in his face. Angry, the brown eyed boy turned around slowly.

"What the fuck do you want?" he yelled.

Black Tear stood there, eyes mad and slanted. "Come with me, right now."

"Why? I have a fucking essay—"

"Nobody gives a shit about your issues, Spooky. Come with me right fucking now." The blonde, who had her blue tips restored, grabbed the boy's arm and dragged him through the hallway, much to him trying to pull away.

"Can you not fucking drag me?" Spooky asked.

"You won't follow me if I don't," Black muttered.

"I said don't drag me!" the tall boy replied, yanking his arm away and looking at it. It was red. He closed his eyes. "I can't do that."

The girl sighed, "Sorry. Just get your ass in here," she told him, leading the boy into an empty lab.

"What the hell, Black?" Spooky was on the edge of being enraged, eyes seemingly on fire.

"I should be asking you the same question." she hissed. There was silence. "Why did you have sex with him?"

"Excuse me?!"

"I said, why did you have sex with him?"

"Don't even—"

"Answer me!" she demanded.

"He played it out to be more than it actually was, we didn't have sex. He said that to amuse everyone else, and you know it. He did it to shut them up because they never leave him alone. But even if we did, I don't know, maybe it'd be because I like him?" Spooky stressed sarcastically. "Why are you so upset?"

"I'm upset because after you made a giant ass deal out of your assault episode, you're now fucking around with Blurryface out of all people." the blue eyed girl replied.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You were assaulted, you asshole! And then you just have sex what, weeks later? Why would you do that?"

"Listen, you cant say anything, you bitch," Spooky Jim lowered his voice, "You were drunk off your ass that night. The only sober ones were me and Blurry. You have no idea what happened. I've been able to forget all the shit that happened, so shut the fuck up. People cope with shit differently, and mine happened to go fast and I was able to fucking let go of it."

Black Tear huffed, "I saved your ass after it happened though and both you and your boyfriend know that."

"Whoa, back up, he's not my boy—"

"Shut up. Like I said, I fucking saved your ass. If it wasn't for me, you would probably be in hell right now."

"Okay, I get it, but what the hell are you trying to say? I don't have all goddamn day," Spooky gritted his teeth.

"What I'm trying to say is nobody can know about you and Blurryface. If people see that you're fucking him even after that stupid party, everyone is going to think the whole thing was a fake for attention or some shit. I know I haven't been here for long, but it's easy to see Blurry is notorious for being a pretentious fucking asshole who doesn't hook up with people. So this looks fucking strange. And if you want to stay out of drama, I suggest you both shut your asses up."

"I never intended for anyone to know in the first place, so you can fuck off."

"Don't tell me to fuck off, moron. You should be thanking me. This isn't my first time dealing with shit."

"Can I leave?"

"Yeah, I'm done. If you decide to let the whole world know about you and Blurry, it's your fault. I'm warning you now." And with that, the upset blonde left abruptly, pushing part Spooky with a sigh. She stopped at the door frame. "And Spooky?"


"This means no fucking in the theatre closet."

"We didn't even—"

""Save it."


if y'all want more to read please go and read miss missing you by lowlifejoseph it's so fucking good and you all are sleeping on it. that's the tea.

[✓] dangerous sarcasm → spookyfaceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora