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"That party was one of the best I've ever been to," Devotee announced to the table, throwing his head back as he sat down. Violent was across from him, scrolling on his phone. Nicotine nodded in agreement, while Black Tear scoffed in annoyance.

"That's only because you and your two boy toys had a threesome or some shit. Don't even act like you didn't."

Blurryface smirked, flicking his eyes over to the redhead next to him. "I told you, I win," he muttered.

Spooky Jim sighed, rolling his eyes.

"So, what happened over the weekend for you all?" Cursed Crimson asked, her hair a fresh blonde color today.

"I did all of my homework," Hurricane replied boringly, picking at a cherry.

Violent Cain hummed, not responding.

"I hung out with D, nothing too much," Nicotine picked at an apple.

"What about you two? You've been silent this entire time," Cursed Crimson called out to the two silent boys down the table.

Black Tear eyed them from across, eyes suspicious.

Blurry looked over to her, eyeing her just as forcefully. "Why do you guys care?"

"I slept a lot and ordered pizza." Spooky deadpanned.

"Dunno, it's just interesting since I only ever see you shits here or drunk off your asses at parties. So, Blurry, what happened for you?" Crimson repeated.

"Fine," Blurryface spat, looking to the rest of the group, "if you morons really want to know what happened," he grinned, "I got laid, but I don't see why any of you should care."

Spooky's eyes widened, and he laughed.

Black Tear choked, facepalming as she looked between the brunet and the redhead.

Hurricane's eyes were wide with Devotee's. "Who?!" they asked in unison. Blurry looked up, pretending to think.

"Don't remember," the brunet said, biting his lip. He could hear Spooky choke in air. He cast a quick glance at the dark eyed boy next to him, who was staring intently at the red eyed boy next to him, hand curled and resting on his lips.

"You're serious," Crimson told him, mouth open.

"Dead." Blurryface smiled at her. Black Tear groaned.

Nicotine stood up, "Congrats Blurry. I'm gonna head to the library, wanna come with, Dev?" he said in a small voice. Devotee nodded, standing up and following the small boy out of the lunchroom.

"Was it a guy or a girl?" Hurricane asked.

"Does it matter?" Blurryface quieted his voice.

"Obviously," Hurricane responded as if it was common sense.

Blurryface waved it off, "It really doesn't. I'm leaving, I have to turn in a paper for Lit."

And with that, the boy up and left, casting a small grin to Spooky on the way out, who shook his head slowly as a response.

"Fucker," Black Tear mouthed to him.

"You know it," Blurryface smiled as he responded audibly.

Spooky looked pissed. Blurry giggled to himself as he walked out.


if y'all don't mind the Caroline Appreciation Club is now a thing officially thanks lowlifejoseph

[✓] dangerous sarcasm → spookyfaceWhere stories live. Discover now