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If Blurryface died, Spooky would easily go with him.

That was one of the most toxic things in his brain.

But it was true.

He knew the brunet constantly thought of how scared he was, or was usually very overwhelmed. Spooky just wished he could take that all away.

Blurry didn't deserve the pain. God, he didn't deserve anything bad.

Iron Man 3 played on Spooky's TV. The reason Spooky had this thought was because he had just watched Pepper Potts fall into a big fire. It was a boring day in June, Blurry was probably still asleep (bless), and Spooky truly had nothing better to do. His siblings were too annoying. Plus he just liked the movie. He liked how Tony was protective of Pepper, he liked that the motive was her. Sure, Iron Man also had to save America from a terrorist, but the entire movie seemingly focused on Pepper, and how much Tony loved her.

Spooky could relate to that. Easily. Maybe he was just a dumb 18 year old with a bunch of hormones and shit, but Blurryface was so intricate and fragile that there was no way in hell that Spooky couldn't be more sure of how he felt.

He was so lucky.

Blurry passed his thoughts every day. But the redhead never really thought about his feelings like this. He was more scared about what the brunet thought than what he did.

Blurry was so fucking convinced that they weren't going to work out, but at the same time it was as if he tried his hardest not to let that get in the way of things.

Spooky had to admit, Blurry had a great point. They were really young technically, but this was honestly pretty normal. It's not like you had to be 30 or something to know you're in love. Plenty of healthy couples met when they were in their late teens.

At least Blurry and Spooky weren't 14 or something. That'd be absolute hell.

Then maybe Blurry would be right.

Spooky just thought that maybe Blurry wasn't truly thinking correctly. Of course, with the shorter boy's mind, the paler wouldn't expect anything else. It was just a shame that Spooky couldn't take it all away and let the poor boy realize that everything was okay.

He had a plan. He would go to college, get a job and rent some apartment in the city. With Blurryface. After college, they'd probably move, not too far, but then again, that depended on the jobs they both had. Also depending on their friends and stuff. His parents would fund the apartment, given that Spooky's dad didn't know of his son's relationship, and then at some point that whole mask would fade, but they'd make it work because they'd have jobs.

He was a dumb 18 year old, but was he really that dumb?

His mind went back to the brunet. They'd seen each other yesterday, and he'd seemed perfectly fine, which was good. They got lunch at McDonalds and then fooled around afterwards for the rest of the day. They also had watched Deadpool among Blurry's request.

Maybe that's why Spooky was watching another Marvel movie.

He went home, and he'd texted the redhead goodnight at around 11 PM as per usual. Then presumably, he slept. Spooky did the same.

Blurry was easily the highlight of his day. He was the highlight every day. Spooky loved his personality, his attitude, the way he talked. How he only really opened around Spooky.

Sure, he was also hot as hell but that was just an added bonus. Spooky just liked to remind him of that a lot. Not only for the reaction, but also just in case Blurry ever got insecure.

But Spooky would also really compliment anything about the boy, appearance or personality wise.

Blurry was even good at being a fucking asshole. That takes time to grow on a person.

Damn, Spooky was so in love. He'd protect that boy with his life. He couldn't let anything happen to him. Or their relationship.

Even Josh liked Blurry. And Blurry liked him back. That brought a smile to Spooky's face. He could hear the puppy running towards him in the background. Soon enough the dog was situated next to the boy, allowing Spooky to give him plenty of affection like he wanted.

"What do you think of Blurry?" Spooky asked the dog.

The brown bundle of fur wagged it's tail at the mention of the brunet's name, head up and tongue out. He barked.

Spooky giggled, "Me too, buddy."

Tony Stark was putting an expensive ruby necklace around his girlfriend's neck when Spooky's phone vibrated.

pretty boy
we need to talk


i love you all so much, i'm uh crying

thank you.


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