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Spooky knew that counselor had fucked Blurry over, but he never even thought about what the fuck his dad would do to the poor boy when the school called him and told him Blurry "got detention for showing various amounts of PDA with his boyfriend and getting involved in various fights."

Because that's exactly what they called Spooky's mom to tell her yesterday afternoon.

And after a long half hour of lectures and yelling (which his dad was luckily not a part of, Spooky thought his mother was honestly afraid of her husband), the brown eyed boy could only imagine what was happening in Blurryface's household.

Which is why when Blurry didn't show up that next morning for school, Spooky was using his second and last family emergency excuse.

"You had a family emergency back in November, didn't you? Can I ask what it is this time?" asked the clerk.

"A very severe mental breakdown is happening and I'm the only one that can take care of it," Spooky rushed out. He knew if he said "boyfriend" it wouldn't classify as family, but something more insane like "husband" or whatever would be much worse. So he did what he could and just decided to not name drop.

"Alright, please return if you can."

"I'll see, I promise, ma'am."

Spooky was out the door in under thirty seconds.

where is blurry

He's in the bathroom right now. I took all of his pills and his razor away so he can't be doing anything like that but I don't know what happened. His father must've done something. I cant get in, I think he's still in the shower and he keeps mumbling for me to go away.
Are you leaving school?

i have family emergency leave.
don't tell him i'm coming. i cant worry him like that, it'll make things worse
is your husband there?

Okay. I'll try and get him to respond.
No, he's at work

thank you.

The drive to Blurry's was like it always was— either extremely happy or extremely worried. It was not the latter.

The door was unlocked, making it easy for Spooky to enter and hurry up the stairs as quick as he could. Caroline was in Blurry's room, standing by the door that lead to the tiny bathroom connected to the bedroom. Spooky could hear running water.

Caroline hugged Spooky first. She was tall for a woman, but her body was soft and welcoming. "I asked what happened with his father, and he didn't give me a good answer. He just said 'bad things'. And I'm thinking they were about you. He won't let me in, and I'm afraid he's in the shower because the water is running, so i'll let you go in if you can get the door open.

"Got it," Spooky said, voice cracking.

"Caroline, who are you talking to?" came the voice from inside the bathroom. It sounded scratchy and unused. Spooky's face dropped.

"It's me, Blur, I gotta come in."

"No," Blurry said, dreadful. Like he was scared for what was going to come.

"Blurry, I have to," Spooky said against the door, "You're gonna be okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Why are you here, Spooky?"

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