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Blurry didn't get the text until he left school, after detention (where his phone was collected).

I had to take an emergency trip four hours south, I won't be home until tomorrow. There's food in the fridge, and your father should be busy with work stuff. I'll see you in the morning! Love you x

He didn't respond. He was pissed off.

He needed to fucking talk to Caroline, but guess what he couldn't do? Blurry didn't know what to do in the first place. He wasn't talking to Spooky, he wasn't talking to anyone. He wanted to talk to his step-mother.

Blurry figured the only option to this was to go home and cry it out.

To his luck, Gold was able to take him home because she too had detention. Of course, she was put in the same room as Spooky instead of her brother, and God knows what she talked to the redhead about.

"Let's go, Blurry, stop looking at your dumb phone!" Gold urged, an annoyed look on her face.

"You're one to fucking talk," Blurry grumbled back.

"I had to sit through you kissing your stupid boyfriend before he left and now you're staring at your phone. Come on. What happened now?" Gold whined.

"Caroline isn't going to be home tonight. And I'm upset." Blurry argued.

"Shit," Gold whispered. "Let's go. We don't want to be late, Dad's already gonna kick our ass because the school called him and told us we have detention, and Caroline isn't there to knock him out of his head."

Blurry's head snapped up. "What do you mean the school called him?"

"They call the parent whenever you get detention and tell them why and stuff," Gold told the boy like it was obvious. "You didn't know that?"

"Fuck no," Blurry's eyes widened. "Come on."

They ran to the car, Blurry in the passenger seat. He wasn't even buckled before he started shaking his head.

"What is it now, Blurryface?"

"I can't go home." Blurry muttered.

Gold met his eyes. "Blurry you have to."

Blurry choked. "No I can't, he's going to fucking murder me! He's—"

"What? Why? What'd you get detention for?"

"What do you think?" Blurry hissed.

Gold shrugged, starting the engine. "I don't know... having sex or something?"

"I'm not that nasty you dumbass. The counselor lady got on to me for getting into fights and 'showing PDA'. And I'm gay and he's religious. He's going to beat my ass." He spoke in a bitter tone, putting air quotes around "showing PDA".

Gold furrowed her eyebrows. "PDA... it is kind of nasty, Blurry."

"Yeah but that's because I'm your brother! Don't you think the straight couples fucking moaning in the hallways is any worse?"

"I mean..." she started, "I guess you have a point." The car's digital screen came on, and Gold caught the time. "Shit, Blurryface, we gotta go. Now."

"Fucking drive." Blurry whispered.

It was silent when they got home. Eerie. Gold shut the door behind them, dropping her backpack at the base of the staircase.

"Gold," there was a low grumble coming from the office. "You're grounded. Go to your room."

"Yes, sir!" The girl ran.

"Blurryface, get your ass in here. Right now."

Blurry gulped. His world was about to singlehandedly end right here. "Yes, sir." He walked into the room, breathing slowly.

His father sat as his desk, and he didn't look drunk. His grey skin looked horrible, the grey hair on his head not looking any better. White eyes stared straight at red ones.

"What the hell were you thinking, Blurryface?"

"I'm sorry, sir."

"No you aren't. Sit your ass down." He rolled his chair around to face the boy. "What did I tell you about that fucking boyfriend of yours?"

"I don't remember." Blurry's voice was scratchy.

"You do know, son, that that dumbass boy only wants to hurt you, right?"

"That's wrong," Blurry replied quickly.

"No, it isn't. You know what boys like that do? They fucking hurt people. He wants to ruin you. You fucking kids don't love each other. You have no fucking idea what love is." He took his glasses off.

"That's also not true," Blurry argued. "You can't stop me from seeing him."

"Maybe not, but maybe I can convince you. Because love isn't real. And I don't want you spreading that poison everywhere," Blurry's father replied cooly.

Blurry's eyes were angered, an alarm like red. "How do you know? Oh wait, you can't, because my mom fucking left you and I am sure as hell you don't love Caroline."

"I know because of your mother, Blurryface. You know, I thought she was everything. I based my entire life around her, when she told me she had kids on the way I didn't object because I trusted her to care for you. Give you a good life. And then, what did she do? She fucking left. And you're right. I don't love Caroline. She's here because you need care. But now, she's starting to leave too, on that job of hers. Love is not fucking real, you're being betrayed every day and you don't know it. Not only that, but you're practicing sin."

No. That wasn't true. It couldn't be true.

But it was so, so real.

This was going to tear him apart. This wasn't safe. But he didn't want to quit.

Blurryface gulped, "Leave me alone. Please."

"Only if you stop this. And come to realize the truth. Then, I'll leave you to do whatever the fuck you want. Right now I'm protecting you."

"You're abusing me!"

"I am protecting you, Blurryface! Don't fucking argue with me!"

This was it. Blurry stood up hastily as a tear slipped down his face. "Fuck this! I fucking hate you, you piece of shit! You shouldn't have a say, god damnit!"

He didn't let his father say another word before he ran off, slamming one of the office doors shut before he slammed his own bedroom door shut not soon after.

He knew it was a lie. He knew it was all a lie. Blurryface fucking knew he would be okay.

So why was he not? Why were there tears rolling down his face? Why was everything he'd ever done in the past months flashing before his eyes, checking for false things?


"Go away! I don't fucking care who you are, go away!"

So much bliss, only to lead to so much falling. This is what he gets.


double update
i'm literally crying uh can i give that poor boy a hug please


[✓] dangerous sarcasm → spookyfaceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora