--ѕιχту ѕιχ--

Start from the beginning

"At least I can dance," he shot back with a playful smile, sticking his tongue at me.

I blew up my cheeks with air, letting it go as I shrugged, "That's debatable."

"Then why don't you teach me to dance, huh?" he asked, making me smile back at him. He turned the other direction towards Taehyung, making sure to stick his tongue back out at me before his face escaped my vision.

I turned towards Jungkook, the voices of the people fighting over the drink getting louder and more easily heard due to the MC's beginning to talk.

The introduction of a group called "NU'EST" flew past my ears as we escaped the large of groups in replacement of the other, more "calm" group of the older people. When we arrived, however, Namjoon's attention instantly snapped away from the conversation and lit up in a child-like excitement as I handed him the milky bubble tea from my left hand.

"Thanks," he said, immediately pulling the straw to his mouth. After commenting on his single sip, Soon pulled the cup down in front of her own face, taking a sip. She nodded, agreeing with her brother who simply stared at her with a knowing look, holding the cup closer to himself. I guess Bangtan was really into bubble tea?

Suho, who was standing next to Namjoon, looked at the drink with interest. Immediately after noticing, however, Namjoon held it closer to himself and the other laughed, understanding.

"Oh, here," Jungkook said, pulling out the change from his pocket and handing it to Namjoon, who shoved the moved into his own pocket. "Thanks for paying, I owe you." Jungkook said, making the older nod.

"No problem." Namjoon replied after a long sip of the drink which had left a moment without words.

Somehow it didn't surprise me to see Jimin next to me again, this time nudging me softly. He whispered carefully, "Can I have a sip? The guys over there aren't sharing Taehyung's tea."

I gave a small chuckle, pulling my straw out of the honeydew flavored tea in my hand. Jimin gave a gracious smile, sticking his own straw in. I let him enjoy it in peace, looking around. I noticed Suga seeming focused on the performance that had just begun, enjoying the tension before the beat drop that never actually occurred until several seconds later. Once it dropped though, he looked to the side towards me. I gave a smile towards him, the older tilting his head to watch Jimin hand me my drink back after pulling out his own straw.

"You're actually the-" he began, pausing for a very short but noticeable second before continuing, "Thanks Rona."

"Yeah, no problem," I replied, turning back him and noticing his slightly refrained smile.

"I'll see 'ya around," he said, pointing towards Jin and the direction he was heading. He walked past Suga, the older stopping him for a moment to say something to which Jimin shook his head to, patting the taller's shoulder.

I turned towards the girls as I heard a high pitched and excited call of my name.

When I approached the girls I heard Alice let out a groan as Lily pulled my arm to drag me to the group at a faster pace than I was walking earlier.

"Well you all look awfully cute!" I commented optimistically, replied by two more pessimistic replies.

"Awfully cute?" Grace jokingly asked, emphasizing the negative adverb with a tilt of her head. I let out a breath, correcting myself with a knowing point at her. "Extraordinarily cute."

"That's the problem," Alice had replied to my original comment, sneering a bit at the shining jewel embellishments that were at the top of her dress. She poked at one them, seeming heavy-hearted.

Teach Me To Dance (A BTS Fanfiction) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now