“Like what?”

 “Like…” Amy started.

 “Like, pain. You caused Naomi pain and know its back firing.” Joseph spoke.

Ruba looked at him in disbelief and replied back defensively, “No…no, it can’t be that. She was in my house…” Ruba looked around at everyone. “She was in my house! It was vivid!”

 “Maybe you summoned her?” Willow suggested, but Ruba could see it was a lie; the way Willow’s left eye twitched and she looked away to ignore Ruba’s response.

 “Ah! You guys don’t understand. I haven’t used magic all-" Ruba was cut off by Amy’s voice.

 “Yes, you have…”

 “Okay, I have. But not like that. Nothing big.”

 “Well, maybe it was nothing. Maybe it was your imagination?” Michael suggested.

 “Well maybe my friends don’t believe me and should stay the night and see what I mean…”

 Joseph spoke in a reassuring voice. “I’m in. What time does your mum finish working on Wednesday’s?”

 “Um… Wednesday’s…” Ruba started to tap her foot on the floor. “Um… half ten to eleven…”

 “Okay, I’m in too.” Willow lifted her hand and placed it on Ruba’s shoulder.

 “Me too!” Amy and Michael chorused.

 “Alright. Well, I’m not going back there alone, so I need to go home with one of you and then we can go to mine.” Ruba looked at everyone to find someone suitable.

 “You can come to mine.” Amy offered.

 “Thanks Amy.”

* * *

“So, what should I bring?” Amy spoke curiously, whilst looking at her spell book. Ruba nodded towards Amy’s spell book and spoke.

 “That. Take your book.”

 “But Ruba. No magic.”

 “No magic my bottom! If it’s a bad spirit in disguise as Naomi, we’re going to need magic.”

 Amy looked at Ruba and nodded. “Fine. Your… right?”

 “Hey, I’m always right!” Ruba joked.

Amy grabbed her things for the night and giggled, while pulling Ruba out the front door.

* * *

“Ruba said they’re on their way.” Joseph spoke towards Willow and Michael, who were already at Ruba’s house.

* * *

Ruba placed her mobile in her pocket.

“They’re at my place waiting.”

“They’re quick.”

Ruba and Amy were walking in silence. A comfortable silence. The sun was slowly setting and making the sky look caramel.

“So…” Amy started. “What do you think it is?”

“I don’t know. We’ll see, but thanks for coming.”

“It’s okay Ruba.” Amy squeezed Ruba’s shoulder. “We’ll find out what it is… and look on the bright side, we’ve got all summer after this Friday at twelve.”

“Ha! Yeah, more time for me to get tortured.” Ruba winked and they both giggled.

They reached Ruba’s house. The sun completely set. Completely dark outside, apart from the moon’s light and a few street lights.

“Ready guys?” Ruba questioned.

“Ready.” They all spoke together, whilst taking deep breaths. Ruba reached for her keys from her back pack and jingled them until she found the right key. She lifted her hand and started moving her hand towards the door to open it. She then placed the key in the lock and started to turn it, until they all heard a loud bang and a scream.

Ruba dropped her hands to her side and left the key’s in the lock and rapidly turned her head towards her friends, who were also in shock. They were all breathing heavily until Ruba broke the silence and spoke.

“Now; tell me that’s not my imagination.” 

Hope you enjoyed it and will be reading on ...

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