How He Says Goodbye

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     "Y/N..." Kisame's voice already began to waver. "I don't know how I'll cope without you, you know? O-Oh, please don't be upset, I can't stand seeing you sad... It won't be for long, even though it'll feel like years... I'll come back to you real soon, alright, Y/N? That's a promise. I love you so much, ok...? See you soon, b-bye..."



     "My love... This troubles me as much it does you, I can hardly bear to be away from you.... Please don't cry, my love, I love your smile much more. I love you, so much more than anything else. I swear to you, I will return. My heart beats only for you. I will return to you soon, Y/N, farewell."



     "This is going to be harder than I thought, dammit... Don't take that the wrong way, Y/N, it's just I've never felt like this before. You made me fall in love so damn hard I don't know what to do with myself. Hell, how can I tear myself away from you? Oh, I'm supposed to be comforting you, right... I know it'll feel like forever, but I'll see you again real soon, Y/N, alright? Good, I love you babe, see ya soon..."



     "I hate this. I hate having to leave you. If I could buy more time together, then I would in a heartbeat. Not seeing you for a while will be torture, but knowing that I will see your beautiful face means that hopefully it won't be so hard... I'll be looking forward to our next meeting, Y/N. I love you so much. Goodbye."



     "God, I'm such a state, snivelling and crying... I'm sorry, Y/N, I'll just miss you so much, I can feel it already. It's not fair I have to leave you, I love you so much I can't bear it... I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. I can't stand to be away from you and I know I'll think about you the whole time. Ah, enough delaying. I love you so much, Y/N, I'll see you soon, bye bye~"



    "Honestly, I hate this... Having to leave you... I know, I know, I'll see you again soon, but... I'll miss you, I know it already. It won't be for long, but I just... I love you too much... You woke up these feelings inside of me that I... Let's not get into that right now... Just know that I'll do everything in my power to come back to you soon. I love you, Y/N, goodbye."



     "Wahh! Y/N-Chan! Tobi is a good boy! Tobi doesn't want to leave Y/N-Chan alone! Tobi wishes he could just hold Y/N-Chan and never leave her side, not even for a second! Tobi loves Y/N-Chan so much and will miss he dreadfully... But don't be sad, Y/N-Chan! Tobi is coming back the first chance he gets! So be a good girl while Tobi is gone, Y/N-Chan, love you, bye bye!~



    "It seems even I can't escape having to leave you... I know my thoughts will be on you, always. How I shall function I do not know. But I do know that  I will. I will because I know that I will get to hold you again soon. So you need to keep going too, Y/N. I love you so much, and I will not be away from your side a second longer than I have to be, I love you too much. I will return soon, Y/N. I promise you. Goodbye."



    "Man, this suck, majorly sucks. I just love you so much, I don't wanna go away. I know, I know, it won't be for long. But still, I wish I could stay here, it's not fair... Hmph... I love you, I don't wanna have to be apart from you, you're like the better half of me! If it wasn't for knowing I'll see you again soon, I'd drop down dead. I love you too much to leave you for long, even death wouldn't keep me from you. I'll see you again soon, baby, bye~ Oh, and stay safe!~"


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