Chapter 54

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Different. I'm different. Great. But Matt is so amazing, so is Taylor, don't get me wrong, Taylor is a great guy but I love Matt. I loved him before I even met him and I cant pass up this chance to be with the boy of my dreams.

"I'm sorry Taylor-" I start

"Save it, I don't want your apologies"

"Taylor, please, don't be like this! I didn't mean to hurt you"

"Well you did." He says bluntly


"You know what? I'm done with you. I don't care about you anymore!" It feels like he's just ripped my heart out and ripped it into a million pieces and then scattered it across the globe. I've lost my best friend.

"Tay, isn't that a bit extreme?" Matt says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Don't Tay me, from here on out, I'm done with you too. I'll be civil for the fans but don't expect my help or me to talk to you other than that. Goodbye Matthew. It wasn't nice knowing you" and with that he storms out. I bring Matt into a tight hug, he's just lost his best friend.

"Come on, let's go back to the hotel." He kisses me and leads me out to the car. The rest of the boys follow to the car park and get into their designated cars. Matt gets in the passenger seat of Amy's car and I start to pull out of the hospital car park. We stay silent the whole journey back, shocked from the events of the day.

When we pull up outside the hotel, the boys cars are already there and no one is to be seen. Matt runs around to the side of the car, opening the door for me and taking my hand. I lock the car as he leads me up to the room.

When we get into the room, I almost instantly grab my pyjamas, well I say pyjamas, I actually mean one of Jack J's tie dye tops that's too big on me, reaching to just below my bum, seeing as I had been wearing my previous pyjamas for 6 days now. I climb into Matt's bed, without even thinking. He doesn't think twice about jumping in beside me. He wraps his arms around me, leading my head on his chest as he hugs me tight. His breathing is steady, I bounce up and down as he breathes.

"Sky, I have a confession"

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