Chapter 33

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How did I know she would be there? Easy. Back in England, my parents were always being called because I was 'missing class' but in actual fact I was locked in a cupboard on the far side if my school. I knew she would be dumb enough to do it again. I hated the closet. She said I could 'never come out of the closet, everyone already knew I was gay anyway" even though I wasn't. She was always starting rumours about me. I got so tired of it that I started my own rumour about her. Yeah... That didn't quite work out. I was further on known as liar Skylar. Dumb right.

I looked down on my best friend. She was battered, bruised and bleeding. A lot. I hear the sirens outside and footsteps getting closer. I was only a few yards away from Anna and the Jacks so I could hear everything. I pull out my phone and see a text from Matt.
M: Skylar I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you again. I'm not gay, I swear. It was a one time thing and it meant nothing. Please forgive me, I can't lose you again Sky. My life changed for the better when I met you. I'm so glad we met and I never want to leave you or hurt you again. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you when you needed me and I'm sorry that I had a go at Taylor and let my anger get out of control. If you want me to I'll never talk to you again, I might kill me but if it's what you want I'll do it. I'll cut all ties from here on, you'll never have to see me or hear from me ever again. If you don't reply I'll take it as a yes and let you get on with your life. I'm so sorry Sky. I love you.

I can't deal with this right now. I have to help Amy. I close the text and call the ambulance. I hate the hospital but there's no way I can make this go away without professional help. Minutes later I hear more sirens. Thank God. I look down again, Amy's eyes are pretty much swollen shut but I can see the life draining out of them.
"No Amy stay with me. Please Amy" her breathing slows as I reach for her wrist to feel a pulse. It's getting weaker and weaker.
"Amy please! The paramedics will be here any second. Stay with me" I beg, her pulse getting weaker, her breathing slowing more, her eyes shutting completely. I get up to look for the paramedics. They must be lost.
"I'm going to get you help Amy, just stay alive please" I run as fast as I can back in the direction that I came. After a few seconds I see the ambulance people ahead.
"Help, help" I call as tears begin to form in my eyes. "Come fast" I say as they catch up to me. We run again back to Amy.

"What's her name?" The paramedic asks me
"Amy" I say "Amy Jackson" as another paramedic sees to Amy
"Amy? Amy can you hear me?" She says softly, getting louder.
"Age?" The first woman says to me
"Date of birth"
"February 3rd 1996" I say confident in my answer until I realise that I had told her Taylor's birthday. "No wait her birthday is March 5th 1997"
"Ok, parents contact number?" I hesitate, her parents will hate me, it's all my fault "We need to make contact with them" I nod and give Amy's mum's mobile number. "Do you know how this happened?"
"Er, it's a long story.."

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