Chapter Eighty Four- Rising Star

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Japan was a live crowd. I might not understand a lot about here but they sure do love their music. Then again music is the only universal language so I guess it makes sense. I know with being and pregnant and all, this will be the last tour I'm on for a little while and I was going to enjoy it. Touring the world with my 7 best friends and my husband, what's not to like? By the time I get home I'll be fours months and ready for the next chapter of my life. But until then I was going to live it to the fullest making memories everywhere I go. Patrick is even spending his day with the cup in Paris, how cool is that?

And as of tonight this tour is underway. We got our cool stage props and tour buses and everything we needed. Moments like these were bitter sweet, I loved every second of performing but I know I'll never have this moment back again. Looking out at everyone's happy faces, this is why I do what I do. Because I can do for them what music did for me. And that's forever special.

Even though we had a new set we still broke the same way. I would sing for a little so the rest of the band can hydrate and eat and rest then they'll come on and I'll get a break.

I sit at the edge of the stage like always and look out at the happy faces. There was over fifty thousand people here and I've had chills the whole night.

"Can I tell you guys something" I ask and they cheer very loudly.

"My life the past few years have been... insane. Not too long ago I was this shy girl singing to regulars at a bar. I never doubted that I wouldn't make it, I was way to self determined to not, but I wasn't sure how I would get here.

And people call me cute and adorable, naive even. But I learn every day and I'm not this innocent little girl who doesn't see what's wrong with the world. Trust me, I see it. I know there's bad in this world, it takes the form of human beings and will say and do a lot to tear me down. It can be what they write about me, about what they think my life is like. They can ask these silly questions but I won't crack. No, I'm holding on to too much to let go because of what other people say. Life isn't always going to be rainbow and gumdrops, I get that. But if you let it, life can be so great. Love... love is so great.

I count my blessings every night. I start with the one beside me and work to you guys, the fans. Never failing to miss one blessing. And although it's exhausting and hard to stay focused at times, it's always worth it.

I'm not the same girl who grew up in a farm in Chicago. I've gone through too much to still be her. But deep inside me is that little girl who got her first piano. Who found ways to turn feelings into lyrics. Who can connect with any song and connect to the people who feel it. I'm a lot of things, but I sit here before you as your friend. My dream was to share music with all who can hear it and here I am, in a new land with new people and I'm so excited.

I know you're not here to listen to me lecture, and I'm probably not telling you something you didn't already know. But here's something I need you to know. You are beautiful. You are one of a kind and you are worth it. Never forget that. Whatever you want to do, do it. You'll be surprised where it may lead you. And if you get knocked down, get back up. You never know. There might be a Stanley cup waiting for you at the end.

Tonight I wanted to sing you a song. The first song I wrote back in high school. It has a special place in my heart because I didn't know where I was going with this song. But now I see it clear as day. I am who I am and I'm where I need to be. Thank you" I say softly strumming my guitar. I move to center stage and start to sing my song.

"I never knew
Life could be this hard.
Only 17 years old,
stuck wondering who you are.
I've made my mistakes
But pay no attention to the scars.
One day I'm going to make it,
I'll be a rising star.

Every night I look to the sky
And ask why you're so far.
I wonder if you're ever going to find me,
To tell me the world is ours.
Then I remember late one night
When I sat outside a bar.
Something told be I'll be alright,
Even if I fall I'm still a rising star.

You don't have to tell me
I promise I've heard it all.
"Lizzie honey you'll never make it
You're too nice, too cute, too small."
In the end it's not up to them
To decide if I rise or fall.
I'll look up to the sky, find the stars
And by god I will love them all.

Don't let anyone big or small
tell you who you are.
Because one day when they're counting their money
you'll be a Rising Star."

We finish the show and meet some fans by the bus after. The security guys understand how important it is for us to try and meet everyone and they get pretty liniment. After a lot of smiling for pictures me and my sore cheeks head to the buses to relax and start the rest of our journey.

"That show was amazing! And Miss Lizzie why have you been hiding that song" Amber asks.

"Because I didn't name the band, Tate and Patrick did. I wrote that song way before we were a band" I defend.

"Well I love it" Andrew claims.

"Thanks Druby" I tease messing with his hair and he pushes me away. Eventually everyone goes to bed and I find Patrick reading. Wait... he's reading?

"What are you reading about" I wonder.

"You" he says and I raise a eyebrow.

"Excuse me" I laugh.

"It's fan mail that was redirected from the studio to our house. Your parents were out taking care of the animals when they dropped it off. There's some pretty cool stuff in here" he admits.

"Believe it or not but a lot of these people in the world are really good. If they told the good stories half as much as they told the bad ones people will realize that this world isn't that bad of a place to live in" I shrug.

"I hate to tell you this, but a lot of people don't see the world as you do. Never will" he says. 

"And that sucks because this world is so beautiful" I say.

"Mine is. Because you're my world and very very beautiful" he says tucking his phone away and pulling me close.

"You ready" I ask.

"For the tour" he mumbles.

"No. For the rest of our lives."

Rising Star (Patrick Kane)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें