Chapter Fifteen- I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You

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After going over the paperwork and talking things over with my agent, Elizabeth, and her band, we got a deal worked out and they all signed with Def Jam records. We go out to celebrate this huge milestone and Lizzie invites me and her family along with.

I haven't met her family before but I've heard the stories. Her dad is super strict and her mom is very old fashion so this should be... interesting. But they're both very supportive of Lizzie and her dreams so I know they would be so proud of her.

We drive over to the bar down town and sit in the VIP area. I chill with her and her band waiting for her parents to show up.

"I can't believe we're signed! You did it Liz" the drummer Kurt says.

"No we did Kurtzy. I would be nowhere without you dragging my ass when I forget the lyrics or decide to improve" she laughs.

"Hey, if I had to choose between you and Beyoncé to lead us... you would be a close second" the electric guitarist Emily says.

"Wow Em... so sweet" she laughs.

"Seriously though, I'm super proud of everyone and I can't wait to start songwriting and arranging and recording" Vivian says.

The band consisted of the drummer Kurt, on piano was Andrew, on bass guitar was Amber, electric was Emily, then the backup singers Vivian and Allison. They were as close as you can get it a group, almost like a team if you will. But I loved hanging with them and they were super talented so I was excited they are going to start making original music.

We sit around and snack on wings and beer and I enjoy being with Lizzie like always.

"So... are you excited to start recording and stuff" I ask Lizzie.

"Hell yeah. We have so much stuff from the past three years to work with we can just brainstorm and get things out there pretty fast" she says.

"I can't wait to hear all the things you come up with" I smile. I pull her into my lap and we talk for a little until a older African American couple comes up to us with the biggest smiles on their face.

"Mom! Dad" she yells jumping up from my lap and into the couples arms. She was like a little kid. A incredibly sexy yet adorable little kid.

"Oh sweetie, we have missed you so much! We're so proud of you" the lady says squeezing Lizzie tight.

"Thanks momma" she says letting go.

"We always knew you could do it. Congrats" the man says.

"Thanks dad" she laughs tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She pulls me up off the couch and laces his fingers through mine.

"Mom and dad, this is my wonderful boyfriend Patrick. Pat, these are my parents Ronda and Jesse" she says. I shake their hands and tell them hello.

"It's nice to finally meet you" Ronda says giving Elizabeth side eye.

"Moooom" she whines rolling her eyes causing us to chuckle.

"It's great to finally meet you too. We have some nachos and sliders if you would like to join us" I say pointing to our booth. We each sit on the side of a table and they order some drinks.

"So Patrick, how has life been treating you" Jesse asks me.

"Pretty good. It's been a calm off season and I'm itching to get back on the ice, but I'm enjoying my time away from the game" I reply smiling down at Elizabeth.

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