Chapter Thirty Five- Get Together

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As the shortened season comes to a end the organization holds a get together at the UC. The ice is turned into the basketball court and we're allowed to dance and eat and hang around on it. We usually don't do this but with such little time all of our team and family bonding came at once. Plus it gives us a chance to hang out and not be on skates.

I get ready in the apartment and chill in the living room while Elizabeth got ready in the bedroom. Precious and I watched TV listening to them talk about how good our team was. They didn't even know all of it. We loved each other like brothers and never tore each other down. If someone had a bad game there was a guy right next to them giving encouraging words and whatever they needed to be successful. We were a well oiled machine on and off the ice and it's been a honor playing with these guys.

Eventually the door opens and I hop up to grab my things to go.

"You ready" I ask.

"Yuppers" she replies and I laugh. I turn to talk to her and freeze in my spot. If I moved I would have tripped over my jaw anyway. I find my beautiful girlfriend in a navy fitted dress with a v cut and cut out shoulders. There was a slit showing off her silver heels and amazing legs. Her hair straightened and reaching all the way down to her waist. She has on her bracelet I gave her for Christmas and a pair of sparkly earrings in. She looked like she was ready for the red carpet honestly and I didn't feel worthy.

"Lizzie you look

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"Lizzie you look... you're just so... I can't believe" I stutter.

"Thanks" she blushes moving her long hair around. She comes over and fixes my tie after I messed it up and I smell her perfume making me feel all good inside. Her hands find their way inside my suit as she runs them up my shoulders before cupping my neck.

"We don't have to go do we? We can stay here" I insist. Although she looked amazing in that dress I wanted to see how great she looked with it off.

"Oh we're going. You hang with the band and see me around my work all the time so I get to see you do your thing with your people" she claims.

"Ugh fine" I groan.

"Come on hot stuff" she says snacking my butt causing me to laugh. What a odd ball she is.

We get there and find some drinks to sip on. I talk to some of the guys with Lizzie under my arm the whole time. I end up talking to Seabs and his wife which is always a treat.

"How's my favorite couple" Brent asks.

"We're good. We're exhausted, but good" Elizabeth says smiling up to me.

"How's Patrick been treating you. Has he been good? Do we need to have the talk" Brent asks and I roll my eyes. I was turning 25 this year, not 15.

"He's been great, no need to worry. And if he gets out of hand I like to think I can handle it" she smirks and I squint my eyes at her.

"And what is that supposed to mean" I challenge.

"That means if you do something stupid I'm taking my dog on a very very very long walk" she claims and my eyes go wide. Point made.

"See, this is why I like her. She's strong and talented. Like you but without the strong part" Brent teases. So kind this one.

We walk around and as always I ended up at a table with Jonny. I swear they do this shit on purpose. He was with Lindsey so that made Elizabeth happy. They've gotten pretty close in the few short months this season has given us so it's nice when Jon comes over to watch film he can bring Lindsey and Elizabeth isn't stuck listening to us go on and on about hockey.

"Are you ready for the playoffs" Jonathan asks.

"Yeah. We're playing good hockey, I'm playing inspired, I'm ready" I claim.

"Good. Just gotta make sure your girl comes to the games because you play like Mr. Hockey when she's there" he teases.

"Hey, I gotta impress her" I laugh. We eat dinner and sip on wine all night enjoying the small talk. The whole night I tried to look around but my eyes always found Elizabeth. My ears addicted to the sound of her voice. My hands always finding her body. It's like she was a magnet and no force could separate us.

Eventually a voice comes over the intercom and we all stop talking.

"Hello hockey players and families. Thank you for joining us tonight and we appreciate all that you've bring to our team" someone says.

"This is John McDonough and I wanted to make a announcement since you're all here tonight. I am honored to tell you that the Blackhawks will be in the winter classic next year against the Washington capitals in Washington D.C." he says and everyone gasps. The one against the penguins at Wrigley was so much fun, I can't wait to do it again.

"And the music will be brought to you by yours truly, Rising Star" he continues and I look over to Elizabeth who was just as surprised as I was.

"Did you know about this" I ask.

"Hell no! I don't even know what a winter classic is" she laughs.

"It's a hockey game played out doors. Hence why it's at the baseball stadium" I explain.

"Oh that's so cool! I can't wait to perform there" she cheers.

"Please do a cover of Chelsea dagger" Jon begs.

"We'll see" she replies with a wink. After we finish eating the tables are removed and the floor was now for dancing. Elizabeth grabs my hands and pulls me to the dance floor. My hands rest on her waist as her body grinds against mine. I guess this is as good as staying home.

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