Chapter Twenty Seven- All Over

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As 2012 turned to 2013 we get closer to signing a contract that everyone is okay with. I've been talking to Jonathan daily and he's saying that they have something that will make or break us and I was both excited and scared. If something doesn't get done soon we won't have a season this year and I'm stuck here. If we get something done we will have hockey as soon and mid January and I'm on the first plane home. Really hoping for the second option.

I wake up the morning of January 6th 2013 ready for another day of hockey. I grab my bag I packed the night before and change into my travel outfit. I wait downstairs in the lobby for the bus scrolling through my phone updating my mom on the plans for today. We were going to leave in a little to play a team not too far away from here and just needed coach to get down so we can leave. I see a phone call and for once it wasn't Elizabeth, it was the only other person besides my dad who calls me, Jonny.

"Hey man, what's up" I ask.

"Good news. Great news actually" he claims and I smile bright.

"What is it" I ask.

"Bettman approved of a deal and practices start the 12th. That's six days for you to say good bye, get your ass back home and help me get this trophy back in Chicago" he says. It took everything in me not to scream like a little girl in that moment.

"You better not be fucking with me because I will start crying if you are" I warn.

"As much as I would love to listen to you cry I have to inform you that I am not lying. I know you want to be home and you can finally come home. Call your agent and figure it out then get your ass back here. Captains orders" he claims.

"Oh you just miss bossing people around"'I tease.

"I have never bossed people around in my life. I just talk and you guys listen" he jokes.

"Whatever you say captain" I laugh. We hang up and I let out a long breath. Oh my god I can't believe it's over. After two and a half long months it's finally over and I am back to being a Chicago Blackhawk. There was so much I needed to do but first I call my agent and he picks up on the second ring.

"I was just ready to call you" he claims.

"Jonny called first. He told me the good news. Can I come home" I ask and he laughs.

"Just getting to the point aren't you" he laughs.

"Yeah. You know I need to be home right now. I love it here and I've had a great time and learned so much but this isn't where I'm supposed to be. This was what I needed by now I need to be home" I claim.

"I get it. Your contract says that once the NHL comes back you are free to make your own decisions. As of janurary 6th the NHL is operating again so it's up to you. You can go to your game now and be the first flight home after that or you can hop on a plane now and come back to Chicago" he explains.

"How much of a bitch does it make me if I leave now" I ask.

"Depends. Did you say goodbye and thank you to everyone and do you leave your mom behind" he teases.

"I can say goodbye now since everyone is in the lobby right now and my mom will be coming home with me" I laugh.

"Then not that bad. They understand, I understand" he says. We talk for a little about how the contract works and how mine with the Hawks changed after negotiations. He lets me go and I say goodbye to everyone and thank them. Even though I didn't want to be here at first, they welcomed me with open arms and treated me great. I got to see cool new things and make new friends. The coaches were great and I enjoyed playing a different style of hockey but it was time to go home.

"Until I see you on the other side of the ice" Tyler says holding his hand out.

"Yeah, good luck unless you're playing me" I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you. You weren't anything like I expected but I still enjoyed your company. Thanks for the memories" he smiles.

"Same to you" I nod. After it was all said and done I run up to my hotel room and my mom was there watching tv. She gives me a weird look but I just rush over and give her a hug.

"It's over momma. We're going home" I say into her ear and she squeezes me.

"Seriously" she asks and i let her go.

"Yes. Now pack up we need to find a plane home" I explain. We get everything together and take a cab to the airport. The next plane to O'Hare left in a hour and there were still spots open. We sit at our gate ready to go home and my leg was bouncing up and down. I tap my finger on my phone as I stare at it.

"Sweetie please calm down. We still got a while until you can see Elizabeth" she explains.

"I know, but I get to see her" I say.

"Yeah. You really missed her huh" she wonders.

"You know how they say you appreciate things more when it's gone. I think that's the most true statement ever said. Even though we are still together we were apart and it was terrible and I can't wait to be in her arms again. I missed her so much" I explain.

"I could tell. And she missed you too. What are you going to do when you see her again" she asks.

"I don't know. But it's going to be great" I smile.

We get on the plane and I prepare myself for a nine hour plane ride. I would sleep but I'm too excited to sleep. I think about the best way to surprise Elizabeth and contact some people to see if it will actually work or if I'm going too big. In the middle of my planning I look out the window and see a star. And I was finally on my way to see mine.

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