Chapter Three- Just One More

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I finish another great show and was feeling good. I change out of the skinny jeans and bandeau top I was wearing into a comfy white v neck and yoga pants before slipping into my favorite pair of white nikes. Once I was all changed and pulled my long curly hair into a pony tail I say goodbye to Vivian and everyone else before heading out to pick up some food before heading home. I get my hamburger and fries and head to the door but stop. I hear a scuffle at the bar and turn to see the curly haired boy that I might be in love with getting thrown out.

Everything in me told me to leave it. To not get involved and leave him. This isn't how I wanted to meet him and the chances of this ending well was very slim. But a small part of me wanted to help and make sure he was okay. That part of me was my heart and it has precedence over everything else telling me to not intervene. I let out a groan knowing what I was about to do probably wasn't the best idea and let my feet carry me over there.

"Hey Jacob, what's wrong" I ask the bar tender and he slams his hands on the bar.

"This man doesn't understand that we are no longer serving alcohol. He obviously doesn't need it" he mumbles.

"Jussss one more. For the road" the man slurs.

"You are not driving" I say. He turns to me and his eyes go wide making me feel self conscious. He tries to smile but his motor functions were highly impaired. He attempts to stuff his hands in his pocket but nearly falls over in the process. I try to stabilize him but he jumped at my touch. He looks at me, where my hands sat, then me again causing me to pull away.

"Sir, what is your name" I try.

"Patty Cakes" he replies with a hiccup. I let out a giggle but cover my mouth quickly.

"Okay Patty, may I ask why you're here or if you're here with anyone" I wonder.

"I'm here for you" he says then quickly stops. I smile to myself because I was secretly hoping he was. We look at each other trying to figure out what happens next before I finally say something.

"Lets get you outside for some fresh air" I suggest and Jacob nods. I get him out back and look at him. He was pretty messed up but still really cute. The whole time he had this silly smile on his face and I finally ask.

"Why are you smiling like that" I laugh.

"Because every time you touch me I feel like I can fly" he replies and I start cracking up. Okay then.

"Alright... I can call you a cab. Where are you from" I ask.

"Buffalo New York" he replies. Well there goes that plan.

"I'm not paying for a cab to New York. How about I get you a hotel room" I suggest. Before he answers he starts gagging before throwing up all over himself. I jump out the way as he spills his contents everywhere.

"Oh great, just great" I mumble running my fingers through my hair.

"Sorry" he says looking up to me with those soft blue eyes. Damn those things. I obviously couldn't let him be by himself and I wasn't about to take him to Buffalo so I guess he was coming home with me.

"Alright Patty, lets get you in my car" I say opening the door and pointing to the inside.

"Oh are we going on a adventure" he asks like a child.

"Yup" I assure him and he brightens up. He climbs in my car and lays across the back seats. I get in the drivers side and head to my house. He was being pretty quite and I thought he was asleep but I looked back and he was just staring at the ceiling.

"You have such a beautiful voice. The prettiest voice I've ever heard" he says. I smile to myself as I tap the steering wheel.

"Thank you" I reply.

We get to my place and I get him up to my small apartment. Thank god I just cleaned. I set him on the couch and look him over. His curly hair all a mess and his strong features softened. If only I knew how to take care of totally drunk people.

"Alright. Take your shirt off" I demand.

"Oh are we having fun" he asks.

"No. You threw up all over yourself and I'm going to wash your shirt" I inform him. It kinda smelled and I didn't need it all over my couch.

"Ohhhhh" he gasps. He takes it off and my eyes nearly pop of my head. Holy shit... was this dude sculpted by god or something? All I wanted was to run my hands up and down his chiseled body, but that would be weird given the circumstances. Once I was done staring I take his shirt and place it in the washer. I return to him with some sprite and ibuprofen and some pillows and blankets. He watches me in silence as I get the place ready for him. I take his phone and place it on a charger since it was dead. We both had iPhones so that worked out well.

"So you have pillows and blankets here ready for you. The bathroom is down the hallway and there's a trash can right here so please try to make it to one of those two if you throw up. Your phone is charging so you can call someone if you need to. I'll be in my room if you need me. The only thing I ask is to just stay out of my room. Any questions" I ask.

"Do you like me" he asks.

"I don't know you" I laugh.

"Well I like you" he replies.

"We can talk about this tomorrow when you're more... decent" I explain and he nods. I lay him down and he smiles up at me.

"I'm sorry" he says and I giggle.

"For what" I wonder.

"For being a drunken mess. I wanted to make a good impression on you and this is not helping" he sighs.

"Hey now, I don't know a lot about you but everyone goes through tough times. Alcohol is the most abundant resource of depressants" I explain.

"God you're smart too" he groans and I laugh.

"Get some sleep" I suggest and he nods. As soon as he closes his eyes he starts snoring and I shake my head.

I go to my room and decide to call Vivian because she's going to love this.

"Guess who is asleep on my couch right now" I tease.

"Is it Justin Bieber" she asks.

"No. It's the blue eyed pretty boy who keeps showing up at our shows" I say and she starts screaming.

"What!?! No fucking way! How" she asks. I explain everything and the line goes silent so I can catch my breath.

"Oh my god, what are you going to do" she asks.

"I don't know. I feel so bad because I know he's embarrassed. He keeps apologizing. Part of me hopes he's gone before I wake up tomorrow. Another part of me hopes he's still here and something comes out of this" I sigh.

"Well tell me what happens. Every detail" she claims. We say our goodbyes and I get his shirt cleaned up. I lay in bed and quickly fall asleep.

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