Chapter Fifty Five- Skate

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Patrick got accepted to play for the United States hockey team and was about to go to Canada to compete in the Olympics. I would be there to watch him play but I had to come back as soon as possible to get ready for the tour. There was a lot to do but I knew this was a special moment in pats life and I had to be there.

As of right now I was in LA doing a photo shoot and some promo slash interviews for the band and Patrick just so happened to be playing here. He came to watch the photo shoot and after the morning skate then we would go out to eat afterwards. Funny how things work out.

Until then I find myself in a tight dress and actually don't mind for once. It was beautiful. The band was going with this whole black and white theme that made us look really sharp. Myself, Vivian, Emily and Allison were in all white and Andrew, Amber, and Kurt were all in black. My hair stylist and make up artist work on me before I get all finished up. Once I'm finished my hair stylist places me in front of the mirror and I gasp.

"Woah" I whisper as I look back at myself

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"Woah" I whisper as I look back at myself. I had on a two piece set and the top part stoped above my waist line and had a sweetheart neckline. There was a little bit of lace from the neckline to a pearl studded choker around my neck. The bottom was a simple flowy skirt with a pearl waist band. My hair set in loser curls than usual and a little bit bolder make up than I'm used to. I look different but I actually kind of liked it.

"You look amazing girl, go kill it" the hair dresser says holding my shoulders.

I walk out of the dressing room and see everyone getting put in their places. Of course I was the last one done. It's not my fault my hair takes forever to do. That's what happens when you try and control it.

"Holy hell" Allison says as she smiles bright when she sees me.

"What do you guys think" I ask spinning around.

"I think I have the hottest girlfriend in the world" Patrick says from afar.

"I think you do too" Vivian jokes and I nudge her side. 

"You guyyyys" I laugh.

We end up taking a bajillion pictures and that was mostly my fault because I wouldn't stop laughing. I couldn't help it, we were a fun bunch. There should be some great candid ones in there and I couldn't wait to see how they turn out. But I would be lying if I said I didn't want out of that dress.

I get changed and go look for Patrick but can't find him anywhere. I look all over the building and he was nowhere to be found.

"Hey Kurtzy, have you seen Patrick" I ask.

"He took a phone call outside a little while ago" he tells me and I thank him. I walk outside and find Patrick slumped against the building with his head on his knees.

"Baby what's wrong" I ask rushing over to him.

"My grandpa... he died" he cries looking up to me with stormy blue eyes. Tears stained his face as he gasps for breath.

"Oh my god Patrick I am so sorry" I say wrapping my arms around him. He sobs into my chest as we embrace each other on the ground. I try to calm him down but I know he was absolutely heart broken right now.

"Why him? Why now" he whimpers.

"Come on. Lets get you to the hotel and we can talk there" I say and he nods.

We ride over in silence and as soon as we get to the team hotel he retreats to his room. He sits on the bed and just stares out into seemingly nowhere. I've never seen him like this, it was scary.

"What are you thinking" I ask.

"That I should be at home with my family but he would want me here. That there's so much I wanted to do with him but now I can't. That my heart hurts so bad right now I don't even know what to do" he admits. I lay down behind him and pull him on top of me. He wraps his arms around me as I start to play with his hair. His head on my chest as we just lay as one.

"Close your eyes" I say and he looks up at me very confused.

"Just do it" I sigh and he does.

"Good. Now think of your favorite memory with your grandpa. Think of the time you looked at him and you knew that he was everything you need" I instruct.

"It was draft day. I was so nervous I went to the bathroom at least ten times in the hour leading up to the draft. My parents kept telling me I had nothing to worry about, but I still worried. Then my grandpa pulls me to the side and looks me in the eyes. He says "son, no matter what happens on this stage tonight I want you to know I'm proud of you. I want you to know that you are a great player and that no matter what happens you are going to be great." And I believed him. I looked into his eyes and pulled him into a hug. He told me that he loved me and I said it back. That moment always stuck out to me" he says softly.

"Now every time you close your eyes I want you to picture that moment. I want you to remember how you felt and why you felt such a strong connection" I reply.

"I felt like I could do anything in that moment. Like it was all worth it knowing he was watching, cheering me on" he sighs.

"He will always be watching. Always be cheering you on. And he will always be with you in those memories you hold close to your heart" I claim.

"You're the best, you know that" he asks finally opening his eyes and looking at me.

"I'm not, I just really love you" I explain.

That night Patrick goes to the game and scores two goals for his grandpa. It was hard for him but it was something he felt like he needed to do. And he's happy he did because he did the one thing his grandpa always told him to do: skate.

Two days later we fly out to Buffalo for the funeral. It was terrible to see a usually happy family mourning. They really loved Donald and honestly I did too. Patrick was so ready to bring him home a gold medal in the Olympics but now he can't. But he's still going to keep playing because that's what he's grandpa always told him to do: skate.

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