Chapter Sixty Four- Shining Bright Like a Diamond

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It's was the last day of July and the last day of the tour so naturally it was in Chicago. We couldn't go home just yet but that's okay, everything I've needed from home has been with me for two months now. So all my focus was on making this last show the best one.

I pull on my Patrick Kane Blackhawks jersey and a pair of jean shorts. I throw my hair up into a pony tail because I planned on going all out tonight and it was gonna get hot really fast.

I sit on the tour bus ready for one last pre show ritual. I meet the band outside of the tour buses and we just look at each other. We stand in a circle looking around not really sure what to say. With the past few months there isn't much left that hasn't been said between us, but as of right now there was so much we still wanted to say.

"This is it guys" Allison starts.

"I'm tired and exhausted and I miss being home, but man am I sad it's all over" Andrew admits.

"I'm gone miss your cooking" Vivian says turning to me.

"My apartment is always open to you" I say.

"Not for long" she singsongs and I look at her weirdly. What the hell does that mean? I let it go because it wasn't irrelevant to the situation at hand but that was still weird.

"What's going to happen next" Kurt asks.

"We get a break. Spend time with friends and family, make some more memories. Then when the time comes we'll start writing again. Who knows, maybe we can do a world tour" I say.

"That would be cool. As burnt out as I am of living on a bus and performing every other night, I'm so sad that this is the last show" Amber sighs.

"I'm gonna miss you guys" I admit. We spend every waking minute together but they've become a second family to me.

Like we do before every show we get in a group hug and wrap our arms around each other. I say a prayer and we all say amen. After that we put our hands in the middle and I look around.

"One last time" I smile.

"1, 2, 3, Rising Star" we yell and fall into a fit of laughter. I swear we're all twelve.

After we do the meet and greet and sound check we were ready to roll. I stand behind the curtain as everyone gets set. I get a little sad that this is the last time we would be doing this set, but I sure was glad to be home. Eventually the curtain rises and I look out over thousands of faces. Some of them I recognize from the first concert. There's some friends from around here in the crowd too. Kurt, Andrew, and Amber play us in as we get settled in.

The concert starts off great and I was having the time of my life. I was trying so hard to take it all in but still be in the moment. It was insane that this is my life now.

It comes time to end the show and I get a little sad. I didn't want it to end but I know we can't do like 10 encores.

"Alright guys, there's one more song we would like to sing for you. This one we wrote not too long ago but we couldn't sing it anywhere else. There's no place like Chicago and that became evident when we were everywhere else. So Amber, Emily, Kurt and I sat down one night and talked about what we liked most about Chicago and this is what we got" I announce. I go stand by Vivian and Alison and we wrap our arms around each other. I look out and take a second to thank god for all that I've been able to do the past three or so months.

"For a few months I've been free to roam,
And right about now I'm really missing my home.
Even though we've been to some really nice places,
I can't wait to see those familiar faces.

I miss Navy Pier, the bean, and those who miss me,
Who knows, when we get home maybe we can go see Wrigley.
Then grab a hot dog or head to the beach,
Catch a few new games at the good 'ol UC.

Oh there's just no place like Windy City.

Before this band was known and top charted,
We were playing in Chicago, yeah that's all where it started.
Finally we return both happy and whole hearted,
It's hard to believe that we could have ever parted.

I miss Navy Pier, the bean, and those who miss me,
Who knows, when we get home we can go to see Wrigley.
Then grab a hot dog, head to the beach,
Catch a few new games at the good 'ol UC.

Oh there's just no place like Windy City.

I find myself back where I first fell in love,
Where I grew up praising music and the lord above,
And I look around and see nothing to complain of,
Because me and this city, yeah we fit love a glove.

Now it's late and lights look oh so pretty,
I'm happy to have found a home in this Windy City."

And with that it was all over. We wave and blow kisses and find every excuse to stay on stage. But eventually it was time and we had to leave. I head to get off and see Tate standing there at the end of the curtain. He pushes back on stage and the whispers begin.

"Before everyone leaves I have a very special announcement.

Signing this band was the best decision I've ever made. It was risky but, but a beautiful girl once told me the risk is always worth the reward. And it is.

And for this groups hard work and risky music choices, they will be rewarded one of the biggest prizes in the music industry. I am very very proud to announce that their first whole length album went Diamond, selling over 10 million albums in the U.S. since it was released.

I am so proud of these young men and women, for the sacrifices made to get here and the beautiful music they make. I'm hoping to keep this going for a long time" he says. By now I'm freaking out because never in a million years would I have seen this coming. I've always wanted to spread my music but I would never have put money on going diamond, let alone our first full length album.

Eventually Patrick comes out with a diamond record plaque and I smile big. He hands it to the band and we all take a picture with it.

After the show we grab our things then head our separate ways. We do one more group hug before saying goodbye.

"I love you guys so much" I sniffle. I hate being so emotional, but these guys were my best friends. Through everything they've been right beside me and for that I am thankful.

"Honestly will be waiting by the phone for a call from Tate saying we get to do this all over again" Andrew claims.

"Yeah buddy, me too" I smile.

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