Chapter Sixty Nine- House Warming

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Preseason is over and it's been going pretty well. We got to play the oilers in Saskatchewan so that was awesome, but it's time to turn it on as we start making our journey to another cup. 2015 can really be my year if I let it.

Before we start playing we were going to have team bonding at our house. We set up tables in the back since we aren't actually growing anything yet and had all the space in the world. We had the grill going all day and even had time for a horse back ride around the farm. I love those.

Eventually people start showing up and I had the pleasure of of showing the grown manchildren around the place.

"So do you like milk the cows and shit" Crow asks.

"Well yeah. It's actually relaxing as weird as that sounds. Sometimes you just need to get away and these animals keep good company" I shrug.

"Patrick, if you're being held against your will blink twice" Sharpy jokes.

"Ha ha very funny. But I'm out here to get the hell away from you too" I say punching his arm.

"I have to admit this place is nice. I'm impressed" Jonny says.

"How do those words taste coming out of your mouth" I ask.

"Like a dirty jock strap" he smirks and I roll my eyes. After giving them the tour I join Elizabeth in the house to finish preparing the food. And by help her I mean keep
Her company because she wouldn't trust me to make this food if her life depended on it. I wrap my arms around her waist and nuzzle my face in the crook of her neck. She rubs my arm as she stirs some type of sauce on the stove.

"Are the guys behaving" she asks and I laugh.

"Never. But they found the horse shoes and bag game out back so that should keep their simple yet competitive minds busy. Plus I set out beer" I say and she nods.

"Good. The ribs are cooking then I'm going to sauté them in this BBQ before putting it on the grill. The chicken should just about be done grilling then I'll keep them warm in the oven. Then the hamburgers and hot dogs will go on and we'll be done. The potato salad is in the fridge along with the corn and fresh fruits and vegetables" she tells me.

"You are so perfect, did you know that" I ask.

"I am not" she claims.

"Am too" I argue.

"Am not" she counters with a playful smirk.

"You are to me" I reply and her smirk turn into a smile. A smile that is only there for me.

"Whatever did I do to deserve you" she asks turning around in my arms and resting her hands on my face.

"It's the hair" I tease.

"Really? What else" she asks.

"Those eyes that always seem to find me" I add on.

"And" she encourages.

"And your amazing ass" I joke and she lightly hits my face before kissing me and turning back to the food.

I help her fix the rest of the food and get it ready before going out back again. I open the screen sliding door and stop when I see three hockey players on top of each other's shoulders trying not to fall over.  I didn't know whether to grab some help or a camera.

"Ummm do I want to know what's going on" I ask.

"Well Saader here got a bag stuck on your roof... don't ask... and we're trying to get it down" Duncs explains.

"Oh gentlemen, let me" Elizabeth says walking to the stables. A little while later comes back on Sweetie and parks her in front of the house. She gives a command before standing up on the horse then onto the roof. She throws the bag down then sits on the side of the roof. She slides off and back onto the horse in one swift motion and even I was impressed.

"That was awesome" Jonny admits.

"Sweetie and I have had a lot of experience getting out of trouble, haven't we" she coos petting the horse.

"You... trouble? I don't believe it" Sharpy claims crossing his arms.

"I can be quite naughty, isn't that right Patrick" she asks and my eyes grow big. She sends me a wink before trotting away on the horse and I turn to see all the guys staring at me with their mouth wide open.

"Come on" Crow says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not talking about my sex life Corey" I defend.

"She literally just implied what I've been assuming this whole time but I need to know" he begs.

"Not gonna happen" I tease and he groans. Everyone returns to what they were doing and I finish up the grilling. Everyone fixes a plate and sits around the house eating. We played some music and watched over the open land.

"You got a good group of guys huh" she asks.

"I like to think so" I shrug.

"I do too" she smiles and that make my happy. She doesn't have to approve of the boys and vice Versa but it sure does help.

"Liz this food is amazing" Hammer says and I start to pout.

"I helped too" I whine.

"Yes you did" she laughs patting my chest. "And thank you Nik, how is your family doing" she asks as he sits next to us.

"We're good. Elina loves her time with Theo and that I was home for a while. It sucks leaving them but I know they'll be fine without me" he admits.

"That's good to hear, will they be at opening night" she asks.

"Yup! Will you be there" he asks.

"Yessir, my band and I will be performing beforehand" she smiles.

"Oh that's awesome. We love your music" he says.

"Thanks, and we love your family" she replies. He goes and talks to Kruger and Johnny leaving me with my fiancé.

"Are you ready for the season to start" she asks me.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Just gotta put my skates to the ice and let instincts take over" I claim.

"And I can't wait to watch and support you. I miss going to your games, cheering you on" she claims.

"You really like coming to my games" I ask. I assumed she did but never actually asked.

"I love it! Hockey is a great sport, I'm upset I didn't get into earlier. It took a while to understand it but now I know the game better than the linesmen half the time" she jokes.

"Yup, you sound like a hockey fan" I laugh and she nudges me. I look down at her and she just so happen to look at me. I move some hair out her face and she smiles at me.

"You should know by now that my hair does what it wants" she laughs.

"I know. But I find any excuse to be close to you" I smile. She pecks my lips and I keep my eyes closed trying to remember what it felt like when her lips were on mine. It felt amazing.

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