Chapter Twenty Five- Birthday Boy

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"Patrick wake up"
"If we tell him Elizabeth is here will he wake up?"
"Yeah, then he'll kill you when he figures out she's not."
"Then how do you suggest we get him up?"
"I don't know... stick his hand in warm water?"

I wake up to the sound of bickering and see a few of my teammates at the end of my bed just arguing with each other. I get confused then see that the door between Tyler and Is room was wide open. I should have known.

"What the..." I start.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they scream and I jump a little. I laugh when I clear my eyes and see the guys all in my room with big smiles. Some with party hats on, but all of them wearing a smile.

"Thanks guys" I say looking around. After they all say what they wanted to they eventually leave but Tyler stays put.

"Where's my mom" I ask.

"Getting the rest of your present from Elizabeth" he shrugs.

"Wait... she really got me something" I wonder.

"Yeah, and it's pretty good" he claims causing me to smile. She had just released the album earlier this weekend and it's done amazing. Better than any first year artist this year who came out of nowhere. They've been moving up the charts and the views on their music video is coming in by the millions. I have to make sure I don't read the comments because even the good ones are just guys being guys and I was upset I wasn't there to claim her as mine. But I have the ring resting right over my heart and I never take it off, and that's what's important.

Tyler brings me breakfast in bed which he ordered from room service and I thank him. He says that's all he got for my birthday and I was okay with it, I was expecting nothing honestly.

Eventually my mom returns with a box and a cake.

"Happy birthday Pat! I love you" she says kissing my cheek.

"Thanks mom, what does the cake say" I ask as she laughs.

"It says happy birthday but when I told the lady at the bakery apparently you have to tell her in what language you want the message in, otherwise they assume it's French" she says.

"That's so cute, please take a picture with the cake" I pout.

"Eat the damn cake Patrick" she laughs and I put my phone down. I eat some cake and give some to the boys before settling back in. We didn't have a game today and coach let me off the hook for practice so it was chill. My mom places the present on my lap and I look up to her.

"A special delivery from a special someone" she says.

"Would it be Elizabeth" I ask.

"You're so smart" my mom teases pinching my cheek and I smack her hand away. Having her here with me makes the world of difference and I'm so lucky to have her as a mom.

I open the present and he first thing I see is a World Series shirt that was signed by the Giants who won. I nearly crap myself when I see that, it was so cool. Under that was some Chicago post cards and a "I ❤️ Chicago" t shirt. I always complained about how I missed Chicago and it's nice to know she listened. Finally there was a little box at the bottom and I pull it out.

"Is this for me" I ask.

"Yeah... open it" she tells me. Inside is a silver ring with something on the inside. It said "you're my rising star" in it and a smile finds it way on my face.

"This is so sweet. It even matches my Stanley cup ring" I laugh.

"She asked me about getting that for you and I helped her out. But it was mostly all her" she says.

"Thanks mom, I love it" I say hugging her. I go off and call Elizabeth to thank her for her gifts.  She doesn't answer and I realize it's late in Chicago. I let out a sigh because it was my birthday and I couldn't even talk to the one person I wanted to. I decide to call her later and chill by myself at the hotel.

I put on her album and listen to the music her band makes. Every song was beautiful, but my favorite was Keep Up because it was so catchy. Although Light in the Dark always has a special place in my heart. I close my eyes and think about all the memories we've had up until now. Even thousands of miles apart she is the only thing running through my head. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear my phone going off and see it's Elizabeth face timing me. I answer quickly and she pops up on my screen.

"Happy birthday" she yells causing me to chuckle.

"Thanks babe" I smile.

"Did you get your gift" she asks.

"I did, I love it" I assure her.

"Good. So what are you doing the rest of the day" she wonders.

"Going out to dinner with the boys and mom. Maybe some shopping, I got to bring you back something cool" I tease.

"You better" she smiles.

We end up talking for three hours about anything and everything. I tell her about Switzerland and the cool things they have here. I might not understand a lot but what I do get is really cool. She tells me how her band is going to be on good morning America and has a chance to be number one on billboard for just its second week for being out. The video already has 10 million views and she's been stopped around Chicago already. I have never felt such a sense of pride in my life, and at the same time I was so upset I wasn't there to share this good feeling with her. But I was doing what I needed to do and that was playing hockey so this is how things have to be I guess.

After a while I let her go and get dressed for the dinner. I throw on a nice shirt and spray on some cologne then I was ready to take on the night. I look in the mirror and it was almost like she was still there next to me. Her hair everywhere and her perfect lips begging me to kiss them. I don't know a lot, but I do know is that this lockout needs to end, and fast.

Rising Star (Patrick Kane)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum