Chapter Twenty Two- Until Next Time

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I sit in the studio with my band as we chill around and listen to the EP over and over again. We wanted to put out the best music we could make, and it sounded really good. After the last song finishes we look around, all of us with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"Guys, I think we just finish our first EP" I start.

"We did it guys" Viv cheers and we all jump up to celebrate. A little childish, I know, but I expect nothing less from us. We give hugs all around and pop champagne. We send the tracks over to Tate and wait to hear what he says. We decide to go out to lunch to celebrate and find ourselves at portillos.

"So what do we do next" Kurt asks.

"Promos until our release party. Tate has some things set up for us but I'm not sure what it is" I admit.

"Well I'm ready, lets go" Emily says and I smile. I was so excited. We eat our food and even though for the past two months we've spent almost every waking hour together we still love each other. Everyone just wants to make music and do whatever to make sure it happens. We have our creative differences but that doesn't defer us from being better together. Halfway through lunch I get a call and see it's from Tate.

"Wait wait wait guys, it's Tate" I say and they get quiet. I answer the phone and put it on speaker for everyone to hear.

"Hey Liz, is the band around" he asks.

"Yeah, you're on speaker" I assure him.

"Sweet. I just wanted to say that you're EP is brilliant. The best first album I've heard from any of my clients. It's humbling yet exciting. New ways to listen to old music with a twist, I love it. And Liz, your vocals were... well to put it simply they were absolutely amazing. I've never heard anyone do what you can with their voice. I have no words for what you guys put out besides the fact that I'm impressed. I have big plans for you" he says.

"Wow, thank you so much Tate" I say.

"So what happens next" Vivian asks.

"You guys... are going to sing at the World Series" he says and my eyes go wide.

"Seriously? Millions of people watch that" Andrew says.

"I know. You guys will be doing the national anthem. You can do your own arrangement but nothing too crazy" he says.

"What a honor" Emily smiles.

"This is huge for you guys. A lot of people watch this and if you guys do good here other people will follow you too" he says.

"Of course. Thanks so much for calling" I say.

"Any time, keep up the good work" he says. We say our goodbyes and hang up then I look around the table.

"This is really happening" I whisper.

"Guys, we're doing big things" Allison, one of the backup singers says. We finish our food and go our separate ways to rest. We were going to start getting ideas for music videos and picking out outfits soon so that's exciting.

I get home and lay down and look at my phone. Patrick had sent me pictures of him and his mom in Switzerland, they were so cute. He sends me a picture of Donna eating some cuisine and then them chilling in the hotel. I decide to give him a call and he picks up.

"I miss you so much" he says right off the bat and I smile.

"Hello, yeah I'm good thanks for asking" I joke.

"I'm sorry, I got ahead of myself in the conversation. Hi baby! How are you? I miss you" he chuckles.

"I miss you too. What are you doing" I ask.

"My mom and I are about to go to bed" he says.

"Oh is that Lizzie let me talk to her" his mom says faintly in the background.

"Please mom, I barley get to talk to her as is" he whines.

"Fine... at least tell her hi for me" she huffs.

"My mom says hi" Patrick says.

"Hi Donna" I laugh.

"Anyway, how was your day" he asks.

"Amazing! We finished the album and Tate loved it. And guess who is singing the national anthem at game one of the World Series" I announce.

"Now way! That is so awesome" he says.

"I know, the only thing that would make this better is if... is if you were here" I whisper.

"Say the words and I'm home... Please" he begs. I wanted to so bad, but I would hate myself for what that would do to him if I did.

"That's too selfish of me. You know I can't do that" I respond.

"Just say the words and I'm there" he whispers.

"Stay Patrick. Do what you were born to do. Skate, be free. Do what makes you happy. I'll always be here for you Pat. But hockey, you only get so many good years with it. You can come home and waste the time you could be cementing your name in the hall of fame. Chicago has nothing for you right now" I say.

"Chicago has you, and you're everything to me" he says. I feel a tear fall and I lean against the wall I was by.

"You still there" he asks and I try to pull myself together.

"Yeah, I'm still here" I say.

"I love you so much Lizzie" he says.

"I love you too. Any news on the lockout" I ask.

"Nothing. The guys here said they're still hoping for a season this year, but it's not looking good" he sighs.

"That sucks. I'm kind of jealous though because you get to hang with your mom for a while" I tease.

"Yeah, you won't be saying that after 3 months" he mumbles.

"Hey now, be nice" I joke.

"I know, I know. How's Precious doing" he asks.

"She has finally stopped pawing at the door and now she just lays on your side of the couch and whimpers, kinda like me" I giggle.

"I miss you're face" he says.

"You can face time me" I remind him.

"Yeah but every time I try to touch your face I end up ending the call" he laughs.

"Right. Well I guess it's a until next time" I say.

"Until next time" he sighs.

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