Chapter Forty Four- Simplicity

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We were in Boston for game six and we brought in everyone. My family is here including my grandpa and Elizabeth and her band is here. Depending on the outcome this was looking to be a really good trip. But game six wasn't until tomorrow so today Tyler was showing Liz and I around Boston.

He takes us to City Square Park which was quite breathtaking. Vivian comes along with us and hangs on Tyler the whole time. It was kind of cute but I wasn't sure how that would have worked. They were alike in so many ways it's freaky.

We walk around for a little and they break off to go somewhere but promise to meet up for dinner. I didn't mind any because I got some me time with my favorite girl. I love having my family here but I hate that I have to share her with my sisters and parents. Plus my grandpa was obsessed with her. They were my two favorite people anyways.

"You know, if my sisters get to be too much you can tell me" I say.

"The only thing wrong with that is that I will never get tired of your sisters. I've always wanted a sister who didn't treat me like absolute shit. And yeah, it's a lot when all three of them are trying to talk to me but it's because they want to be around me. I really don't mind, I promise" she insists.

"Still, I know how they can get. They like to ask questions" I admit.

"You know what they ask me" she asks.

"No clue. Usually when they start talking I stop listening" I joke.

"Well you should listen, because they're asking about you. If you're happy, if you're healthy, if you're taking care of me and if you ever talk about them. And I love telling them that you are happy, that I make sure you eat right and give back rubs when you need them, that I couldn't be in better hands and that you talk about how great your family is every chance you get. Your sisters love you so much, don't take that for granted" she suggests. I tuck her under my arm and smile bright at her.

"You... are seriously the coolest girl in the world" I admit.

"I... am seriously only like this because I love you so much" she insists.

"Do you ever think about the promises we made each other forever ago. The ones that that ring are based off of" I ask.

"Every day" she claims.

"Well one of these days, when those promises become history, I'm going to put another ring on there with new promises. Promises of making the best decision, even if it's the hardest one. Promises of the best life we can possibly live. A promise that one day you will be my wife, forever be my better half, and eventually Mrs. Elizabeth Kane" I say.

"I will love that... one of these days" she teases.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about the details. I'm going to take good care of you, in fact I pride myself on being a good boyfriend then fiancé then husband" I joke.

"You're okay" she shrugs and I roll my eyes. "I'm kidding. I can do all these great things with my music, but nothing compares to how you make me feel" she claims.

"Good. Now lets take a bunch of pictures and act like kids out on their own for the first time" I smirk.

"That's so immature" she claims and I raise a eyebrow. Since when we she not into being childish?

"Just kidding! Tag your it" she tells poking my side and darting off.

"Oh no you don't" I call chasing after her. After chasing her around a bunch of trees I finally catch her. I toss her over my shoulder as she laughs uncontrollably.

"Get your ass out of my face" she giggles.

"Get your face out of my ass" I tease. She smacks my butt real hard and I set her down.

I look to her and she had the brightest smile on her face. As time passes the smile fades and I feel like her mood had changed. But nothing happened. It was just... gone.

"What's wrong" I ask.

"Nothing... it's stupid" she claims.

"I refuse to believe that you have any stupid thoughts. Tell me what's wrong" I insit.

"It's just... this is so nice but we can never have this. We can never frolicking through grant park without someone recognizing us. Every time we go out to dinner someone's snapping pictures. People are lined up outside the United center just to watch us walk to your car. I mean I love living the dream and I love doing it with you, but when will we ever have moments like this where we can just run around and be ourselves" she asks.

"There's this saying. It says to not wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect. And baby that's all you. The simplist of things we do are so special because it involves you. Our life's are no longer going to be simple, in our own rights we're going to be known. Then when we're together, people feed off of that. Off of what we have. We will never have the honor of privacy or even respect in some rights. There's girls out there who whole heartedly believe I should be with them and there are some dudes who have it in their mind that they have something I can't offer. But none of that matters because it's just me and you. It's always just going to be me and you, no matter where we are or what we're doing. I promise" I say pulling her close.

"I like that promise" she smirks.

We meet up with Vivian and Tyler for dinner and munch on pizza. We keep the mood light and stay away from hockey. Tyler might be my friend but he's still a enemy right now.

The next day we arrive at TD garden and get ready for the game. Honestly I was just praying that we don't have another over time because damn, I was tired of those things.

As the two minute mark of the third period comes around we find ourselves down a goal. With less than two minutes left Corey is pulled and we send out a extra attacker to find a equalizer. I retrieve the puck in the corner and circle it to the defensemen. The puck squeezes out to Jonny who lays a perfect pass to Bickell. He one times it behind Rask and the game was tied. Before we even have time to celebrate, 17 seconds later to be exact, we had the lead and we're now seconds away from a second Stanley cup.

We go out and try over and over to clear the puck but we never do get the extra goal. Turns out that we didn't need it because the puck trickles down the ice as the time winds down. The clock strikes zero and it was all over. It was done. We had defied all odds and avoided another over time.

We all rush into the ice to celebrate and I haven't felt such a wave of pride since 2010. This team was something special and this season was unlike anything I could have dreamed of. It started off so dark with the lockout and now I'm on top of the world with my Queen by my side. What a feeling that is.

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