Chapter Twenty One- New Neighbor

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I arrive in Switzerland and head straight to my hotel. I didn't understand the language, I didn't understand the culture, and worst of all I was alone until my mom got here. To say the least.... I didn't want to be here right now and it's going to take some adjusting on my part. I let out a deep sigh and hail a cab to the address my agent sent me.

I get up to the hotel and check in. At least I think I did. The lady seemed like she understood English but who knows. I drag my things up and slowly start to unpack. After I was settled in I put up a picture of Elizabeth and I hanging out in the studio on the table by the ouch and smile to myself. She was sitting in my lap laughing at whatever I said. She looked so beautiful and I was looking at her with so much affection. God I missed her so much and it's only been a few hours.

There's a knock on the door and I become very confused, my mom wasn't supposed to be in until tomorrow and I knew zero people here. After a lot of contemplation I finally answer it. Outside was Tyler Seguin with the wildest smile on his face.

"What's good, neighbor" he asks and I laugh. Of course I'm stuck with pretty boy.

"Hey Tyler, what's up" I ask inviting him in.

"Nothing much, I'm just really happy you're here. I was begging for someone in the NHL to come out so I wasn't by myself. And it's someone who likes to have fun like me. We can party and have girls over and drink and still be good at hockey because honestly it's too easy over here" he says raising his eyebrows up and down.

"This is strictly business. I'm here to play and that's it. As soon as word comes back that the NHL is back I'm gone" I explain. He looked taken aback but I would be too if he though I was here to have fun.

"But this is a foreign land, far away from media and fans, this is open for us to explore and do what we want" he claims.

"What I want isn't here, it's back in Chicago" I insist.

"Ohhhh I see... you got a girl" he pieced together.

"I got a woman. She's just starting her music career and we were doing so great together and I had to leave her. But she can hold her own, always has. And about ten times already I've considered leaving but I signed a contract and now I'm stuck here" I sigh.

"You... are a lot different than I thought" he laughs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as a prick or uptight. I do want to explore and I do want to have fun with you, I just need to adjust. It's a bit overwhelming right now" I admit.

"Yeah, this place is hard to adapt to at first, but you'll fit right in. Once you hit the ice it will all be worth it" he claims.

"Yeah, I can't wait. So when is our next practice" I wonder.

"Tomorrow, first thing in the morning" he tells me.

"Alright. I'll probably just sleep off the jet lag and get some shut eye" I plan. He sits on the couch and eyes the picture of Elizabeth and I on the stand.

"Woah, is that your girl" he asks. I smile looking at the picture as the memories come flooding back.

"Yeah, that's Elizabeth" I respond. He lets out a whistle and picks up the picture to study it closer.

"I can see why you don't want to leave. She is... you know" he stutters trying not to go too far.

"Yeah, she's unlike anything I've ever seen before. She's got me whipped pretty bad" I admit.

"You guys engaged" he asks pointing to the ring that was sitting on her left ring finger. I pull out a chain that was around my neck with her ring on it and his eyes go wide.

"Oh... I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Are guys on a break or something" he wonders.

"Not exactly. This promise ring was based on vows we can no longer keep since we're not next to each other. She gave it to me and told me to keep it close to my heart, so now it rests over it. Then when I see her again I can give it back and we can go back to keeping our promises" I explain.

"Woah, that's deep. How long have you two been together" he wonders.

"6 months" I say and his eyes get big.

"That's all? I thought you guys were like high school sweethearts" he laughs.

"Nope" I say popping the p.

"Well lets hope this lockout ends soon so we can get you home. Until then let's kick some ass" he says.

"Sounds like a plan" I smile. He goes back to his room which was right next to mine and I lay on my bed. I dial in Elizabeth's number praying I got these time zones right. It was 8 pm here so it was about one there. She answers on the second ring and I smile big.

"Hiya Patrick" she chirps and I let out a breath.

"Hi baby" I say.

"How are you doing? Are you all settled in" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm all set and ready for practice tomorrow" I say looking around my empty room.

"How pretty is it there, because it's been raining here ever since you've left" she laughs.

"It's really pretty. It would be beautiful if you were here with me" I say.

"You think you're cute" she giggles.

"The cutest" I say. "So how are things back home" I wonder.

"Slow. Precious is really lonely without you here, she keeps waiting for you by the door. I'm trying to tell her that you're away for a while but she doesn't listen to me. But tomorrow we're going through our tracks and if we all like it we're going to finalize the EP" she says.

"That's so exciting. I'm so proud of you. All of you. I can't wait to hear it" I say.

"Thanks, I hope we do well" she sigh.

"You will, I just know you will" I smile. We talk a little more before she lets me go and I try to get some shut eye. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling and tears slowly fall. I wanted to be home so bad, I wanted to be holding her in my arms and tell her I'm proud of her in person, but I couldn't and that sucked.

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