Chapter Eleven- Chasing Waterfalls

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Since Elizabeth had the night off I promised to treat her to a date night. Now, I didn't tell her where we were going, just to be ready in workout clothes by 3. I picked her up from her apartment and drive out a little ways until we get to Lemont, Illinois.

"Now can you tell me where we're going" she asks as I drive around the town. Her large hair in a bun atop her head and her bright pink sports bra showing from under her blank Nike tank top. All her muscles tense and ready for something to get her going.

"Not yet" I tease and she rolls her eyes. I drive a little more until the buildings disappear and the trees get thicker before a smile comes up on her face.

"Ohhh are we hiking" she asks.

"We are" I assure her and she jumps up and down in her seat. She was so freaking cute.

"This so going to be so much fun! How'd you come up with this" she asks.

"At your show the other night you sang a song about waterfalls and nature and I don't know... thought maybe you're like to come see some of that stuff with me" I shrug.

"Of course I do. Because the scenery is nice and all, but it's you that makes it special" she tells me.

I lace my fingers through hers and we head to the trails to get our day started. Smiles were etched on our faces as we make our way.

After about a hour of hiking up and down and all around we come up on the first waterfall and she lets out a gasp.

"Wow, are you sure we're still in Illinois" she jokes.

"Pretty sure" I smile. She takes off her shoes and puts her feet in the water just walking around.

"This is amazing, how did you find this place" she asks.

"I just typed a few words into google and here we are" I shrug.

"Well I think you did a amazing job, I haven't seen anything so pretty in my life" she claims.

"I have" I say resting my hand on her lower back. She turns to me with a killer smile and I try to get my breathing under control. It's wasn't working but I was okay with that.

"What do you say to a little swim" she asks breaking me of my stare.

"I would love to" I smile. She changes behind a rock and I just take off my shirt since I was already in my trunks. No one else was out here so I set my bag by a tree.

"Hey Patrick, can you come tie my swim suit" she yells out and I head over to where she was. I tie the back of her swim suit and try not to stare at her butt but failed miserably.

"Alright you're all set" I say and she turns around. Her hazel eyes sparkle when they meet mine. She tucks a curl behind her ear before grabbing my hand.

"Come on, lets go swim" she says pulling me behind her. We walk into the warm water and I feel her relax in my hand. We get in until it reaches our waist and I pull her so her back is against my front. I wrap my arms around her and she leans her head against my chest.

"What were your adoptive parents like" I ask.

"They were wonderful. Kind of strict, but I get it. They believed that things are earned, not just handed to you. So from a young age I worked for everything I got. Growing up on a farm helps with that. They were a family friend of my real mom, so they already knew my real family before they adopted me. They knew that I wouldn't have been able to do much if I stayed with my mom. So they adopted me when I was less than one and it's been me and them and their daughter since then.

I loved growing up on a farm. I loved to get dirty, play with the animals and learned how take care of them. I learned so much out there, about life, about people. I've met some incredible personalities and got a lot of inspiration from them.

Even though I'm not their kid they treated me like I was their own. They are African American and I look nothing like them, well besides my hair, but you can't tell me those aren't my parents. They started my music career, they bought a piano and guitar and even gave me singing lessons. My momma has such a beautiful voice. My daddy taught me how to play. I feel how much they care for me and I want to get signed so I can help them out at the farm" she explains.

"You had such a humble upbringing" I notice.

"Relationships are so important to the development of a person. My relationships for the most part have all been positive. I know that I've been blessed with amazing opportunities. Now I need to change these chances into history and I'm set" she claims.

"Am I a part of your history" I ask.

"The best part" she smiles turning to me. I place a kiss on her lips then her neck. She turns around in my arms so she was facing me and cups my face before deepening the kiss. We break apart and she wears a playful smirk on her addicting pair of lips. She suddenly goes under water and reappears under the waterfall. She takes her hair down from the bun it was in and all her curls are set loose. She runs her fingers through it as the mist from the waterfall lightly falls on her body and I felt like I was watching a playboy photo shoot or something.

"Close your mouth and come over here why don't you" she teases. I swallow hard and swim over to her. She pulls me under the falling water and jumps into my arms. I easily catch her as we look out at the beautiful scene. We were protected under the rock as water surrounds us.

"Where have you been all my life" I ask as I hold her close.

"Waiting for you" she replies. I move some hair out of her face but it doesn't help much with the water coming down around us.

"Can you promise me something" I ask.

"Depends on what your asking" she claims.

"I want you to promise that no matter what the media says, no matter what your friends or my friends say that you won't give up on what we have. No matter how tough times get, no matter where your career and my career takes us, no matter how much you feel like letting go that you will hold onto me. If you have a problem with me you'll come to me and you won't let it eat you up or get worse. Promise me that you're as serious about us as I am because I feel like I'm going insane" I laugh.

"I promise to do all those those. I promise to be there when you have a bad game. I promise to only help you in career and help you figure out what's best, even if it isn't me. I promise to learn about hockey and support you even though I couldn't tell you a thing about hockey right now. I promise to let you come over and play with Precious when you want to and have a nice meal waiting. I promise that no matter where my career leads me that you're at the destination waiting for me. I promise that no matter how crazy you make me feel I know that you got me and I got you" she says softly.

"Then lets gets started" I say. She presses her lips to mine once again closing the space between us. I swear... I love this girl.

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