Chapter Thirty Three- Moving Pieces

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As the season goes on it feels like the team will never lose a game. Sure, even with the shortened season that's practically impossible. But a man can dream right?

Speaking of dreams, the woman of my dreams was coming over with her puppy for a rare off day. Never does she have a break when I do and I appreciate this time we can finally have together. I order us some pizza and pull out the good plates in preparation of this great day.

Around noon theres a knock on my door and I hop up to get it. I answer it and finally my beautiful girlfriend with her dog and purse in hand. Her crazy hair up in a pony tail as she smiles bright up to me.

"Good afternoon" I say kissing her head.

"Good afternoon" she smiles before setting Precious down. She goes to inspect the place and we go to the couch. She lays under my arm as we watch whatever movie was on tv. I feed her pizza and laugh when the toppings fell off and everywhere in her lap. After getting cleaned up she sits back down and I lay with my head in her lap staring at the ceiling. She plays with my hair as she watches tv and I watch her closely. I look at her perfect pink lips that I always wanted to kiss. Always seemed to be formed in the shape of a smile. That smile that was so contagious. Those eyes that always find the best in every situation. Always open and ready to find something worth remembering. Those cheek bones that could cut through ice. Her insanely perfect hair that is never under control but always beautiful. Her shoulders broad and ready to cry on if I need it. Her toned arms always open for me to come in and comfort me. Every part of her to was perfect to me and I wouldn't change a thing. She was everything to me and I wish I could find a way to explain that.

"Remember the first time we talked" I start and she giggles.

"Yeah, I was afraid you were going to throw up everywhere. Or kill me" she laughs.

"I was most defiantly not going to kill you, the world needs you and even extremely intoxicated I knew that. But I never did understand how you trusted me so easily. I was drunk and could have easily hurt you or done something to put you in danger. And we weren't even together yet, you didn't have to take care of me or help at all, but you did. Why" I ask.

"Because... something in me told me to. I know you could have easily turned angry and hurt me. You could have taken advantage of me or made my life hell. But even though you were completely out of it you were still charming as hell and I had been wondering about you since you first came into the bar. I didn't know who you were or what you meant to this town, I just know you meant something to me. Every time I looked out into the crowd it was your eyes I found. It was you who made me forget everything, and you were finally right there in front of me and you needed my help. I don't know why, but you were already important to me and if something happened to you I would have felt so shitty. So I brought you into my home, no questions asked. I knew you wouldn't hurt me and I was right. Now look at us" she giggles.

"Yeah, now look at us" I repeat. She looks down at me with that great smile and I feel my heart beat faster. She caresses my face and I feel myself become more addicted to her touch. I put my hand on top of hers and lace my fingers through hers.

"I'm going to ask you something and you can't freak out on me" I say and she nods.

"How do you feel about moving in with me" I ask. She looks around looking for something to say before smiling back down at me.

"Can Precious come too" she asks and I laugh.

"Even if you say no Precious is welcome to live here. She's my second favorite girl in Chicago" I chuckle.

"And I can play my instruments here" she asks.

"I want you to play your music here. Get inspired and do what only you can do" I insist.

"Then I don't see why I wouldn't be able to move in here" she shrugs and I squint at her.

"Why is everything so easy with you" I ask. I mean she's said no twice in her life since I met her; when I had to leave and when Richard gave her that offer. And both of those worked for the best.

"Because why make life harder than it needs to be? You know, open heart open mind. It leads to some great opportunities. If you want it bad enough you'll find a way. If you don't you'll find a excuse. As simple as that. When you're chasing after your dreams you'll get told no a lot, so it just means you find another way to make it work" she explains.

"I'm a dream of yours" I smirk.

"Your my favorite dream" she claims.

After doing nothing all day we take Precious for a walk around the city. We're used to the paparazzi by now but it's still shocking sometimes. Then random people stoping us or asking for pictures on top of that, it gets to be a lot at times. But we weren't about to hide, this city is too great to stay inside all the time. So now we usually go out later at night. It's a little more dangerous but it's still prettty cool. The night life was great and it was a little less busy.

"So when did you want to move in" I wonder.

"Yesterday" she teases and I nudge her side.

"I'm serious. This is a big step in our relationship" I whine.

"Oh stop you're complaining. How about I slowly bring my stuff over until it's all here" she asks.

"That works. But can I keep the dog" I ask.

"Over my dead body" she claims and I roll my eyes. Sometimes I feel like she loves that dog more than me. And I honestly won't blame her, Precious is kind of great.

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