Chapter Twenty Four- Release Party

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It was finally the day. We were releasing the EP and throwing a high end release party to celebrate it. The World Series performance went great and I enjoyed the game. It was kinda slow now that I'm used to watching hockey on my little computer but the experience was one of the coolest of my life. They played a sample of one of our songs after the seventh inning stretch too. The whole entire experience was awesome and I loved every second of it. We've done some radio shows and tv shows but nothing else up until now. Tate went all out for the release party and got the stage in millennium park rented and decorated. Big names were invited such as Mariah Carey, J Lo, rumor has it Neyo will be there too.

But I wasn't worried about all of that. I had to just make it to the place without throwing up. I change into a long black dress and straighten my hair for once. I return to my red lips and favorite pair of black heels before calling it quits. I drive over to the park and find the band backstage.

"There's our leading singer" Kurt announces.

"Sorry, it's hard to drive when you keep pinching yourself to make sure you're not dreaming" I laugh.

"It's not a dream. It's real, as real as ever" Viv says grabbing my shoulders. She pulls me into a hug and I squeeze her tight.

"You look amazing. Look at your hair" Emily says grabbing it and letting it fall down my back.

"I haven't straightened it in years. I forgot how long it takes" I laugh.

"You look great. You ready for this" she asks.

"Yeah, I think so" I smile.

We chill backstage messing around and laughing like always. Tate comes out and does a introduction. He gives a little info about each of us before calling us out. I almost freeze when I see all the people there. The whole park was stuffed with people and I didn't know hardly any of them. I didn't even know we had fans. We walk to the center stage were they set up for us to sing.

"Before they sing the first track from their EP there is something we want to show you. As you guys know the lead singer of this band is a very special girl" he starts and they start to cheer. I wave to the crowd and they cheer louder.

"Well her heart is just as special as her voice. It's been a long road here but she has fought for everything she has ever had, and that includes love. Her boyfriend is the one and only Patrick Kane and he is playing over in Switzerland making all us Chicago people proud. Unforgivably his deal required him to be there all the time and he couldn't make it out but we have a special message from him" he announces and I give him a smile. He turns me around and Patrick and his mom shows up on the screen behind the stage.

"Hey guys! I just wanted to say congratulations. You guys have worked so hard and I know you are going to get success in return. I miss you guys so so much and can't wait to see what all you've accomplished by the time I come home. Elizabeth, I love you so much and thank you for pushing me to be the best I can possibly be. Everything good in my life is thanks to you and I can't wait to hold you again. Good luck with everything guys, you got my mothers and I support all the way" he says. The screen goes black and I try my best to not cry. I am supposed to perform here, not cry. I turn to Tate who had the biggest smile on his face and pull him in a hug.

"Thank you so much, that was beautiful" I say.

"Anytime kid, now go kill it" he says.

We go out and perform our cover of Sweet Nothing then show the music video for it. It was super fun messing around on the beach all night and in the water all day. It never felt like work around here and that is pretty special.

As the night goes on I meet some pretty cool people. I met a choreographer who worked with Michael Jackson and a back up dancer for Brittany spears. And that was cool and all until I met J Lo. She was my idol since I was a little girl. I've seen the movie Selena a hundred times and Jenny from the Block was my jam. I nearly passed out when I met her.

"Hey, you're Lizzie right" she says and I freeze.

"Ummm" I stutter and she laughs.

"You look so different with straight hair" she admits.

"Uh yeah, it's a lot easier to control this way" I admit.

"I just wanted to say that you have crazy vocals. I mean I've been around music for a long time and I've never heard something so simple yet beautiful in my life. I can't wait to hear the whole EP" she says. I nearly faint as those words pass her lips.

"Thank you so much. But my band does a lot of the work too. I would be nowhere without them" I claim.

"Don't I know it" she laughs.

"Can I please have a picture with you" I ask.

"I was about to ask you the same thing" she claims. Jennifer Lopez was about to ask me for a picture... obviously I wasn't pinching myself hard enough. We have a little photo shoot and I thank her a million times for everything.

Eventually the night ends and I return home. I send the pictures to Patrick with sleepy but kinda explanatory captions. I thank him for the video and fall asleep on the couch in my dress.

I wake up the next morning confused but surprisingly comfortable. I get up and look around to see the living room as I had it but I was still in my dress. I take a shower and pick up a little before checking my phone. I had over a hundred texts and become very confused. Through them all I see Patrick had texted me back and decide to send something off hoping to catch him when he's not busy.

Patsy ❤️: The fact that J Lo is the second hottest girl in this picture...
Me: You're lucky you're far away so I can't smack you right now.
Patsy ❤️: Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
Me: I could never hate you, I love you too much 😘
Patsy ❤️: I love you too. Keep kicking ass and get Precious a bone from me.
Me: Will do! Get a goal for me!

After I let him go I check the band group message which was where most of the rest of the messages came from. Apparently our music video got a million views over night making us a internet sensation. I go to YouTube and see that we had 1,672,116 views already. Most of the comments were really nice and people liked our style. It wasn't for everyone but a lot more people than I expected loved it.

Kurt: Guys... check the iTunes chart!
Viv: Oh my god, is this real life?
Me: What? What is going on?
Andrew: Number one pop album and number three overall album belongs to..... US BITCHES!!
Allison: No fucking way!!!
Andrew: Yes fucking way! Believe it!
Me: Oh my gosh I'm gonna cry. You guys I'm so proud of all you. I love you guys so much ❤️
Kurt: We love you too Liz. You're the only star for us 😏
Emily: Oh Kurt, that joke was awful 😂
Me: Yeah, that was bad... even for you.
Kurt: I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.

We text a little more before letting everything settle down. I answer other congrats and good jobs before taking a break from my phone. I go to the fridge and decide a tv diner for once wouldn't kill me. I pop it in and turn on the tv. It was already on espn and they were talking about the lock out. I already sent Patrick his birthday gift and I'm happy I did because it doesn't look like a deal isn't coming until closer to the New Years than now. A lot needed to be done and quite frankly I was a little upset. This isn't fair to the guys and this is why they were protesting. All I know is that something better happen soon before I lose my mind.

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