Chapter Five- Realization

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Along with my mediocre night job, I also have a mediocre day job. And even though I have a degree in music and business I still haven't found a perfect fit for me. Chicago has plenty of jobs I'm qualified for but I was looking for temporary jobs for the mean time. As for today, I call off from my job of answering phone calls all day to make sure Patrick got home safe and I agreed to meet Vivian for lunch afterwards.

After sending Patrick on his way I get to Panera and order my cheddar soup bread bowl and salad and sit down. I eat quietly by myself and about ten minutes later she comes in and orders her food. She quickly finds me and sits across from me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Soooo tell me all about the mystery man" she squeals skidding into the booth across from me.

"He's actually really sweet. He felt so bad but I thought it was cute. I know I didn't have to help him but I sure as hell wasn't going to leave him to choke on his vomit. That's a terrible way to go.

When he woke up I gave him breakfast to help with the hangover and returned his shirt cleaned so he was taken care of. It was kind of awkward but mostly because every time we looked at each other we would start smiling. And he found every reason too look at me or talk to me. I can tell he's not used to being flustered like he was but it was endearing to know I made him as nervous as he made me. Then at the end we exchanged numbers and he might have asked me out and I might have said yes" I smile. I twirl my spoon in my soup bowl and pray she doesn't cause a scene.

"Oh my god you guys are going to get married and have kids and you'll tour the world and it'll be amazing" she nearly yells.

"Shut up. Please" I laugh and she settles back in her seat.

"I'm sorry. It's just that a lot of people are coming out to hear you sing, you're falling in love, it's exciting" she claims. I don't do a lot of cool things, and as my best friend Vivian always keeps it interesting to make up for it.

"If someone wanted to sign me anytime soon that would great" I sigh. Not that I don't love singing a bar (I don't) but I would love to record some day. Do something more.

"There's always Richard" she sings songs. I cringe at the thought of such a sad excuse of a man.

"There will never be Richard. As soon as you call someone over to sign them to a contract then try to get in their pants... it is no longer a thing" I defend.

"I'm sorry sweetie. But you're too beautiful and talented to go unnoticed much longer. You're young and bright eyed and innocent. Your time will come" she assures me.

"I sure hope you're right" I mumble. Naturally we get back to the topic of my last 12 hours and she grills me questions about him. We've talked a lot about him but now I've actually talked to him so it was different this time.

"I don't know much Viv, I barley talked to him" I laugh as I finish my food. I mean the dude was throwing up half the time I was with him.

"I just feel like you're made for each other. What do you think he's like" she asks.

"I don't know, he looked adventurous. Not afraid to say yes to opportunities given to him. He seemed caring, he wanted to pay me back for whatever I needed but I wouldn't take anything. He even washed his dishes when he was done. And his body, god you should have seen his body" I say dreamily.

"I have never heard you talk about a boy like this... it's amazing. What's his name" she asks.

"Patrick Kane" I says and she spits her tea everywhere. Once she was done choking I hand her a napkin and cleans herself up.

"Do you have any clue who Patrick fucking Kane is" she whisper yells.

"No? Should I" I ask.

"Yes you ignoramus, he's on the tv at the bar during every Blackhawks game... because he's on the team. He is one of the best players in the league and he's kinda a really big deal" she informs me. My eyes go wide as I sit like a deer in the headlights. Damn... I really was a ignoramus.

"Then I can't do this. I'm not a hockey girl. I can barley support my own dreams let alone his" I realize.

"Oh no, you're not backing out of this now. No way. You're at least going to give him a chance" she tries.

"Fine. But I can almost assure you this won't work" I claim.

We say goodbye and I go back home. I start doing some work from the apartment since I called in and naturally I get side tracked. I end up on YouTube and type in Patrick's name. A bunch of highlight reels and crazy stuff popped up, there was so much he's done. Is see one video called "Patrick Kane Stanley Cup Overtime Goal" and nearly choke on the air. He won his team the Stanley cup? I click on it and watch the video in complete shock. He was a magician. He literally made a Puck disappear then brought a trophy to Chicago. I read up on the Stanley cup and become even more impressed, how was I missing all of this?

I take my phone in my hand and decide to get to the bottom of this. I wasn't mad, just confused.

Me: I didn't know you're a hockey god! Were you planning to wait until we got married to tell me?
Patrick: Awww you see us getting married 😁
Me: Not the point Patrick, why didn't you tell me you were a big deal around here?
Patrick: I was kind of hoping it didn't matter.
Me: It doesn't. But that's a big part of who you are, what makes you special. I always thought you were different than everyone else but I couldn't figure out why. I honestly had no idea.
Patrick: I kinda figured. But please don't let this change anything. I really like you and don't want who I am to change anything between us.
Me: I said I wanted to get to know the real you and I meant it. Whether it's hockey or favorite music. Flaws and all. I want to know what your favorite thing to do on the road is and what your family means to you. I don't care about what you've done, not as much as I care about what you're going to do.
Patrick: Seriously like are you even real? 😂
Me: What's can I say, I'm a musician.

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