Chapter Fifty Three- Thanks

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After we released the album at the beginning of December life has been crazy. We've been on talk shows, performing for a bunch of different people and have been contacted by so many artists to do collabs. All these things surpassing my wildest dreams and they were all coming true. I had a blast on Ellen and even got a skit on SNL with the guys. It's been such a whirlwind as I feel like I'm forever stuck floating in the clouds. We sold over 750,000 albums in he first week and two of our songs all already all over the radios. There's not many places I can confide in where people won't recognize me but I'm okay with that, knowing that our music has touched that many people is credit enough. That's all I ever wanted really.

We released dates for our tour and the first one was March 1st at the Chicago Theatre. We figured that's where we should start because, well because that's where we started. I was excited to have family and friends there to send us off and I thought it was perfect.

But until then I was free to be a kid again. And what kid doesn't love Christmas? This Christmas we were going to Buffalo to spend the holidays with the Kane's and I was beyond excited. I was so bummed I didn't get to go there when he had the day with the cup but I was more than excited to finally see them again.

We arrive in Buffalo on a cold Christmas morning. We get inside and I relax in the warmth. Donna takes my jacket revealing my ugly holiday sweater which was required for me to wear.

"Wow... that's intense" she laughs. I turn the light on before sending a goofy smile. "Oh my god you're adorable" she claims and I giggle. I shut the lights off and Patrick shows me around his childhood home.

"No matter what you see in here... you can't laugh at me" he says as we get to the last room. The rest of the house was pretty freaking awesome so I'm not sure what he's worried about.

"I will make no such promises" I claim. He opens the door anyway and I let out a gasp. His room was all Blackhawks themed and was filled with trophies and jerseys and medals and hats.

"Oh my god... Patrick this is amazing" I whisper. There had to be at least 200 awards in here.

"It's a bit embarrassing, but you know. I'm proud of these things. A lot of this stuff they said wasn't possible, but I did it. This is my proof" he says pointing around. I stop in front of a picture of a small Patrick with a fancy hat on. He takes that same hat off a chair and places it on my head.

"Cute" he smiles. I keep looking around and see all the sticks and pucks hanging up. There was at least a dozen jerseys and pucks around with words written on them.

"This is my favorite puck. My first NHL goal" he says putting it in my hand.

"This is so cool" I admit. I might have not known a lot about hockey at first but I've learned a lot. And I know that what I'm holding in my hand is history. He puts it back and I take off the hat before returning downstairs.

"LIZZIE" someone screams and I turn to see a head of blonde hair hurdling towards me. They jump up and I easily catch them.

"Hi Erica" I laugh as she finds her feet again.

"You look amazing, I feel like I haven't seen you in a lifetime" she claims.

"It's been a while" I admit. I catch up with her and her sisters once they get down from their rooms. Soon enough the Kane family was together and we were waiting on just one person.

"Where's my two time Stanley cup winning grandson" sounds from the front of the house. Grandpa Kane stood in the front door with his arms wide open. Patrick walks into them as they embrace each other. It was so sweet.

"Hi grandpa, how are you" he asks.

"I'm good, I missed you" he says.

"And Lizzie, it's nice to see you again" his grandpa says turning to me.

"You too Don" I smile. We all go into the kitchen and sit down for a meal. I look around and couldn't help but feel at home with them. They're so accepting and real, I was obsessed. Plus this food was to die for.

After dinner we sit around the fire and pass out presents. Patrick places a guitar case in my lap and I laugh.

"You really think I need another guitar" I chuckle.

"This one you won't play too much" he claims. I open it and it was another guitar. But this one was signed by someone. I look closer and it was no one other than THE Michael Jackson.

"Patrick... how" I gasp picking it up. Everyone watches me closely as tears form.

"I remember when I first laid eyes on you. It was the night we got kicked out of the playoffs and I stumbled into a bar. I always passed it but never went in. That night, that night something told me to go in. So I did, I sat myself in the back expecting for alcohol to fix all my problems, but they didn't. You did. You went out in the stage and you introduced your band. You explained that they each mean the world to you and that showed me that you know the importance of a good team. I value that in a person. I could tell you were a little nervous, you giggled a lot and it was so cute. To calm yourself you sat on the edge of the stage and talked to the audience like you were everyone's friend. Because you were. You started taking about someone who inspired you, someone by the name of Michael Jackson. You talked about how he's the reason you sang, the reason you feel like your music can make difference in the world. And it will, just as his did. So my family and I wanted to get this for you, to remind you why you started singing in the first place and why you should keep going. We will support you through and through just as you support me" he explains. I wipe some tears away and look around at the smiling faces.

"I'm speechless. I don't know what to say" I sniffle.

"Why don't you play us a song" Patrick's grandpa suggests. I knew exactly which one. I tune the guitar and everyone sits around me.

"Thanks for the time,
Thanks for the memories,
Thanks for for always be a friend of me.

Thanks for the faith,
Thanks for the love,
Thanks for giving me something great to be a part of.

Thanks for the home,
Thanks for welcoming me,
Thanks for blessing me as part of the family.

Just know I'm always on your side,
During dark or light
until the day I die.
You've showed me things
that cannot be taught
Things that are felt by heart
never given a second thought.
And although family is second to none,
I never doubted that you were the one.
You let me in and showed my things,
Like how to love and why I sing.
So I guess that this is my thanks to you,
For all you've done and all you do.
As I look around at your smiling faces,
And blessing me with your home and graces."

Rising Star (Patrick Kane)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant