Chapter Fifty- Trust

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We arrive in St. Louis for the first away game of the 2013-2014 season. We were 1-0-1 after the first two games and liked how we felt at the start. We weren't expecting to go 21-0-3 again, but no one was expecting that really. We just wanted to do the best we could and build off of that.

I get to the hotel and chill with my door open as usual. I don't have to room with anyone anymore which was nice because no offense to Jonny I like my space. But I do have a open door policy welcoming in other people to talk or just hand out. Most of the time I regret that decision because they end up playing hide and seek and everyone ends up in here but I don't want to break tradition.

After chilling on my laptop for a while I see a text from Liz, but it was just a video with no explanation. That's not abnormal for her but I don't need to open another weird video of her making Precious play the piano in front of the boys again. Never going to be able to live that one down. I open it anyway and a image of her band and her in the studio pop up.

"Guys guess what" she yells and they all turn to her. Her hair extra big today, just how I like it. "We finished the album" she screams and they all jump up and down. I have no clue as to what they were saying but it was still pretty funny. Liz takes the camera out of the room of screaming people and finds Tate and brings him into the frame.

"Of course none of this is possible without the man with the plan himself. Thank you for believing in us and taking a chance. We love you" she smiles.

"Love you too kid, but we still have work to do" he laughs.

"Buzz kill" she mumbles before taking the camera again and walking around. She goes into the studio and puts their music producer on the screen. He was a big hairy man but is seriously the nicest dude ever, even if he doesn't look it.

"Shout out to Ken for listening to me sing for hours a day. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But he said I sounded good so if you have a problem with it, it's a Ken problem" she snickers and he shakes his head. She returns back to the break room and falls into Vivians lap. She easily catches her and kisses her cheek.

"Hey, I'm sending this to Patrick. He can't know I cheat on him with you every time he leaves" she says trying to keep a serious face.

"Shhh" Viv jokes and they start cracking up.

"Alright well, even though you weren't here you are still a major part of this beautiful moment in my life. I just want to say that I miss you and you better kick ass tonight. Fuck the blues" she cheers and the video ends. I laugh at the last part and decide to text her back.

Me: You are so perfect. I loved the video, it was cute. Congratulations on finishing the album! I'm so proud of you baby, keep pushing and keep dreaming ❤️❤️❤️ I love you so much
Lizzie 💫: Thank you! Can't wait for you to hear it all. Get a win for me tonight 😘

I sit in my room and go through my phone by myself. Her first album plays in the background like it does before every game and it calms me down. Brandon Saad appears in my doorway and I smile to myself. One of my favorite new people.

"Hey man, what's up" I ask.

"Nothing much, I'm pretty bored so I was seeing who had their door open, now here I am" he shrugs.

"What's on your mind" I ask patting the seat on the couch next to me.

"I actually have a question about Lizzie" he says and I raise a eyebrow.

"And what is that" I wonder.

"With her being so famous and guys being over her all the time, how do you trust her" he asks.

"The same way she trusts me when I'm out of the house and girls still throw themselves at me. How she trusted me even though my track record with girls are less than acceptable. It's just intuition knowing that she would never give up what we have for someone else. It's intimidating that she's so nice and guys can easily take advantage of her. I mean I've never heard her say no before and she wants to make everyone happy. There's millions of guys all over the world who would love to be with her... but the bottom line is that she's with me. We love each other so much that we can't even look at another person and think those thoughts. I know she wouldn't cheat on me just as I wouldn't cheat on her" I explain.

"I just don't get you guys make it work though. You're both incredibly successful in your own rights and I swear every time I see you two together you look like you just got back from your honeymoon. I've never seen two people so in love before. Considering you're both incredibly successful, it just doesn't seem like it would work out" he says.

"That's one of my favorite things about her though, she doesn't know she's famous. She has almost two million followers on twitter and 3.5 million on instagram but you would never know. She tweets about our dog and posts pictures of the food she makes because she's so proud of herself. She is the most down to earth kind hearted person you will ever meet. If this was the same situation with anyone else it wouldn't even be close working. But she's special, she wants to make people happy and she wants to use her music to do so. And no one is going to tell her otherwise" I sigh.

"Where can I find a girl like that" he laughs.

"I found her at a bar so I wouldn't cross anything out" I assure him.

I end up going to dinner with him and talking with him the whole night. He was a cool dude and would be great for this organization. I enjoyed talking about my two favorite things in the world, hockey and Elizabeth.

I get home late after the blues game and decide to watch some tv. I end up falling asleep watching family guy but pretty happy.

Rising Star (Patrick Kane)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora