Chapter Twenty Nine- Super Star

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Since we were only to play half the amount games in half the amount of normal time of a NHL season the three day training camp was here in Chicago. I wasn't about to complain because I just got home and didn't really want to leave again. So we were just going to work out at Johnnys Ice House for a few days to find lines and all that good stuff.

I sit on the bench and put on the practice jersey leaving the Indian head over my chest, man did that feel good. I've been feeling really good since I got home and I wanted to keep it that way.

"Patrick Timothy Kane the second I have a bone to pick with you" Jonny says placing himself in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. Not even a day in and he's shunning me. Haven't even had the chance to mess up yet.

"Hey... I'm just following captains orders" I tease referring back to our last phone conversation.

"At any point during our phone conversations did you want to tell me with you are in a very serious relationship" he grumbles tapping his foot on the floor.

"Because buttercup, our phone calls were strictly business" I smile.

"You're not getting out of this. Who is she" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"You might of heard of her... her name is Lizzie Star" I say and his eyes go wide.

"Wait... like the new singer Lizzie Star" he gasps and I chuckle.

"Dude... remember the girl from the bar I was all goo goo eyes over? The one I couldn't get out of my head and I dragged you to watch her to perform? That's her" I explain and he drags his hands down his face.

"How the hell did I miss that" he groans.

"I'm not sure. But yeah, that's her" I assure him.

"Did I just hear that Kaner is settling down... with a super star" Sharpy asks peeking his head around the corner.

"A super star? The album dropped like 2 months ago" I laugh.

"She's the best selling artist above Rihanna right now and a internet sensation. I hate to tell you that she is a super star. Everyone knows who she is" he says and my eyes go wide.

"Wait, does everyone in here know who my girlfriend is" I ask and they let out a collective yes. How did I miss that? I guess she's so humble that I don't notice all the people who are falling in love with her too. Plus I was overseas where she was popular but probably not as popular as she was here.

"Okay, follow up question. Who all her only started listening to her music because you thought she was attractive" I ask and nearly everyone's hands shoot up. Yup, just what I feared.

"Okay I know I've been gone for a while but there's no way I missed all this" I try.

"Yeah. Looks like you don't read the articles either" Jonny laughs. The tables turned from him being stupid to me being stupid really fast.

We all get laced up and hit

P the ice for conditioning. No one liked it but we were together and we were skating so it was a start.

"Hey Kaner, long time no see" Duncs chirps skating up to me.

"Hey Duncs, it's been too long" I admit.

"Anything you want to talk about" he asks wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Who sent you over here to snoop" I ask.

"Crow, but I'm curious too" he shrugs.

"Listen, I'm really happy and I haven't been around her for a few months. We're taking things slow and we're in a serious relationship. That's all you need to know" I insist.

"Yeah... but what is she like in bed" he asks.

"Oh my god" I laugh pushing his face away and he stumbles backwards.

"I'm just curious. She looks like a goddess so you know..." he trails off.

"I'm not telling you about my sex life Duncan" I groan.

"Why not, you always tell us about your sex life" he argues.

"Because as bad as it sounds those girls didn't mean anything special to me. I've been in love with Lizzie from the second I laid eyes on her and she is really important to me. This type of information isn't public knowledge. She likes her privacy and I have to respect that. She has a important career too" I remind him.

"I know. I'm just not used to you protecting a girl like this. I kind of like it" he admits.

"I do too" I smile.

After a few hours and a thousand drills later we were done. Coach Q was obviously making up for lost time. I take a shower and get changed but there was a big commotion in the hallway.

"What's going on" I ask Bickell and he laughs at me.

"Your girl came down here to go to lunch with you and all the media turned from us to her. The guys aren't helping either" he says and I throw my face in my hands. Of course the boys aren't helping. I push my way through and see her surrounded by cameras and recorders and lights. She was wearing one of my Blackhawk shirts and was smiling brightly.

"Are you happy that hockey is back" one asks.

"Yeah, I can have my boyfriend back" she says and they laugh.

"Do you guys live together" another asks.

"Not yet, I don't think he could handle the sassiness of me and my beagle Precious all day every day yet" she smirks.

"Do you think you guys are going to get married soon" Jonny asks then putting a water bottle to her mouth like a microphone.

"I don't even know what I want for lunch let alone when I'll get married. But when I do I hope it's him" she smiles.

"You are aware you're way out of his league" Corey asks.

"I mean obviously" she jokes.

"Alright alright alright I think we're done here" I say and everyone groans.

"What's wrong Patty, afraid your girlfriend is more popular than you" Corey teases.

"I know she is. I'm more afraid you'll corrupt her" I joke back. I lace my fingers through hers and we head out to her car.

"What are you doing here" I laugh.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get food. I was waiting with the other wives and girlfriends and next thing I know there's a bunch of people asking me questions" she giggles.

"Are you aware how famous you are" I ask.

"I'm not famous" she claims.

"Think about it" I say.

"I don't want to. I want to make music and I want to be your girlfriend. That's my focus right now. And I don't have a guitar so I wanted to take you on a date, where do you want to go" she smiles. It's official. I have the best girlfriend ever.

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