Chapter Seventy Eight- Nice to be Back

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I lay on the doctors table as he runs a bunch tests and drills. He tests range of motion and reflexes and strength. If we're going based off of physical therapy then it has been going good and on ice practices are just fine. I don't have any problems with it, it's in the back of my mind now. Injuries are tricky in the sense that it might feel just fine and it be anything but fine or they will feel terrible but can't find anything physically wrong. It's a grey area and I didn't want to do anything that might ruin my career.

"Alright Mr. Kane, have you been experiencing any pain at all" he asks.

"Nope" I admit.

"At any point is it uncomfortable to do anything?"

"Not at all."

"How often do you ice?"

"Only when it's sore. Then twenty minutes on twenty minutes off."

"Good. When you practice do you feel limited or like your sheltering your shoulder?"


"And last question. Do you feel as if you are able to compete at the highest level again" he asks and I sigh. I've been thinking about that question for a while now and I had someone special to help me figure it out.

"Honestly I feel great. Better than I have in a really long time" I admit.

"Then Mr. Kane, I see no reason as to why you wouldn't be able to play in the first round of the playoffs. You have no restrictions and are fully released as of right now" he says and my eyes go wide.

"Seriously. It's not even close to being twelve weeks" I remember.

"Nope. But you're a healthy guy, you heal quicker than most. With a good ratio of rest and therapy it's not impossible to come back sooner. As long as you feel like you're ready you are good to go" he nods.

"I'm ready" I insist.

I happily drive home and run in the door. I run out back and see Elizabeth feeding the chickens. I run into the coop and scare them a little but I wasn't paying attention. I close the door behind me so they don't get out, you make that mistake only once, and run over to her. I lift her high above my head before spinning around. Her hair falls everywhere as she laughs at me.

"What on earth is going on" she squeals before I put her down. I hold her shoulders as my blue eyes meet her hazel ones.

"I'm released and will be playing in round one of the playoffs" I yell and she lights up like a Christmas tree.

"Seriously" she cheers.

"Yes" I smile and she wraps her arms around my back as I secure her body to mine.

"I knew you could do it. I just knew you could" she claims as we break apart.

"I couldn't have done it without you" I admit.

After a quick turn around I pack and get on the plane to Nashville for my first game in two months.

"If it isn't Mr. Playoffs himself. Nice to have you here" Corey chirps from behind me. I've been at the practices but haven't played in a actual game since February.

"You couldn't get rid of me that easily. I live for these moments" I laugh.

"We could use you" Sharpy admits.

"Awww I missed you too dad" I tease.

We land in Nashville for game one and I have never been so excited to be here. Smashville is pretty fun, but not for someone like me who makes a living making their team sad. I just couldn't wait to get back on the ice, no matter where it was.

Come game time I pull my jersey on for the first time since February. I lace up my skates and hit the ice. It felt... amazing. The wind encases me as I pick up speed. I zoom around the rink and have to smile to myself. I was back, and I was going to win another cup.

The first period back... not ideal. We were already down 3-0 and it wasn't pretty. Sure we were the third seed team but even then, it was a hard pill to swallow.

I look around the room and realize, we are too good for this. When four of the guys on this team will be in the hall of fame one day, you would imagine that this is nothing. And it wasn't. During intermission we decided that this game was over when we said it was over. We go back our on the ice and one by one start to cut into their lead. Eventually it was tied and a whole new game. We go into over time both with three goals but only one of us will leave with a advantage in the series.

After two over times the war horse himself, Duncan Kieth, scores and I was almost worried there for a second. We return to a happy but mostly relieved locker room. It was loud, it was smelly, but it was such a great feeling. I look around and realize how much I missed this. How much I miss them.

"You weren't worried were you Kaner" Sharpy teases as he sits next to me.

"Me? Of course not. I don't lose" I tease.

"Sure is nice to have you back" he says. Sure is good to be back.

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