Chapter Sixteen- Down To Business

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After the last night in the bar my band and I started arranging and songwriting. Most of the time we were at each other's house until we were ready to get in the studio and lay some tracks down.

Today we were all chilling at my house staying away from the August heat. We might be up north pretty far but it still get pretty hot around here. It's been a month since we got signed and we're close to figuring out our EP. The problem wasn't that we were creatively blocked, rather we had so many thing we wanted to do.

"Okay we have 10 tracks and we need it down to six. Three originals and three covers. Go" I announce.

"I want to keep A Light in the Dark" Viv says with Precious in her lap just absentmindedly petting her.

"Okay, what other original songs" I ask since we were on the topic.

"Keep Up is going to be great if our music ever gets on the radio" Kurt says.

"Okay, I like how you're thinking. Then we have to choose between Get Like Me, You're the One, and Rising Star" I say looking through the scribbles on my paper.

"Rising Star" everyone says at the same time. Okay then, that was easy enough. After much debate we get the covers down to three and we finally have our six songs.

We spend all day arranging and composing and got a lot done. Usually we just joke around and get off track but we were productive for once. We wanted to release the EP in November so we were on a good pace.

"So how are you and Patrick" the Andrew asks.

"We're good. He's kinda the best" I shrug.

"Are you guys serious" he asks.

"Yeah, I'd like to think so. But we're taking things slow. He had a unpredictable job, I have a unpredictable job. We're not going to force anything, but we're in love. We just want to be there for each other as much as possible" I admit.

"You guys are so cute. What happens when you're touring and he's playing hockey" Emily asks.

"We'll figure it out. We won't hold each other back, we're going to encourage and help each other. No matter what" I claim.

"No wonder her songwriting has been great lately. She's love sick" Viv claims.

"Maybe I am" I tease.

Around midnight everyone leaves and I clean up all the paper that we threw away of ideas and empty pudding cups. There's a knock on my door and I look down at my watch, it was 1 am, why would anyone be here? Maybe someone forgot something, I end up with someone's phone after almost every meeting. I open the door and met with my curly haired boyfriend with a bottle of sparkling grape juice and the movie Bridesmaids.

"Sleepoverrrrrr" he yells walking in. What an oddball this one is. I close the door behind him and shake my head as he makes himself right at home. He kicks off his shoes and heads to the kitchen for two wine glasses. He puts the movie in the DVD player and jumps on the couch not spilling the drink. Precious jumps up and curls up next to him as he pours us a glass of the liquid.

"Are you coming or is Precious going to help me with this bottle" he asks. Apparently I'm the only one finding this funny. I sit next to him and take the wine glass from him before taking a sip.

"So how was your day? How was your band meeting" he asks.

"It was good. We got our songs picked out and now we're just arranging really. How was your day" I ask.

"Good. I worked out, did some promo for the Hawks, saw my favorite thing in Chicago" he says.

"And what would that be" I wonder playing then movie.

"You yah goofball" he nudges me.

"Ohhhh" I laugh along. We end up staying up late and finishing the whole bottle of sparkling grape juice. I went pee about ten times but still had enough time with Patrick so that made me happy.

I ended up laying on the couch and Patrick laying on top of me. He rests his head on my chest and I run my hands through his insanely curly hair. He listens to my heart beat with his arms wrapped around me tightly. I kiss the top of his head and he lets out a moan.

"What" I giggle.

"I just really love you" he says.

"I love you too" I admit.

"I don't think you understand how much I love you" he claims.

"How much do you love me" I ask.

"I love you more than I've loved anything before. Before you I didn't have a reason to do a lot of things. But now every time I pass flowers I want to pick them for you, if I hear music I wonder what it would be like if it was you singing it to me. My whole world quickly revolved around you and I was so scared at first. I was so used to being in control and you suddenly started steering me. But you're taking me on this wonderful trip and every day I'm so thankful I can see you" he says. I look down and see him look up at me. I kiss his nose as he smiles.

"My face is in your boobs" he laughs and I roll my eyes.

"You're such a mess" I remind him.

"I know" he smirks. He crawls up to me and starts to kiss me. My fingers get tied up in his hair as he hovers on top of me. He moves some hair out of my face as he lifts me up with my lips still connected to him. He takes off my shirt and I take off his. He leaves a trail of kisses down my chest to my belly button. He runs is fingers along my waistband before pulling off my shorts. He crawls back up before grabbing my face and kissing me passionately. I wrap my hands around his back and dig my nails in to his back.

"You are so... beautiful" he whispers in my ear. His hands start to wonder as every inch of my body was soon discovered by him. I reach up and slip off my bra and he takes his pants off leaving us both in our underwear. He moves his hand to my in ear thigh and I jump a little.

"Are you a virgin" he asks.

"It's been a while" I admit.

"I'll be carful, I promise" he says. I look down at my ring and smile, he's pretty good with his promises.

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