Chapter Thirty Six- Don't You

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"Okay Lizzie, that sounded great. Take ten then we'll start on the next song" the producer announces and I nod. I take off the headphones and step out of the recording studio for a drink.

I walk into our practice room and see a vase of flowers and a stuffed monkey because they were my favorite. I sit down and smile at my name written in cursive on a card in the flowers. I pick up the card and see Patrick's signature on the back of it. I take a good long sniff of the flowers and let out a long breath. How lucky am I? I take a picture of the gifts and decided to put it up on my instagram.

@LizzieStar: Long days in the dark studio are brighter when you got a man like mine. Thanks for the love and admiration. Couldn't do this without you Patty Cakes! I love you so much ❤️

I tuck my phone away and relax on the couch trying not to talk so I could rest my voice. Eventually Vivian and one of the backup singers Allison comes in and keeps me company. We play uno and mess around for a while before I had to go back into the booth.

I slip on my headphones and listen through the track a few times familiarizing myself with the song.

"You think you can do this in one take" the producer asks.

"Challenge accepted" I smirk. He plays the track and I close my eyes. I pull my curly hair out of the way and get ready to attack this.

"You think you're smooth don't you?
You think you're cool don't you?
You think you got it all figured out and I don't have the slightest clue, don't you?
You think I'm a fool don't you?
You think I sit and drool don't you?
You think that you rule my whole life and I listen to you ridicule, don't you?

But I got something to tell you boy,
You aren't going to play with my heart like a toy.
I might be from Illinois,
But girls like me weren't built to be destroyed.

You think you're smart don't you?
You think you can play with my heart don't you?
You think you will do whatever then dart, just to pull me apart, then leave don't you?
You think you can take part don't you?
You think I'll break then restart don't you?
You think I'm weak and won't know when to part, forget that you broke my heart then forgive on the spot don't you?

Let me tell you something about me,
I'm not a girl you can play with then leave.
I got heart I got smarts so don't even start
I got things that your eyes won't even believe.
Don't think I'm some wannabe,
Because I'm as real as one girl can be.
With one word I'll have you down on your knees,
Make you follow my lead,
Ask your boys they'll agree.

You think you're cute don't you?
You think I won't see through don't you?
You think I just sit and be mute let you play around and shoot with you're group don't you?

But it's my pleasure to tell you,
I'm not the one to be screwed.
You might think you're all that but I know for a fact that your mind is all wack and you know it too, don't you?"

The track plays out and I jam out the last few seconds before it ends. I look out the glass and see the producer with a huge smile on his face. The track ends and he presses a few buttons.

"You never cease to amaze me Miss. Star. You're talents grow every day. The greatest in the business couldn't even get a song this layered perfectly on their first try and sound like that. Nice job, we're don't recording for the day" he announces. I feel a blush form as I thank him and take off the headset. I walk out and into the practice room. We just finished Don't You so it was time to start on the next song. We sit in a circle and spit fire ideas. We were all so different, I liked the love songs, Viv wrote Don't You and loved the empowering and break up songs. Allison was great with the dance tracks and Kurt loved the whole pre game songs. We all had so many ideas so this 17 track album was perfect for us. We had about five songs down and two of the songs were going to be covers so we had 10 more songs to write and record before the end of the year.

"Okay, so we have This City, Don't You, Recipe For Love, and Those Who Matter Won't Mind" Kurt announces.

"Why don't we make a cool pump up song to sing at the Winter Classic" Andrew suggests.

"I'm down. You have any lyrics or any ideas" I wonder.

"We can do about missing 100% of the shots you don't take, you know like the Wayne Gretzky quote. Something like that" he shrugs.

"I like that. Lets do some jam sessions and see what we get" I suggest. We have a good song writing session and leave pretty satisfied. I get home and find Patrick chilling with Precious on the couch. They were watching Entertainment Tonight and I see my face on the screen. That still freaks me out.

"What on earth are you watching" I ask sitting myself in his lap and trying to see what they were saying about me.

"ET, they're doing a segment on new artists, you'll never guess who is in the top spot" he says poking my side.

"Is it you" I tease.

"In the NHL... yes. In music, absolutely not" he laughs. I turn to the tv and they show videos of us back at the bar, not even a full year ago we were just some cover band. Now look at us.

"And they're all led by the beautiful singer songwriter Elizabeth Star. From humble beginnings to the big times she will be one of the most grounded and most adorable people you will ever meet. Her hair is larger than life and with her love for music she is stealing the hearts of boys and girls of all ages. Her voice as incredible as Mariah Carey and as powerful as Whitney Houston. Her and her band are taking the world by storm. Their first EP sold millions world wide and the music videos already almost to a hundred million views. It looks like America has gotten another Sweetheart and this one is just getting started" they say. Patrick turns to me with the brightest smile and starts poking my side again.

"I'm so proud of you" he says before kissing my cheek.

"Thanks. And thank you for the gifts, they were so cute" I reply.

"Only the best for the best" he claims. He pulls me down so I was laying in his lap and he runs his hands through my hair.

"So what are your plans now that you're taking over the world" he asks.

"I want to give back to my adopted parents, get them new machines and some animals for the farm. I want to find my real parents. I don't think my dad knows I'm alive, but I want to get that figured out. I want to start a charity for kids in Chicago, this is my home and there are terrible things happening here. I would be a ass hole to pretend like just because my dreams are coming true that there still aren't problems. I want to help any way I can. They keep sending me money and I don't want it. I want change, I want to make music, I want you" I say rubbing his arm.

"I love you so much, you know that right" he asks.

"I do" I smile.

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