Chapter Six- Not Like the Others

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"Where have you been the past two days" Jon asks as we head to a charity event for the Hawks. With the shortened summer and all the organization took this and a sign to make me and Jon run around town doing promo things. As of right now it was too early and I was in no mood for his shit right now, best friends or not.

"I had a little... bump in the road. But I'm fine thanks so much for asking. So just forgot it" I mumble.

"I can't just forget it. Even though the season is over I'm still responsible for you. It's been like that since 2009 and it's not going to change this summer. What you do effects me and the team and we can't have any more mess ups. So let me ask you again... where have you been" he asks.

"I got really drunk the other night so I was sleeping it off" I reply quickly. Not entirely true, but not a lie either.

"Please don't tell me you got a girl pregnant. No videos I have to get taken down or anything" he whines.

"Jeeze dude, have a little faith in me. I didn't have any sex and no videos that I'm aware of" I defend.

"Really? Doesn't sound like you" he says.

"This drunk experience isn't like all the others. No random girls leaving the apartment or weird charges to my card. No videos on my phone or unusual scrapes and bruises. This one actually has a happy ending" I admit.

"Did you just admit that you have.... feelings. WAIT, that means only two things. Either your family is in town or you talked to that singer girl" he gasps. He looks around looking for my family but as far as I knew they were back home in Buffalo.

"I don't see the Kane's so that means you were with the girl" he accuses pointing a finger at me. I involuntarily smile because I couldn't help it. Every time I thought of her soft touch and crazy body I just want to fall to my knees. I knew I had it bad but now that I know she was interested too, I didn't even care.

"Ohhh Kaner did you get you some" he asks poking my side.

"I told you I didn't have sex. In fact I acted like a complete fool, threw up on myself, said some sober thoughts through drunk slurs, and she ended up letting me crash on her couch so I wouldn't do anything stupid. She took care of me and treated my hangover while looking like a angel the whole time. She was so freaking smart, I mean for all of my problems she had a answer. I thought I was still dreaming a lot of the time. Then one thing led to another and she agreed to going out with me" I shrug. He punches my shoulder hard and I let out a groan.

"Dude that's amazing why the hell have you been hiding" he asks.

"Because I'm still hung over. Plus I don't even know where to start with this girl. Besides music I'm not sure what she would like. Would she like to go to dinner or a movie or something more causal" I brainstorm.

"You were in her house, use something from there to help you. What do you remember" he asks.

"She has a dog" I recall.

"Okay Romeo, try finding a meaning instead of simply stating facts" he scoffs. Looks like I have Captain Sassypants with me today. But I do remember looking at a picture of her on a horse sitting on the island and a lightbulb goes off.

"She likes horseback riding. There's some trails not too far from here that I can take her to. That could be cool" I shrug.

"That's more like it. I knew you had it in you" he smirks. Suuuure.

We give speeches at a school and play some floor hockey in the gym. My team smokes Jonnys team earning them all a free book which was awesome. We sign some things and chill with the kids for a little before letting them go back to learning.

I drive back home and chill for a little procrastinating calling Elizabeth. After a while I finally call her and she answers quickly.

"Hey" she says with that crazy soft voice and I melt into the couch.

"Hey, I was wondering what you were doing Friday" I ask.

"Ummm as of right now nothing" she claims.

"Sweet. I was wondering if it would be cool if... I don't know, I could maybe take you horse back riding or something" I ask, my nervousness showing.

"I would love that. I haven't been in so long, that would be cool" she admits.

"Awesome. I could pick you up at noon before spending the afternoon out there riding then grab something to eat afterwards" I suggest.

"Sounds like a date" she says causing me to smile.

"Alright, well I'll let you go. It was great hearing from you" I say.

"You too. Have a good night Patrick" she replies. We hang up and I let out a long sigh. I know she's probably the coolest and most chill person ever but I was so nervous. I couldn't help it. I was intimidated and I wasn't used to it. But she was more than worth it and now we have a date set up.

I pick out a pair of jeans and a American flag tank top and decide it will do. But during my preparation I realized one minor flaw in my otherwise perfect plan. I have never ridden a horse before...

Rising Star (Patrick Kane)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant